
What was the setlist?

I'm so gutted I missed this. It sold out so quickly, I wish they upgraded to a bigger venue or did a second night so I could've gone.
I hope the single is coming in the next two weeks, it's been 6 months again, I thought this would release "strategy" would be over once they had a bit more budget.

Anyway, this one is also so good.
Their cover of 'Bug A Boo' is so good.

The gig seemed great. I hope they announce another one soon and the album isn't delayed any further. I was hoping 'Who Do You Think Of?' and its surprise success would get the ball rolling again but things went quiet again.
'Man Enuff' is such a fucking bop. I just assumed they had released it as a single at some point in the last few months since it's such an obvious choice.

I wonder if it's a case that the planned second single was ditched and they had offers to work with new producers come in after Who Do You Think Of did well.

To be fair, the label has been keeping the song out there on a few big Spotify playlists in the meantime.
I presume they've been working on new things after 'Who Do You Think Of's (surprise?) success – and it is basically pointless launching a new single through Q4. They're much better waiting until early next year once it's a bit quieter. As @Utopia says, it's still hanging around a lot of Spotify playlists.
