Lady Gaga - "Abracadabra" + Mayhem (Mar 7)

I'm not sure I actually realised Disease had bombed this hard. 27 in the US, 39 in Aus, 70 in Germany... still sub-100m streams. Dua's third single (also labelled a mild flop) did better...

Really hoping they have a hit waiting in the wings. Whatever's next has gotta connect a lot more immediately.
Was expecting her to stick to her guns, I'd imagine Die With A Smile won't make the vinyl pressing. She seems very moved by the success of it and it's become a staple ballad, so I'm not all that bothered by it being on the album.

But knowing it will be billed as a lead single while being promoted as stand-alone feels weird, especially with Disease being handled so weirdly. It was a great lead single choice.
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Nawt "Chaos" becoming the new "100 people in a room" the way she's hammering it in the press. At this point, I'll be screaming if it isn't involved somehow. Actress-ga jumped out in promo-mode and said "I need them to get the message that the music will be absolute chaos, so I'll tell them in the most blatant, uniform, and streamline way possible." At least we know she's passionate about it if she's beating it into our skulls like this, and Disease is fantastic and up there with 911 and the best moments of Chromega for me , and the idea of her working with Gessaffelstien is beyond appitizing, so I'm happily seated. Never change Italian Mommie. <3
"Die With A Smile" is the only time I've felt indifferent to a Gaga song. Nothing about it sticks in my head. I also just can't shake that cringe article about John Janick hearing the song for the first time and his first thought being... TikTok and Instagram reels. Gross. But I realize they need this comeback to look good after the Joker flop and "Disease" underperforming, so whatever works I guess!
"Die With A Smile" is the only time I've felt indifferent to a Gaga song. Nothing about it sticks in my head. I also just can't shake that cringe article about John Janick hearing the song for the first time and his first thought being... TikTok and Instagram reels. Gross. But I realize they need this comeback to look good after the Joker flop and "Disease" underperforming, so whatever works I guess!

Hold My Hand is right there tho.
I'm not surprised with Die with a Smile, but i could see it being a bonus track or something, similar to HAIM's Now I'm In It. I am excited to hear what she has in store re: Gesaffelstein and DJs.
Die With A Smile is fine but I can't imagine it will fit the rest of the album? And Gaga introduced it as not being a part of LG7 but I guess it's an easy business move to tack it on. Hopefully it will be labelled as a bonus track or something.

I'm still utterly obsessed with Disease, I know it might have not smashed easily but it deserved so much better. An actual live performance of it would have gone off.
Did they ever actually say Die wouldn't be on the album? I feel like they refused to call it the LG7 lead because they knew Joker/LG6.5 were coming and that Little Monsters would go fucking berserk. As soon as it smashed, it was a shoe-in, whether it's tacked on the end or not.
Did they ever actually say Die wouldn't be on the album? I feel like they refused to call it the LG7 lead because they knew Joker/LG6.5 were coming and that Little Monsters would go fucking berserk. As soon as it smashed, it was a shoe-in, whether it's tacked on the end or not.

Not explicitly, but she did say "While you wait for LG7" when announcing it which kind of implied that it was a side thing. And Gaga hasn't historically been the type to tack on a song that isn't an actual part of the rest of the body of work. But I guess she hasn't ever been in a situation like this before and they didn't know it would smash the way it did.

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