Lady Gaga - A Star Is Born

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The fact of the matter is, there was no proper time for Gaga to do this apology without being seen as oppertunistic. She always has a new project, a new award buzz, something exciting upcoming. So really now was the best time because it helps to lift up and support these women coming forward. She isn't making it about her or bringing the attention to her. She's merely stating she supports these women and apologizes for not being in a great place in her life when she had the twisted idea to work with someone who was controversial and linked with allegations of sexual assault, when she herself is a victim of sexual assault. But since then, has taken the time to go to therapy and better her mindset and now she is here today, supporting those women by saying that working with him wasn't right AND she's removing the songs.

I don't know what more one could possibly want unless you expect her to build a time machine and stop herself from making the song to begin with. The song was made, We're in 2019, She either apologized or didn't. And she chose to. So good on her. Now more focus should be able to be put back on the victims because this isn't about Gaga. She had a small part to play in R Kelly's career.
Why don't you starting worry more about whether R Kelly will be brought to justice and his victims provided with even a sliver of peace.
Oh, for sure. And I've done so. Watched the entire series, as well as donated. But this shouldn't be a weapon used to deflect from Gaga's actions.
Oh, for sure. And I've done so. Watched the entire series, as well as donated. But this shouldn't be a weapon used to deflect from Gaga's actions.
Nobody is deflecting anything? We all have said many times what a mistake it was for her to have anything to do with him in the first place and that hasn't magically changed because she apologized, but at least she's doing what she can now and eloquently apologizing + trying to make things right as best she can, rather than saying nothing and waiting for it to blow over or getting defensive.

As has been pointed out, she literally says in her statement that she can't change the past, but can course-correct going forward - and she's doing that. I seriously don't know what more you want her to do, short of calling up Doc Brown and going back in time.
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I must admit, I don't really know who R. Kelly has collaborated with over the years. Does Lady Gaga set a precedent now and will more artists follow her lead?
I do remember when the song was released that many many people found it controversial. I wasn't really aware of the seriousness and the extensiveness of the allegations against him at the time but I had been aware for years of the dark rumours that surrounded him.
I'm just curious, when did all these allegations come to light? Was it all at once or was it gradual. Do we think Britney will pull 'Outrageous'? Or was that song well before the allegations about his crimes became public?
Gaga can't go back in time, she's acknowledged a mistake, tried to openly and honestly explain her mentality at the time which led to her working with him and has taken the appropriate course of action. She's to be commended. She's done a hell of a lot more than other artists.


Speaking of, I always thought Do What U Want would have sounded perfect with / for him (Michael), in his voice. Something about the chorus melody, and the lyrics too.
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I feel like she never gave a shit about that collab anyway. She did everything short of paying it dust and hasn’t revisited it since.

I like to think she resents it because of what it did to Venus. Tehe.
The internet is so weird. Instead of crucifying Gaga for something she clearly regrets, why don’t they come for someone like Dr. Luke who wrote and produced a song for R. Kelly in 2015 in the midst of his Kesha’s lawsuit. That’s vile. It’s a song released in 2012, with a cancelled video and an artist with a history for standing up against weirdos like R Kelly.
The internet is so weird. Instead of crucifying Gaga for something she clearly regrets, why don’t they come for someone like Dr. Luke who wrote and produced a song for R. Kelly in 2015 in the midst of his Kesha’s lawsuit. That’s vile. It’s a song released in 2012, with a cancelled video and an artist with a history for standing up against weirdos like R Kelly.

Posts like this are... odd. Same with the ones that suggest "why not go after Chris Brown!?".

Do y'all think.... there are people who take issue with R. Kelly being a sexual predator but who enjoy Chris Brown and Dr. Luke? The people wanting to hold Gaga accountable very likely largely don't consume Dr. Luke or Chris Brown's music to begin with.
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