Paris & Nicole: The Encore

I've only seen the one episode but I did enjoy how most people they told they were doing an opera were like us "ok"?
Also when Nicole said that sweet Mayor had a zip lining accident i thought that she died. Thankfully that queen is still thriving.
Episode 2 was a chore. Overly scripted and not even very funny. Paris actually looked like she was phoning it in throughout with Nicole picking up the slack.

It's a shame it wasn't more of the sit-down and discuss the show thing from episode one with some behind the scenes clips and them returning to meet some people. That would have been fine as a nice one-hour special.
This was cute, nostalgic, and garnered some giggles and smiles out of me. Paris brought the sweet, sentimental value and Nicole brought the humor and entertainment. A good watch for me to pass the time while in bed sick.
Episode One with them going back to meet people was great and I did laugh at them scooting round Walmart on their cases.

The opera premise was odd and the resulting show itself was rubbish. Did they cram people into that theatre for hours for what amounted to a 2 minute performance?

Nicole's comic timing and delivery remains impeccable.

I would have loved them to basically extend episode one into 60/90 mins just looking back and chatting to people. Maybe with the original family not willing to be on screen that wouldn't have worked though.
I didn't have any desire to watch past episode 1, sadly. They should have just picked a handful of jobs from the first 3 seasons and sent them back to work a shift at each, mixing that footage in with interviews and little reunions, etc.
It was an absolute pile of sh!t, if I’m honest.

The original is iconic, I hate how scripted reality TV has become, like what are we even watching here, the whole opera angle, who on earth signed off on that?
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This was a bit of a flop all around, wasn't it? I haven't seen it gain any sort of traction online, and it seems like it was forgotten about the moment the trailer dropped. I was excited to give this a viewing over the holidays, but these reviews leave me thinking it's best to just leave this entire concept in the past.
This was a bit of a flop all around, wasn't it? I haven't seen it gain any sort of traction online, and it seems like it was forgotten about the moment the trailer dropped. I was excited to give this a viewing over the holidays, but these reviews leave me thinking it's best to just leave this entire concept in the past.
Yeah, there was so much excitement when it was announced + as they were spotted filming, but the second the trailer dropped the entire thing was DOA.
Yeah, there was so much excitement when it was announced + as they were spotted filming, but the second the trailer dropped the entire thing was DOA.
I think as a collective, we were all just disappointed with the actual premise of the series. What we wanted was the ladies either reuniting with the people from the original series, once again being forced to do odd jobs, or spending another week living the small-town life. Basically 'Welcome to Crappie Lake' Season 2. Instead, we got this 'turn a tired meme into a full musical' plot that no one asked for - and that wasn't revealed until the trailer's release. It's a completely different series and I think it was an immediate turn-off for most. Sadly, reading most of your reactions it seems they were right not to bother.

A real missed opportunity.
I did find it a bit strange that they filmed a scene to sit down with the original producers, but then opted for a different producer for this? They should’ve gone with the original producers.
