Deleted member 21339

Ugh y'all eliminated Know the Way too early. The Animal Crossing comparison is so true.

Grimes when making it / me listening to it:

Former member 21294

I dont know what it is with Medieval Warfare, i feel like i should like it more than i do but something about it feels very limp. It sounds like someone tried to do their best Grimes impression and failed to cover what made Grimes special.

So like, good riddance.


My Score: 8
(@caladan, @japanbonustrack: 10) HIGHEST V. LOWEST (@Untouchable Ace: 2.5)

Noooooooooo!!!!! @caladan was such an integral part of this rate, providing us with background information on songs as well as stanning Halfaxa, and y’all kicked him off the island. And you only gave him a 6.9! WTF? Lil’ Regina Georges running rampant, I guess. In all seriousness, Caladan is a seriously great opener. I could not think of a better way to begin the journey that is Grimes’s discography. And it really is a song of journeys, if I’ve ever heard one. I love the jangly, rusty feel of it. Combined that with the chant-like melody and it feels like some kind of ancient, legendary pilgrimage. Canterbury Tales could never. I’d go as far as to argue that this is her best opener. It sets the tone perfectly while being a great song in itself. Plus, I thank it for giving a good enough first impression that some of y’all actually dared to do this rate. Imagine if “Outer” or “Orphia” was our entryway into the Grimes experience. We’d probably be a voter pool of about five.

It even managed to pull in happiestgirl (7) who is not shy about hating “fetus Grimes,” as Sanctuary (6) so eloquently put it a page or so ago: “I love how creepy and mysterious and unfinished this sounds.” constantino (7.5) also digs the creepiness: “Such a haunting intro to her discography! To this day, the eery production still holds up!” Meanwhile, caladan (10) still spills the tea despite y’all’s tomfoolery and fuckery: “I got my username based on this fantastic song. The song is quite distorted and unusual but still melodic. By the way, Caladan is the home planet of the good guys (House Atreides) in the Dune universe. The bad guys are the House Harkonnen and their home planet is Giedi Prime. As you already guessed it, the album title is a pun.” Queen of Underrated Linguistic Devices! Trouble in Paradise (6.5), who has a sixth sense that allows him to feel a song’s texture, says, “This song has always felt so soft to me in a way I can’t really describe but really enjoy.” The song's so soft, he ain’t had nothing softer (though maybe he has had softer since he only gave it a 6.5). Despite being a respected producer, Mirwais Ahmadzai (7.5) doesn’t know his music theory: “A really nice album opener and introduction to Grimes. I don’t know anything about this kind of shit, but I feel like it’s sung in a minor key? Which I like the sound of…” It’s also a nice album opener for Remorque, but on his scale that only equates to a 6: “It's nice sounding, but that's about it, I'm afraid. A lovely moodpiece.” Xanax (7) sees it both a moodpiece and a thesis statement: “A very interesting opener to the album since it very much introduces the dichotomy of the albums sounds in such a smart way: by contrasting the very lo-fi, “brash“ instrumental in the very beginning with the clear instrumentation of the verses.” Cutlery (9) sees a similar dialectic at work: “An initially somber and very characteristically lo-fi opener with plenty of appeal. Claire brings out the poet in her to deliver a charming guitar, piano and subtle synth affair that perfectly sets the mood for GP.” Does that stand for Giedi Primes or the general public? I, for one, still think Caladan has the potential to be that surprise summer smash.

YouTube Comments Section

Bronlokis: a 2 minute and 28 second long orgasm ( ^ . ^ )

dead people: the start sounds like someone's dropped there chicken nuggets on a piano



My Score: 6
(@japanbonustrack, @Cutlery, @caladan, @Xanax: 10) HIGHEST V. LOWEST (@HappyBirthday: 4)

*sweats* Why am I suddenly feeling the need to frantically defend my score? And why do the highest scorers suddenly look like angry, salivating werewolves? I didn't know just how passionate some of y’all were about this one. To be fair, I might have underscored it a bit, but I don’t think by that much. Some aspects are brilliant: that intro where the synths instantly malfunction and crash over and over again, the generally crazy atmosphere, the uncharacteristically sweet bit where she sings “I was light and the sky/All bright at night (all the way),” which is possibly one of the most beautiful melody bits she has written. But for all that, the song as a whole is kind of a chore. It just lasts way too fucking long, to the point that I start to realize that it doesn’t really develop as much as it should even in spite of the kitchen sink production. I do appreciate Grimes’ immortalization of her cat though. When will your pets?

Cutlery (10) dedicates the beginning of his most recent novel to the feline in question: “Voignamir is such a legendary cat name, when will your fave? This mood piece goes quite into ambient territory, being enveloped in an aura of mystery throughout its very well used five minute run, while also keeping the electronics to a minimum and giving space for the diverse vocals to breathe. Somehow, the genius behind this masterpiece still manages to make it pop. My favorite thing is how the beat was reused in MSSTST, and the “I can't see waves on the radio” lyric was reused in Vanessa. A queen of REFERENCES teeb.” A “fuzzy dream/waiting and hesitating” tea. caladan (10) perhaps needs to update his eye-glasses prescription: “The blurry intro is about her cat Voignamir: "Say something for me, Voignamir." Weregild remains one of the highlights of the album. The song's title is about a restitution used in early germanic society.” Queen of educating her listeners. Mirwais Ahmadzai (7.5) and Trouble in Paradise (8) both love a witchy bop. Mirwais calls it, “Bewitching. The “I was blinded / The skies will brighten” melody is lovely” while Trouble in Paradise opines: “This is Grimes at her witchiest and I love it. There’s something transcendent when she gets all the pieces right in a song and this is one of the first in her discography that feels that way. Though that “And I hope/And I beg” keeps it from really reaching the upper echelon.” Elphaba and Sabrina the Teenage Witch found unemployed and destitute. Perhaps Earth Intruders (7.5) is also destitute because he begins by begging: “And I hope... and I beg... and I pray. At first I thought this was way too much but now I quite like it.” It seems to have been instant for constantino (8), who tells everybody to stream “I Am…Weregild Fierce” on their streaming app of choice: “This is fierce, I love the driving, nocturnal nymph quality this has. A standout on what is my least favourite album from her.” In a shocking turn of events, happiestgirl (5) is…lukewarm toward a Halfaxa song: "This isn't bad but way too long.”

I feel the same way about this write-up, so we’ll end with Xanax (10), who is living his best Weregild-life: “WHAT A SONG!!! The intro alone is worth 10 points. This is such an intense track. The beat, the witchy background noises, the vocal delivery…I could go on forever! Also this manages to follow a very clear structure yet it is so rich in its sonic palette and ideas.” Now excuse me while I run and hide.

YouTube Comments Section

Jo Jo: it's actually creepy when you are listening to this at 3 am while dancing and imagining some creatures dancing with you

Some Weirdo ;3: RIP Headphone users at the beggining

Scottish Scotman: it's about time cats get jobs?
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My Score: 7
(@japanbonustrack: 10) HIGHEST V. LOWEST (@Hurricane Drunk: 3)

We love those rare moments when the rate host’s score and the average line up exactly. We like this song too. It’s weirdly precious and saccharine for a Grimes song, but I’m quite seduced by its galactic nursery vibes. It kinda reminds me of “Dream World,” that Majical Cloudz song that y’all kicked out a while ago. I love the stream of dreamy guitar that cascades into the track toward the end and the melody is very soothing. Honestly, this song’s biggest flaw is just that it’s way too short. It feels like it ends just as it’s getting started.

happiestgirl (6) agrees: “'Sweet but too short!" So does Trouble in Paradise (7): “Beautiful but tragically short. Wish it had more time to bloom.” As does Cutlery (7), but he also takes some time to call out Claire’s self-plagiarism: “Angel: Evangelion is quaking. It's barely a song and pretty much amounts to just a glorified extended outro to Ambrosia (y'know, because the production is almost identical), but I nonetheless enjoy it! Fits its counterpart well.” Now that you mention it, it does sound very similar to Ambrosia. Our collective commentary is also sounding very similar because Mirwais Ahmadzai (8) comments short it is: “I wish this was a 3-minute song that was not a bonus track. However, as is, it’s great. Sonically I think it sounds quite different to most of Visions.” Perhaps you might say that it’s “lighter”?” constantino (8.5) would: “This is such a bright little ditty, I wish it was included to the standard edition, because it adds a lot of light to the tracklist.” caladan (9) breaks the commentary combos by saying: “I really like that guitar on Angel.” It really is the best part. For Xanax (8), the synths are best part, but he also loves it for its demoish ways: “The synth-melody of this song is the sweetest thing ever. It sounds more like a demo, which makes the whole track even more mysterious/magical to me.” Finally, HappyBirthday (4) takes us back to the beginning with another comment about length: “I didn’t even notice when it ended.” Hopefully y’all are entranced by my every word and thus won’t notice that this write-up is ending.


YouTube Commentary Section

Marijn Hulsewe: why am i crying at the club

Capgungoesbang: It's so fluffy ^_____^

Bad Reputation: new ringtone found

Cutlery (10) dedicates the beginning of his most recent novel to the feline in question: “Voignamir is such a legendary cat name, when will your fave?"
If you wonder how the famous Voignamir looked like, here it is next to Grimes:


This screenshot is from this awesome documentary which is essential watch for any real Grimes fan:

By the way, here's an interview where Grimes mentioned Weregild & Voignamir in a funny way (starting around 1:55):

There is also a song Voignamir made by Grimes & Devon Welsh of Majical Cloudz:

Such a nice and underrated song.
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My Score: 9
(@Raichu, @Cutlery, @caladan, @Remorque: 9) HIGHEST V. LOWEST (@HappyBirthday: 5)

Hello. My name is Raichu. I’m an “Avi” stan and this is my story…

My favorite band is The Cure and my favorite era of rock music is that 80s post-punk/new wave era that includes bands like New Order, Joy Division, Depeche Mode, etc. I just can’t get enough of the dark but lush textures. Post-punk/new wave gets the Raichus going. Anyway, I began my Grimes fanboy life as an Art Angels/Visions stan who enjoyed her fresh approach to pop music. Little did I know that Grimes could also occupy the post punk/new wave space I loved so much. UNTIL I LISTENED TO “AVI!” Holy shit! Who knew that that aesthetic and Grimes would go together so well? Honestly, peanut butter and jelly/Jack and Jill/Bonnie and Clyde all found rotting. Grimes/post punk-new wave is the true dynamic duo. The instrumental of this song is deliciously foreboding and the melodies are the absolute best on the entire album (and probably better than all the melodies on the next album as well). They’re nimble and dynamic and they do an excellent job of showing off her lower register. It’s like this this song was made specifically for my tastes. That being said, “Avi” is not quite a 10 because she’s definitely done better stuff over the years, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t fetus Grimes’s crown jewel.

I feel like nymphs have been making a lot of appearances in this rate’s commentary and they’re back again via Satyress (8): “Sounds like a nymph singing underwater. 'I won't take your breath away...Oh na na na na na na oh.’” Trouble in Paradise (5.5), in a rare moment of cold heartedness, rejects the na-na’s: “This has the potential to be a brief but moving piece but she doesn’t quite get there. Parts of the chorus are waaay too wordy and she hides the best lines under unneeded na-na’s.” Are “na-na’s” every truly unneeded though? The only time I hate “na-na’s” is when a group of Caucasian youth sing Hey Jude at karaoke on New Years. Getting back on subject, Remorque (9) displays distinguished taste: “Polish this one up a little and give us a clearer vocal (or at least one where we can actually comprehend what she's singing) and you've got a great song on your hands.” I don’t know if caladan (9) can comprehend what she’s singing, but in any case, he’s stanning her vocals: “I like the soothing vocals. Very nice.” It’s also very nice that Cutlery has decided to reward talent with a 9, calling it a “Haunting electronic jam that feels just a little too short! I know she doesn't want to take our breath away here, but she really did that! The way the synths feel like the moment you enter a boss’ liar, only adds upon the unique atmosphere created.” Xanax gives it a 7.5 instead of the 9 it’s rightfully entitled to, but he makes up for that with some lovely commentary: “The strings in this are so subtle but beautiful. Love the layers and layers of vocals in this, especially the undefinable ones in reverb. This song to create a very otherworldly mood and weirdly manages to formulate pretty well a rough version of Grimes later signature sound.” constantino (8) makes a similar observation: “ The vocal melody is so beautiful and oddly saccharine. This would fit pretty well on Visions with better mixing.”

So I think she’s serving The Cure/Joy Division/New Order. constantino and Xanax are getting Visions/later Grimes. And Earth Intruders (6.5) is hearing…La Roux: “This is similar in feeling to The Feeling by La Roux.” Well, I know what song I’m listening to when I finish this write up.
I’m going to listen to Avi for the hundredth time but I’ll listen to The Feeling as well.

YouTube Comments Section

gijose: Anyone feel like as if they're at a rollerskating rink when they hear this?

Ben North: I hear the Gothic Euro beat scene is huge.

wldeanml: i will take your kitties away

This fan-made video is kind of amazing. The makers really understood the song’s atmosphere IMO:

Oh hey, @Trouble in Paradise!

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If you wonder how the famous Voignamir looked like, here it is next to Grimes:


This screenshot is from this awesome documentary which is essential watch for any real Grimes fan:

By the way, here's an interview where Grimes mentioned Weregild & Voignamir in a funny way (starting around 1:55):

There is also a song Voignamir made by Grimes & Devon Welsh of Majical Cloudz:

Such a nice and underrated song.

Thanks so much for posting the documentary. I know what I'm going to be watching tonight.
My favorite band is The Cure and my favorite era of rock music is that 80s post-punk/new wave era that includes bands like New Order, Joy Division, Depeche Mode, etc.
Post-punk/new wave gave the world some great bands like those mentioned by you plus Wire, Killing Joke, A Flock of Seagulls, Blondie, Devo, Tears For Fears, Talking Heads, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Police, Ultravox, The Clash (London Calling is more post punk than punk), Simple Minds, etc.

Now, as a random trivia: I had no idea about this great song I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls until Grimes recommended it on Twitter:

Very '80s, but what a melody, guitar and beat.
