
phoenix123 said:
Dennis said:
I watched this again today.

Love this so much. When did she actually become an insufferable bore? She used to be fun.

Bless her. She is so genuine when she says "I REALLY want to be seen as a good actress". Then she says it's a waste of time doing something mediocre. Three years later she does "Body Of Evidence"...

I rented that movie once.  Bad movie and really bad acting.  Madonna could have been a very good actress, but she became too aware of herself.  She couldn't disappear into her character in that movie.  The one with Rupert in the child custody movie I thought she was good in and loved her in Evita.

Swept Away I would have to see again to dissect it.
  I thought it was a really bad movie until I really kind of liked it by the later part.  It grew on me.
Agree I love Swept Away but I think her best movie is Body of Evidence... yes it's better than Evita. I want to see Dangerous Game though.
I love Swept Away. I mean, the opening part is a bit blah, but it gets so much better... And the soundtrack is really inspired, I discovered Fade Into You through that movie (which is one of the most beautiful songs ever).
Slant Magazine (the only place I find worthy of reading album reviews, they're great) made a 'Best Singles of the '90s' list, and here are Dita's entries:

42. Madonna, "Secret." Despite the common misconception that she often sings about sex, Madonna's songs aren't always sexy. "Secret" is perhaps the finest exception to that rule. As it slinks along a simple R&B backbeat and an unfussy acoustic guitar figure, "Secret" is also one of the most organic-sounding singles of Madonna's career, taking its sweet time to get where it's going and not giving up too much along the way. The arrangement gets off on being withholding, and, at least for one glorious single, so does Madonna: When she sings, "You knew all along/What I never wanted to say," she sounds positively rapturous. JK

36. Madonna, "Deeper and Deeper." Among Madonna's finest achievements, the angsty pop anthem "Deeper and Deeper" is both an acute distillation of Erotica's smut-glam decadence and the singer's lifelong blond ambition. The song, like its video, practically plays out as an autobiography of the singer's life: Atop sambalicious disco, Madonna delivers a burning, poignant fairy tale of yearning and escape in which she plays both Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Armond White once praised Madonna for how she took "outsider art inside herself"—which is to say, justified it by personalizing it. The uncontrolled, fierce tension of the song derives from the feeling that Madonna is taking a plunge into some hedonistic abyss of her own liberated, uninhibited making. EG

34. Madonna, "Erotica." Madonna accepts the burden of her throaty, spent-from-touring voice, which makes Erotica's taunting, aggressive lyrics—an elaborate exploration of sex, from seduction to disease—feel unmistakably honest. The title track, whose opening put-a-record-on scratchiness mirrors that of Madonna's most divisive instrument, is the singer's invitation to the dance, a slithering, sinister snake rising from a gaudily ornate chalice. The beats are, by design, hypnotic—at once alluring and devious. With "Erotica," Madonna promises to get you off, but not without giving you something. EG

16. Madonna, "Ray of Light." Once the Material Girl made it her mission to bring electronica to the masses, she could have named her collaborator. Her decision to work with William Orbit shows that, for all the flack she's faced for "appropriation," her interest in underground dance music is deep and not wholly commercial. Madonna discovered techno just as she turned 40 and took up Kabbalah, and listening to "Ray of Light," it's easy to imagine Madonna finding in rave culture not just a new image, but a way of expressing her spiritual awakening. The beat is restless and Madonna sings breathlessly, but she exudes contentment: "I feel like I just got home!" Her emotional warmth is what establishes the song as a standout single even in a catalogue as replete with classics as Madonna's. MC

10. Madonna, "Vogue." Much has been written (specifically on this site) about the cultural impact of the appropriation of queer and nonwhite motifs in Madonna's "Vogue," so I'll focus instead on the song's musical archaeology and influence. Lest I completely ignore its substance, Madonna's message is clear ("Beauty is where you find it"), but the track's origins are part and parcel with its star's mining of gay club trends and Old Hollywood: Inspired by the Salsoul Orchestra's "Ooh, I Love It (Love Break)" by way of Danny Krivit's remix of MFSB's "Love Is the Message," the song has a family tree that even includes producer/DJ Shep Pettibone's remix of Janet Jackson's "Miss You Much" and serves as a sort of musical map of disco. Pettibone recorded "Vogue" with Madonna as a B-side for her single "Keep It Together," making its impact all the more impressive (it would go on to inspire a glut of pop-house copycats) and begging the question: If disco died a decade earlier, what the fuck was this big, gay, fuscia drag-queen boa of a dance song sitting on top of the charts for a month for? SC

I just BET you know what the #1 song is before looking at the list. Predictable, but whatever.
SpanishEyes said:
I just BET you know what the #1 song is before looking at the list. Predictable, but whatever.
Took a guess, checked, was correct. Mind you, I would never guess #2.
Not entirely sure who "Slant" magazine is aimed at? Is it a dance magazine? Rock?

But I'm very intrigued by this list. They seem to have chosen all my favourite 90s songs by random artists. "Roam" B-52s, "1979" Smashing Pumpkins, "Hyperballad" Bjork, "Remember The Time" Michael Jackson and "Freedom 90" George Michael to name but a few are all those respective artists best singles of the 90s.

I find myself in disagreement with the (predictable) Madonna choices. I find "Ray Of Light" and "Secret" over-rated in particular.

graffiti my soul

RJF said:
Because it's amazing, that's why.

Haha! Each to their own. But was it one of the Top 40 best songs of the entire decade?

I'm surprised Frozen didn't get in there as well, especially as it got a lot of critical acclaim and remains one of her finest hits. I wish Bad Girl was on the list, but that's just wishful thinking.


vasilios said:
Swept Away makes me wanna eat pasta.

The best thing about it is...the man. Adriano Giannini? I love a sexy jesus type. Oh and that bitchy woman at the start.
Swept Away is my favourite movie of all time! I love Madonna's performance, especially the vulnerability in the second half, the cinematography, the amazing soundtrack- "Fade Into You" by Mazzy Starr has never sounded so's a lovely,lovely movie.

"Maybe what I wanted, wasn't what I needed."

And yes Adriano is one handsome man.

I know lots of people who love the movie.


Gurrrrlll...give me a break! The worst thing about the film is M's's beautifully shot but she brings the whole film down!


playboy69 said:
Amber is what I imagine Madonna to be like in real life

HA! I think you are right. That's what she was like in Truth or dare with a really good sense of humour alongside it.
