I'm sorry but those ballad snippets are killing me, I need them in full.
I have only liked one ballad from Leona since Echo and that was Your Hallelujah, every other one has been poor imo, which was terrible as that is what made me a fan of Leona, but You Knew Me When, Thank You, Thick Skin and The Best and The Worst all sound brilliant and I think those will be my favourite tracks from the album.
If I were to pick the next 3 singles, I'd go with,
1. I Got You (With lots of TV promo, ideally X Factor)
2. You Knew Me When (Chat shows, morning shows, perfect for the Xmas market)
3. Another Love Song (Kick things back into gear in the new year)
And if we are lucky enough, wrap things up with Thank You as the final single, though that would be a lot of singles, so I imagine it's doubtful.