Lady Gaga - A Star Is Born

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It was a baffling decision to use R Kelly at the time...and Terry. It’s my favourite Gags song and unfortunately his verse is fire. But now it needs to be erased. If Kate Bush can remove Rolf Harris from vinyl pressings of her early 00s album, Gagas team can pull the Kelly version from ITunes and Spotify and replace it with the Xtina one. That would be the very least. She might not be able to comment for whatever reason but actions speak louder than words.
I find that whole stan article ridiculous.
She’s the one being called on it right now because the timing is unfortunate. She’s the girl of the hour due to the film and awards season just as the doc airs. I don’t think it would feel as pressing otherwise.
I honestly don't see them pulling/changing the song file. It would be nice, maybe even to put the solo version up in its place. This may be a stupid thought, but couldn't there be potential legalities preventing that?

Regardless, it definitely feels like no one wanting to stir the pot. The story isn't that big, and making a comment (in their eyes) is probably just bringing more attention and headlines to it.
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I don’t think it would feel as pressing otherwise.

I don't know. She's always willingly positioned herself as an advocate for women's rights and supported survivors of sexual violence. Her silence on this is extremely jarring because it contradicts something that has always been central to her entire shtick - she cares about people, vulnerable people, and she will use her voice to help them.
I don't know. She's always willingly positioned herself as an advocate for women's rights and supported survivors of sexual violence. Her silence on this is extremely jarring because it contradicts something that has always been central to her entire shtick - she cares about people, vulnerable people, and she will use her voice to help them.
She was not herself though. I don’t know’s confusing and I’m not making any excuses but I trust the woman, I just think it was a severe lack of judgement, thought. It’s a lot but Mariah and countless others have worked with him since.
I don't know. She's always willingly positioned herself as an advocate for women's rights and supported survivors of sexual violence. Her silence on this is extremely jarring because it contradicts something that has always been central to her entire shtick - she cares about people, vulnerable people, and she will use her voice to help them.

And if she doesn’t say anything soon there best not be a damn person here defending her when she’s accused of wallowing in white feminism and being called out for her lack of caring about the intersectionality of the issues when it comes to things like sexual assault and abuse. While I don’t think she’s that type of person you can’t blame others for questioning her silence when these are valid issues.
She’s probably going to have to have something prepared to say. She’s in red carpet season with microphones being pointed at her mouth every five minutes, someone is bound to pounce at some point and that’s the real danger in this situation. I imagine they might be cautious about issuing a statement first because that will inevitably lead to being asked about it and more questions etc. It’s probably a case of being prepared at this point. Whether that’s the right or wrong approach I don’t know.
I definitely take back and regret defending her in the Nicki thread when I mentioned how she didn’t rub R Kelly in our faces like Nicki had been doing with 69. However, recent posts of hers resurfacing prove that wasn’t necessarily the case. I forgot how hard she was pushing that damn song and R Kelly himself on us, not only promoting the man’s music and albums, but mocking the media for being grossed out by how sexual their performances together were. This is the real moment where she needs to step up and take action.
Would this hurt her chances of winning Original Song for the Oscar?

I’m sorry but screw an Oscar. Its just an award. She needs to speak up on her hypocrisy, acknowledge her mistake, grow from it and support those innocent troubled girls. If she can put on her wonder woman cape for Kesha then she can certainly do the same for his victims. I love her a lot but she needs to finally address this or else I’ll be disappointed with her.
All people really want from her is an apology and for her to state that she believes and supports his victims. They’re not asking for her head... yet.

Release an eloquent statement that apologizes, rebukes R Kelly, and sides with that monster’s victims. No excuses in the statement, no “I was in a bad place” blah blah. Flat out state that she regrets it and believes his victims.

Pull the song from all platforms.

Donate to a related, worthy organization.

This will not only clear the issue surrounding her PR wise, it will also solidify her own claims that she is a supporter and advocate of those who have suffered from similar abuses.

I can’t wrap my head around her silence and I want to come up with something to explain it, because I don’t for a moment believe she is some kind of monster who doesn’t believe these women and is afraid of saying something because of “Oscar chances”. She has a conscious, she has morals, and now is not the damn time to be silent.
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