My Score: 5
(@japanbonustrack: 10) HIGHEST V. LOWEST (@happiestgirl, @HappyBirthday: 2)
What your Pokedex won’t tell you is that Raichus love harps. Harps are our shit. So I should adore this song. The instrumental is
lush, with big tribal-sounding drums and an admittedly repetitive harp phrase combining to give the music a kind of ancient beauty. And I love how the song sounds like malfunctioning machinery at the beginning. Very cool. But the top-line vocal bits are
tedious, distracting, and frankly boring, essentially wasting the song’s potential. The final nail in the coffin is all that dead space at the end. Is there any way I can get a condescended vocal-free version of this? Without the vocals, I think this would have made a sweet instrumental closer.
happiestgirl, one of the song’s lowest scorers, gives a description that is 1000% accurate, but I highkey wish she would have never said it: “God this feels like some alien is rummaging around in my brain.” I don’t feel like I can ever listen to this song again.
constantino (4) probably won’t be listening again anytime soon due to the outro: “The weakest song on the EP, and possibly one of my least favourite Grimes tracks overall. The outro is excruciating.” Meanwhile, Hedra is giving
Trouble in Paradise (5) some bad D: “I fear my use of the word on this forum but this song has always given me “dirge” teas. Literally the end is just that muted beat that feels like a march to the cemetery in the rain.” That sounds kind of amazing though?
caladan (7) is lukewarm: “It sounds like a chant. I like it but not that much.” Like Yours Truly,
Satyress (8) appreciates the “Great instrumental,” beautiful instrumental.
Cutlery (2.5) has a…strained relationship with this song: “One of the worst things she's ever put out (officially) that never fails to make me irritated with its unnecessary existence on the rare occasion I don't skip it. Doesn't help that the outro is ETERNAL and pointless, what's good? Not this track, that's for sure.”
Earth Intruders (7.5) realizes that it's polarizing, but think its succeeds all the same: "Probably not going to be a popular choice but this is one of her most successful experimental songs to me."
We’ll let
Xanax (7) give the eulogy: "Angelic. Its like a small symphony that starts bleeding into this very open, ethereal…calming instrumental which then repeats over and over again. Like a meditation."
YouTube Comments Section
OLLI OLLI D. AYE: i would give anything for a full length version of the first 23 seconds
Cesar in Orion: great band
Amauri Da Silva: Genial