Crying At The Discotheque
Average: 9.95
Highest: 11 x 5 (
@Sprockrooster); 10 x 11 (
@Ana Raquel,
@Untouchable Ace,
Lowest: 8 x 2 (
@Empty Shoebox
OK, true confessions time: I was honestly kinda hoping this song wouldn’t win. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a classic… but also, this is a tad anticlimactic, ya know? It would have been fun to see one of the other songs swoop in for the crown instead of the song everyone probably expected would triumph from the first day of the rate. But you can’t argue with the victory of an entry that earned a 10 or 11 from more than 75% of the voters.
Sheila Shoutout!
Andreas told Billboard that “Crying At The Discotheque” first broke big in Finland, followed by Italy, France, Greece and Spain. “Only then did it become a hit in Sweden… and we’ve got Napster to thank for the song’s early success, because DJs who couldn’t find the single in their own markets were downloading the track to play in their clubs. It was being heard in all the clubs in the Mediterranean resort towns. So you had all these European tourists hearing the track while on holiday and then returning home demanding their Alcazar.”
In an interview with James Arena for the book Stars of 21st Century Dance Pop & EDM, Andreas shared that it is “actually Nile Rodgers playing in the song sample. They tried to do a cover of his sound, but they weren’t able to capture his groove, his feeling and essence—Nile was just too good. They tried a number of guitarists, but nobody could duplicate that sound. And that’s why Nile gets all the money from the song.”
Andreas added that, while he doesn’t exactly know what Nile Rodgers thinks about the song, he was told that Richard Gere heard the song and “thought it was really funny that he was mentioned in it.”
UMMMMMMMMMMM BUT DID ANYONE STOP TO ASK SHEILA AND/OR B. DEVOTION WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT IT?!!??! I found lots of websites in French though, so maybe they did.
Josh Baines from Vice wrote that “Crying At The Discotheque” was his gateway drug into a full-blown disco obsession. Although he claimed to still listen to the song once a week, he described it as “if I’m being honest, absolutely awful. It sounds cheap, the lyrics are beyond bad… and if it were a human it’d be an office manager swigging chardonnay at a staff party until he vomits all over the photocopier—but I love it because it led to other, better things.” UMMMMMMMM WE TOOK A SURVEY AND YOUR OPINION WAS OFFICIALLY NOT REQUESTED, JOSH BAINES!!
@VivaForever (9): This one actually took me a while to warm up to, but now it’s kind of like an old friend. Misspelling in the title notwithstanding.
@tylerc904 (10): Disco spreading like a bacteria is quite the image.
@Eric (10): The only song of theirs I was really familiar with pre-rate, and it’s a classic. I love songs that have drama at the disco…
@TrueBeliever (10): Still absolutely love this tune! So funky and fun. And that videooooooo! Disco meets the Wicker Man. Gaaa! Love it!
@Untouchable Ace (10): A worthy winner and their quintessential bop. But this long after its release, a little repetitive.
@iheartpoptarts (9): When you look up the Danceteria and unfortunately it closed a year before you were born… (Poor my life, etc. etc.)
@Empty Shoebox (8): Ah the classic Alcazar song. The ‘heavy use’ of a sample, the ridiculous English lyrics, the bopiness...it’s why we stan.
@berserkboi (11): I probably won’t get to 11 this in my upcoming Sheila rate #bientôt so that kicking instrumental and Alcazar’s pizzazz has it!
@Sprockrooster (11): Such a modern classic and capturing so many musical eras into one that never feels outdated. I knew this was my 11 coming in and relistening everything didn’t change that, which is the empowerment of this song (and no shade to the rest of their discography). That opening chord is filling me with utter joy only few songs can. I am crying tears of joy.
@Hudweiser (11): One of my 10 favourite songs of all time. I hadn’t even heard half of it on MTV before I knew I loved it. The video is also legendary - Andreas’ tight little silver shorts yum.
@mrdonut (11): What a song. No not a song, moreover an anthem, a disco hymn. 19 years on, its spirit of kitschy fun and charisma haven’t worn off one bit. The ropey video remains a complete joy, what with Andreas looking so handsome in that neon suit and Tess’s talk-to-the-hand grimace crying out for a gif. We didn’t know what was to follow all those years back but I just knew something very special indeed had arrived. It feels slightly clichéd to give this my 11 but I can’t imagine my life without this song (or band). The passion of the groove indeed.