Some good bits, some jarring
It tries very hard
One of their very best
Neil: We wrote this in a demo studio. Chris wrote most of the music – I wrote the middle bit.
Chris: It's a Fairlight track (laughs). I must have started it in my flat.
12. So Hard
AUS #27, AT #14, BE #8, CAN #76, NL #11, FIN #1, FRA #52, GER #3, IRL #3, ITA #2, JPN #5, NZ #24, NOR #9, POL Radio Three #9, SPA #2, SWE #3, SWI #2, UK #4, US #62, US Dance #4, US Hot Dance Music/Maxi-Singles Sales Chart #2
(Well, that's a chartful.)
Highest score: 11x1 (
10x14 (
@Vive Indifference,
@Eric Generic,
Lowest score: 5 (
@Bleu Noir)
Chris: I don't like 'So Hard'. It's a blot on this album. [BLOCK HA – oh wait – Ray]
Neil: I like the lyrics. The song is a true story, about two friends who lived together. One of them came home and found that his boyfriend was in bed alone, and there was an ashtray beside the bed, and he didn't smoke.
Chris: Make of it what you will.
Neil: They are totally unfaithful to each other but they both pretend they are faithful and then catch each other out. The first line is "I double cross you, and you get mysterious mall". He finds out his boyfriend has loads of letters from contact magazines. There's a bit in the third verse: "I'm always hoping you'll be faithful but you're not, I suppose/we've both given up smoking 'cause it's fatal, so whose matches are those?" Really what it's saying the "so hard" element is – this is the middle bit – "if your give up your affairs forever/I will give up mine/but it's hard/so hard". People get caught, I think, very much between their desire to have a permanent relationship and their desire to play around or whatever.
Chris: It's a Donna Summer Giorgio Moroder kind of thing. Actually, it's got some good bits, and the David Morales Red Zone remix is one of our best twelve-inches.
Neil: This has got very analogue-y synths. And at the beginning there's a sample saying 'kiss'. It's quite a different vocal style for me – like whispering in your ear again.
Chris: Is 'So hard' a Carry On-style double entendre?
Neil: As with most of my innuendo, it wasn't intended, but obviously I very quickly realised it would be perceived as that.
@Ray: This is the first time I consciously noticed that there were Pet Shop Boys and they were amazing. It was 'Being Boring' that made me go buy the album, but 'So Hard' was on heavy rotation both on the radio and on my tape recorder. I know
@Eric Generic had this 'WTF' reaction to how Neil looked in the video, but I wasn't really aware Neil ever looked different. Also I adore the sinister quality the video has. It's very mob meets some Brit kids. Like two stories that somehow met, even though they were never supposed to. There is a
LISTENABLE The KLF remix of it, too. An average of 8.9 is about right, although I gave it a 10 – but then from now on I gave a 10 to... oh... two more songs. BEASTS!!!
Seriously, you two, how young are you not to realise that there was world before Grindr?
It tries very hard and it sits a bit out of place on Behaviour…[Hi Chris!]
despite the slightly dated lyrics (contact magazine!) the song just wont get old. Neither for its subject nor the music.
The highlight of the parent album by a country mile. This goes in and it goes in hard. Everything comes together spectacularly here, the comedic lyrics, the menacing production, the outdated references to ‘contact magazines’- nothing is off. I would definitely put this in my Top 5 PSB tracks.
@One Stop Candy Shop:
Anthem of cheating. I love it. (The song, not cheating.) [Thank you for the clarification. For the record, we agree on both counts.]
One of my favourite lyrics ever: 'We've both given up smoking 'cause it's fatal, so who's matches are those?'.
I absolutely love how the song jumps from hard orchestra-stabs to very calm parts to everything in between. The lyrics are quite funny actually - "We've both given up smoking/'Cause it's fatal/So whose matches are those?" would be a great line for anyone.
@Bleu Noir:
rarely play it
This was very close to being my 11. One of their very best, but I feel like it tends to get overlooked.
This was ahead of its time. How they combined the effective retro sound with a stunning pounding house beat like this is incredible. It sounds immense and I can’t get enough of it. [I think it's one of those rare songs that still, 26 years later (AM I OLD OR SOMETHING) sound like nothing else – except for songs that sampled it.]
Some good bits, some jarring.
And for a change we finish with the 11x1 commentary:
Hands down my favorite PSB song. Some days I may prefer to listen to Always on My Mind (those SYNTHS) but this is the one I always come back to. Plus it has my favorite ever Pet Shop lyric: "we've both given up smoking cause it's fatal. So, who's matches are those?"
Sorry, Tyler. While 'Two Divided By Zero' was my 10.99, this is my 10.98.
David Morales Red Zone Overrated Remix:
Performance performance:
Terry Wogan performance: