Lana Del Rey - Born To Die

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The demo of Yayo is better, but I still don't see what the fuss is about it. It goes for the subtle moody vibe, but it really just makes me want to listen to Pawn Shop Blues.

The EP is quite amazing as expected; I was not expecting the amazingness that is American! Cola goes from very good to outstanding by the end of it, and while I'm always wary of covers, Blue Velvet is beautiful. Stanning for this woman is just infinitely rewarding.

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Yayo is the best track by far for me... it's very Twin Peaks.

Same for me, best track by far, with Ride. At first, it seems to lack direction and consistency and then it's pure bliss, pure immaterial bliss.

Besides, it's very pleasant to hear Lana Del Rey singing without the big "background" music she has on almost her songs.
I just got back from the record store after class, and I'm starting to listen.

Also, I found out the record store was giving a free 7 inch "Ride" vinyl along with the purchase!

It has Lana holding the flag in her "Buttweiser" shirt on the cover. It's so pretty that I'm putting it on my wall like a poster. Awesome!
The boxset is gorgeous, isn't it?

I'm really loving Ride at the moment now I've been able to import it from the CD. The iTunes single sounded really bad quality wise and distracted me too much from the song.
Cola is the next single, what a pleasant surprise!

'My pussy tastes like Pepsi cola' will become the new mantra of a generation.

Seriously though, Cola is without a doubt my favorite on Paradise. So glad it's getting the single treatment.

Here are the receipts.

I also think it goes without saying that Pepsi better make an appearance in the video.
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Finally listened to this, and it's upsettingly bad. I'm so disappointed. I really, really love Lana, and Ride has really been doing it for me, but the EP is dull as fuck. American is quite good but nothing new, and both Cola and Bel Air do a few interesting things but just aren't quite there. Beyond that, its just slack jaw and boring. Nothing moved me at all.

Really sad to have to say that.
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The worst thing about it I can say is that it sounds a bit same-y. Which is both a good thing (since it creates this hypnotic Lana-World with its own limited vocabulary and repeated motifs) but also means there isn't much variety. I prefer the main Born To Die album, but it's lovely listening.
Finally listened to this, and it's upsettingly bad. I'm so disappointed. I really, really love Lana, and Ride has really been doing it for me, but the EP is dull as fuck. American is quite good but nothing new, and both Cola and Bel Air do a few interesting things but just aren't quite there. Beyond that, its just slack jaw and boring. Nothing moved me at all.

Really sad to have to say that.

It's really the opposite for me - outside of the "holy trinity", as Lana has taken to calling it, I found the majority of Born To Die to be a contrived, embarrassing mess. The Paradise EP, on the other hand, sounds a lot more honest and emotional to these ears.
I'm on my second listen, up to Blue Velvet, and it's not jumping out at me. I'm really disappointed with Body Electric, I thought it sounded fantastic performed live.
I was disappointed with Body Electric too because it sounded so amazing live but recorded it's lost all it's oomph and is annoyingly repetitive.

I do agree with the poster who said it's very same-y but I still like Paradise. American is today's favourite.
Yeah Body Electric live is better & old Yayo is better than the new version, these are my minimal complains.
Ride, Gods & Monsters are two of the best tracks I´ve heard this year.
I agree about Yayo too. The production makes it seem monotonous and it could benefit from being a minute or so shorter. Despite the original actually being 25 seconds longer, it doesn't seem to drag on the same.

Gods & Monsters, American and Ride are my favourites. I love Blue Velvet too (the way she sings "And I still can see blue velvet through my tears" gets me every time) but it's so out of place. Cola would be on my favourites list if it wasn't for that line. Burning Desire is, was and will remain until approximately the end of time shit.

ETA: I don't care much for live albums but I wish she'd release one, if just for HQ Body Electric. I'm never going to go and see her live and LQ YouTube video's just aren't enough.
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I held off from listening to the Yayo demo until after the album version, and I actually prefer the album version. I agree that it is more monotonous, but there's something more calm and dark about it. It's like the soundtrack to a late night at home with your lover watching TV, or playing video games...
I don't want to ruin the song for anyone, but why does the part in 'Lucky Ones' 0:28 - 0:42. remind me of some Paris Hilton song from years ago. When I listen to Lucky Ones it just annoys me because I can't think of the song!
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