My Score: 8
(@japanbonustrack, @Remorque: 10) HIGHEST V. LOWEST (@Trouble in Paradise, @happiestgirl: 2)
So lemme just get my World Princess Part II comparison out the way. I do prefer the sequel and think this song’s connection to Part II probably both helped and hurt its ranking: people like me probably embraced it more because it’s loosely associated with WPII whereas others might have thought, “WTF? This is so much worse.” It
is worse, but I think it has plenty of its own merits and it’s my biggest loss so far. So what are those merits? First of all, it’s one of the most unique songs in her discography, for better or worse. I am so intrigued by the constantly shifting
wall of vocals and how they are set atop the most minimal of beats. I’ve always been a sucker for songs in which the instrumental is mostly built out of vocals (one of my favorite songs is Imogen Heap’s “Hide and Seek”), so the song appeals to my tastes in that sense. Also? This shit is emotionally
dynamic: there’s a strong undercurrent of darkness and sadness, especially with those weird insect sounds that pervade the track and the devastating subject matter, but it’s also heavenly and ethereal. I’m not sure whether to feel sad or content while listening to it and I
love that emotional ambiguity. So while I’m not going to pretend this is an easy song to get into, I think it’s the third best song on
Halfaxa and something of a discography highlight.
Let’s start with all the inevitable (but understandable) comparisons to Part II:
“I wonder how she got from this to part 2? Whatever it was I'm glad she progressed.”---
Untouchable Ace (3.5).
“It’s no World Princess Part 2, is it?”---
Mirwais Ahmadzai (6.5).
“Obviously, part 2 is FAR superior, but this is a lovely cut and a prelude for the excellence that’s to come.”---
constantino (7.5).
“I prefer the Part II but this one is still enjoyable.”---
caladan (8).
And then there’s this bit of
Earth Intruders (8) commentary, which seems to compare it to Part II but also seems to
not compare it to Part II. You can be the judge: “RIP to the people that listened to this after part 2.”
In contrast,
Cutlery (9) resists comparisons: “I feel like it might be easy to dismiss this sorrowful number by drawing unneeded comparisons to its Art Angels successor. Regardless, the restless repetition of the few lyrics it contains accurately expresses the grief Claire experienced for this person and which we can all sympathize with from personal experience. Sometimes, especially when I'm feeling down, this is a difficult listen. But ultimately doing so helps making me feel better.” For
Xanax (9.5), the song is sad but wonderfully so: “Depressing. But in the best way possible.” The main emotion that
Trouble in Paradise (2) is feeling is boredom: “I feel like I’m a pretty big fan of weird Grimes but this song just feels aimless to me. I think I just don’t like Grimes songs with princess in the title.” Start getting yourself outfitted with armor and grenades while you still have time. The girls will
come for you and I will help them.
happiestgirl (2), on the other hand, is probably safe because she only comes for part one: “All these songs blend in to each other with their weirdness.” To be fair, Grimes is kinda the Queen of Weird.
I think the song’s emotional resonance is a big part of the reason it works, but
Satyress (8), in two words, expresses what, in my view, is it’s primary strength: “Experimental and exciting.” And with that, we will send off this princess.
YouTube Comments Section
M Carter: stolen from 4chan /mu/: world princess is like dying, while world princess part ii is like being reborn
Onceuponascheme: Grimes seems a lot happier these days.