Overlooked Albums of 2024

Reading the title, my mind automatically went to Nia Archives, Aziya, Dora Jar and many others who have all been posted... this was such a stacked year! I do have one last pick I'm probably going to talk about more in the Best of 2024 thread whenever it opens as it's probably my favorite album of the year.

Their 2020 debut was a revelation and this follow up lived up to the long wait. The best description I can give it is imagine if AURORA was the lead singer of an art rock band, with influences ranging from art pop, folk, post-rock... all wrapped up in an ethereal package, especially in the mellower second half.

I'd recommend the opener, "Segla" with its classic build up and that shoegazey wall of guitar and "I'll Get There One Day" which is a bit reminiscent of Chelsea Wolfe.
When punks become popstars, they make the best music.


I spent most of 2024 obsessed by Continue As Amery. Get obsessed too: it's Bandcamp Friday for another twenty minutes.
Love that album.
These both have threads here already but they’re sorely overlooked!

Back to back bops but the shades of Janet on Outta My Mind especially slap.

Terrible at describing the vibes of things but I guess it’s kinda indie rock with clear pop sensibilities. The title track slaps and Pull Me Off The Passing Lane chews.
Thank you @BubblegumBoy for making the tread this year. Have been in a bit of a weird place so my mind hasn't been on posting as much lately, but there have been so many great recommendations already I intend to check out. (Some of my most-played albums this year were ones I found in last year's thread...!)

For my part, I bring to the table:

Jack J - "Blue Desert"

Vibe: ‘90s downbeat, Balearic, shoegaze-y; equal parts romantic and unsettling. Pretty close to my AOTY.
Fave tracks: "Wrong Again," "At My Door"

Liam Benzvi - "...And His Splash Band"

Vibe: The queer album of the year. Beautiful soundscapes, heartfelt lyricism, and airtight pop melodies with contributions from Blood Orange, SSION, and others.
Fave tracks: "Other Guys," "2N4"

Zsela - "Big For You"

Vibe: A mix of crunchy alt-rock, nocturnal R&B, and (somehow) 90's adult contemporary. I love the way she uses her voice and the guitarwork here is sublime. Nilufer Yanya girls need to give this one a listen for sure.
Fave tracks: "Not Your Angel," "Fire Excape"

Gossip - "Real Power"

Vibe: This was posted but... It needs to be shouted out again. A mature effort bursting with some of their most catchy hooks but also Beth's most heartbreaking lyrics. The middle 8 of "Edge of The Sun" cuts me open every time I hear it.
Fave tracks: "Edge of The Sun," "Crazy Again," "Give It Up For Love"

World Brain - Open Source

Vibe: Bridging the digital and the organic, and dream pop with something more grounded, this is a relaxing balm of a record for troubled times featuring a distinct Fench touch.
Fave tracks: "Open," "Ville fleurie"

I also second Gavin Turek, Ravyn Lenae, and Maeta - all essential listening for R&B girlies.
As someone who seeks out new releases every week, I'm amazed by how many hidden gems slip through. It's a frustrating reality of the modern music landscape I guess - unless emerging artists receive significant promotion, their work remains largely unnoticed.
This thread is perfect but also sad that perhaps some fantastic records pass us all by, unappreciated!
These both have threads here already but they’re sorely overlooked!

Back to back bops but the shades of Janet on Outta My Mind especially slap.

Terrible at describing the vibes of things but I guess it’s kinda indie rock with clear pop sensibilities. The title track slaps and Pull Me Off The Passing Lane chews.
Love both of these.

*sigh* so many but I think these are PJ-friendly ca. 2014

Very late coming-of-age pop rock record, embracing neurodivergence and growing-up-fundie trauma, wish I had it to relate to as a teen

Power pop with guitars, basically your usual quirky pop act

Safe, but stunning indie pop to sway in a flowing nightgown to

Basically Kyla La Grange meets Zella Day at the swamp

A slavic language album is a hard sell, but it just has that Scandi-flavoured cold metallic production values and hooks for days
Thank you all for your contributions to this thread! I'm gagged that I wasn't the one that had to post Kaeto (thank you @HeartSwells), she's one of my favourite new artists of the year and the breadth of sounds she covered on her introductory EP (early Jessie Ware on "DISTANCE", Hatchie cosplay on "U R MINE", Bjorn Yttling-core on "HERO", etc) was quite impressive.

I wouldn't call Jessica Pratt's album overlooked as many publications have had it on their year end lists but, yeah, that album was life-altering for me, so run don't walk to hear it.

In terms of what I can contribute, perhaps I can start with Palestinian-Chilean artist Elyanna who released her superb album WOLEDTO back in April and who rivalled Rileasa Slaves for best Rihanna impersonator of 2024. Songs like "Ganeni" and "Mama Eh" deserved to be global smashes. I see she managed to snare a feature on the new Coldplay album, so hopefully her audience can continue to grow.

A shout out also to local queen Phoebe Go, who I started a thread for. This is your typical lovelorn singersongwritery stuff that is elevated by beautiful production and great melodies, I feel like I've had "Something You Were Trying" stuck in my head for the last six months.

I don't think anyone mentioned julia-sophie yet? She's English-French, and her music, or at least this album, sits somewhere at the intersection of a Oklou / Marie Davidson / ...Robyn? Venn Diagram. Vocals that sound like they're being whispered seductively down the phone line and beats that are ready-made for the dancefloor.

And I was kind of surprised that the Pixey album didn't take off, even just around these parts. Reminds me at times of a baby, slightly scuzzier Carly Rae Jepsen album.

Finally, to avoid being accused of misandry, I will recommend the Alex Anwandter album which sounds sorta kinda like peak Phoenix, but gayer.

Thank you so much for all the albums shared so far - I've got a lot to catch up on! I've got a few more to share that I haven't seen posted yet...

CATTY released one of the strongest pop debuts this year, straight up bops to be found here

Debbii is another up and coming artist to keep an eye on - Happy World is very Abba-esque and Solitude is beautiful

Tom Rasmussen released their second album, whilst not as strong as their debut in my opinion, there are still some beautiful tracks to be found here
