All people really want from her is an apology and for her to state that she believes and supports his victims. They’re not asking for her head... yet.
Release an eloquent statement that apologizes, rebukes R Kelly, and sides with that monster’s victims. No excuses in the statement, no “I was in a bad place” blah blah. Flat out state that she regrets it and believes his victims.
Pull the song from all platforms.
Donate to a related, worthy organization.
This will not only clear the issue surrounding her PR wise, it will also solidify her own claims that she is a supporter and advocate of those who have suffered from similar abuses.
I can’t wrap my head around her silence and I want to come up with something to explain it, because I don’t for a moment believe she is some kind of monster who doesn’t believe these women and is afraid of saying something because of “Oscar chances”. She has a conscious, she has morals, and now is not the damn time to be silent.