Imagine the show coming back and everyone is living in a Melbourne apartment complex with no explanation at all
Looks like the episodes from 2012 and the iconic episodes will be on Amazon starting Feb 23. I’ll need to watch the Libby transformation episode ddd.
Popped into storage with the sets!Karl and Susan just never left the set did they dd
The iconic episodes better include Endgame and the Dee/Andrea Toadie reveal episode.
'Following on from this, the service will launch a library season of Neighbours every month, as well as a number of free ad-supported streaming channels (or FAST channels), including 'Neighbours – Looking Back' (Channel 1) and 'Best of Neighbours' (Channel 2).'
To be fair, April probably wanted those in her hair.Thinking about those awful hair clips they used to put in Chloe’s hair. Urgh she was way too pretty for those cheap accessories
Are these the 2012 episodes?
What even happened during the show in 2012? Was Lynn still in it wailing “OH STEPHIEEEEEE!!!” on the daily?
I am ready for my irrational hate of Kate Ramsay to take over my life againI think Kate went Off The Rails (got hair extensions).