Lady Gaga - A Star Is Born

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Like mindtrappa said, saying SHE KNEW is not the damning smoking gun people think it is when they hit post reply. We all know she knew, that's literally part of why she pursued him. She apologized, she did everything she could to make up for her mistake, let's stop looking for ways to throw rocks at her.
I've had two friends message me after Xtina's tweets and regardless of my own status as a full fledged stan of both, I do hope there is a way around the writing credits (i.e they were vanity) because it would almost feel like a way of reclaiming the lyrics and sentiment that this version survives. I hope I'm not oversimplifying things, just had two lengthy discussions with said friends about the situation (one is a social worker with significant trauma in her own life) and it has me feeling some type of way.
So your suggestion is accept her apology, just feel bad about it?

No, I'm suggesting we don't run ourselves ragged and compromise our character trying to generate defenses and excuses for artists just because we've been told to tie our sense of self-worth up in the heavy branding, image and art they've sold us. Especially since at the end of the day, these rich folks aren't really accountable to us anyway. What Gaga could or couldn't do to make me believe she is genuine here is irrelevant since I don't write or sign her checks. You of course are free to do whatever you like, I just hope it won't be spending time trying to convince people they have no right to feel the way they do about her enabling multiple predators.
The complete ostracization of R Kelly from the industry matters much more than the minuscule amount of coin he’ll make from a writing credit on a Gaga song buried under her singles section.

In the long run I think the gesture of removing the main version matters much more than the actual money he’d still make from it. He’s gonna be drowning in legal bills for the rest of his life anyway.
Is the Xtina version going to stay up because maybe Gaga's team & label team have forgotten that he has credits on it?
Which, is so silly when he didn't contribute to anything on that collab's writing, but.
Is the Xtina version going to stay up because maybe Gaga's team & label team have forgotten that he has credits on it?
Which, is so silly when he didn't contribute to anything on that collab's writing, but.

It’s possible @Drew is right and some intern just copied the metadata over without double checking, but I guess we’ll never know for sure.
It's a great apology and she takes ownership of the situation. It happened, and all she can do is explain why it happened and admit her faults. The fact that the song is being scrubbed from digital stores (minus the Xtina remix) is a move that really shows her sincerity.
You really think she's removing the song off sincerity considering it wasn't removed until after the media caught on to all this?
Some of y'all are tying yourselves in knots trying to overanalyze her "real intentions". Believe it or not, celebrities are still people (like...real people, not lizard people) and not everything has to have seventy thousand layers of ulterior motives.

Sometimes a chair is literally just a chair. She's done what she can and from the looks of it has every intention of keeping her word (in her statement she flat out says "I can't change the past but I can try to make things right going forward"), so I don't really know what else people expect.
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