NAMIE AMURO Discography Rate 「Part One」【...】

Queen is making a statement about how Americans can’t point out countries on a map, let alone where the cultures are from. Icon.
This made me cackle out loud I_CANNOT_USE_REAL_WORDS_PROPERLY_

You rescued me
You transcend my way of life
and with your soft fingertips
you're here pointing the way...
I'm dreaming now

Dreaming, I was dreaming




toi et moi: 6.82
Highest Score:
10 (@send photo, @Remorque, @aaronhansome), 9.5 (@BEST FICTION)
Lowest Score: 4 (@Jawshxx), 5 (@yuuurei, @Cutlery, @MarkB, @FINISH LINE)

First of all, how dare you. Second of all, HOW DARE YOU! "toi et moi" was released as Namie's 14th single. It was used as the end credits for Pokémon: The Movie 2000 (known as Revelation Lugia in Japan). It peaked at #3 on the Oricon Weekly Charts and went on to sell over 270,000 copies, landing it at #85 on the Oricon Yearly Charts 1999, one of four songs that charted that year. A music video was never made but in Japan it was aired on music networks with a Pokemon compilation video.

Tsuyoshi Shuto, the scriptwriter of the Pokemon movie, says the song was awful even though it was made by a hit combination (Namie & TK). He also claimed you can't hear the lyrics well and that there was no originality. He added that he feels like the song was made with no knowledge of the games or content. WELL, WHAT DOES HE KNOW?!

vikeyeol snatches Chespin's wig, "QUEEN OF POKEMON! I feel like Namie would pick a grass starter every time, outside of Chespin whose a fraudulent rat with some leaves glued on. Her attempts at rapping are so cute and I'm def overscoring this a bit but it's fun." EachSmallStep can appreciate what the song has evolved into, "Not the most polished opening rap or mix. Starting from the breakdown, it picks up and improves. Wish she’d redone it since it was awesome in the So Crazy Tour." Cutlery is glad that Namie pays this song dust, "This song is such an iconic mess that not even Namie claims ha, and an attempt that didn’t really go that well. The intro for instance is unintentionally comical."

Jawshxx thinks the song is a diamond in the... very rough, "This song… it’s a jarring mess. It’s a shame as I am pretty sure there is a good song underneath it all." RUNAWAY is about to get a nunchuk to the head, "okay it definitely isn’t her best single, but it definitely is her worst. I’m so glad she never included this on an album or best or anything, because it is BAD." Otenkiame is also a fan of the electric live performance, "Questionable rapping and a rather subdued arrangement. I know it was made for the Pokemon movie, but that doesn't mean it has to be so...meh. But, hey, her live performance of this song is FIRE."
Evilsin is gonna pass on this one, "Ooh, always forget about this one and actually don't blame Namie for not being a fan. It's just alright."

And finally, send photo SNAPPED!
"This is out FAR too early you heathens. This is sweeping, this is epic. It was so iconic that Utada jacked the whole French concept for her last album. I see that 6.5 too @junglefish, you fake French ho. If this was toi eh moi you know I’d support her pandering to my demographic. The single is gorgeous too, it’s on one of those Gamecube disc things. One of my favourites and she’s not even on the artwork, kii."

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I'm looking for you I can't find my way
I'm lost in the stars that get in the way


Highest Score:
8.5 (@Gintoki), 8 (@evilsin, @RUNAWAY, @soratami, @eliminathan)
Lowest Score: 5 (@yuuurei, @MarkB), 5.5 (@Jawshxx)

"LOOKING FOR YOU" was released in 2000 as part of Namie's fifth album, break the rules. It's the second song to be eliminated from said album. It's the first song Namie recorded entirely in English, something she would later revisit on newer albums, Uncontrolled, FEEL & _genic (Namie Amuro Discography Rate Pt 3, TBA 2018). The song is pretty self explanatory, y'all can listen to the lyrics. She's looking for you, she can't find her way, she's lost in stars that get in way. You already know the rest!

Otenkiame was fooled by Namie's expertise, "This pop song had be believing Namie was fluent in English back in the day. Nowadays we know that ain't the truth. And nowadays this song's original charm has faded for me. I can still dig it, but I'm not saying I don't feel like skipping it when it comes up." RUNAWAY is a new break the rules stan, "I’m really into this. I didn’t remember this album being so much fun." vikeyeol is a crusty break the rules hater, "The closest thing this album has to a real bop and her first (I think?) full venture into English prepping us for the eventual slayage of FEEL."

EachSmallStep likes... the majority of the song, "Pretty great for her first entirely English track. A hair chaotic later, but rest of the time when the harmonies jump in and adlibbing are prominent, it comes together well." Send photo agrees that it's a bit much, "Probably could’ve shaved a solid minute of this, doesn’t really go anywhere. Still, she’s a cute girl." And it gets evilsin's stamp of approval, "Oh, a Komuro take on R'n'B is pretty nice, the added strings in the chorus are cute and the melody is memorable. Approved."

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Forever, I always feel the way I did that day
Because I don't need a new love


Highest Score:
9.5 (@vague, @digitalkaiser, @FINISH LINE), 9 (@Cutlery)
Lowest Score: 4 (@MarkB), 5 (@vikeyeol, @yuuurei, @mi|kshake, @Jawshxx)

"STILL IN LOVE" was released on Namie's fourth album, GENIUS 2000 in the year 2000. It was written and produced by Dallas Austin. The song is sweet & upbeat regarding the topic of being madly in love. I'm sure I didn't need to tell you that, but I'm trying to fill up some space. I feel like this song wouldn't be out of place on Queen of Hip-Pop or STYLE, honestly. It is the sixth song eliminated from GENIUS 2000.

EachSmallStep expects more, "Could use some adlibbing or a kick at the end. It’s a nice mellow and I like the little robotic noises." RUNAWAY isn't gonna be playing this again, "god that was boring." send photo is treating others how he'd like to be treated, "Like my ex, this tells me they’re still in love but the most I can muster up is politely liking it for the cute lil’ bop it is."

Cutlery is feeling what Namie is serving, "It's a bit simplistic lyrically but the production is excellent to me. The glitchy repeated samples, the low-key piano, the way it all comes together with her voice makes it a song I often want to come back to." Evilsin can recognise it's nothing special, but can't help stanning, "YES. Give me that 90s R'n'B bop that I love, Namie. It's certainly nothing that special, but I really enjoy it."
Otenkiame thinks Namie is sleeping on this track, "I really like this cute pop number. There's absolutely nothing inherently special about it, but the feel-good vibes of just being in love with someone really shines in with Namie's vocals. It's a shame it doesn't get a bit more love from Namie herself."

Our good sis Tonia Hikaru has some competition!

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And finally, send photo SNAPPED!
"This is out FAR too early you heathens. This is sweeping, this is epic. It was so iconic that Utada jacked the whole French concept for her last album. I see that 6.5 too @junglefish, you fake French ho. If this was toi eh moi you know I’d support her pandering to my demographic. The single is gorgeous too, it’s on one of those Gamecube disc things. One of my favourites and she’s not even on the artwork, kii."
Are we missing something, @BEST FICTION?

Okay, I'm starting to feel feelings to these two R'n'B numbers going. Y'all better stop. Oh, and I'm totally all those girls covering Namie songs poorly.
