PHONY: Real Housewives of New York Reboot


Deleted member 1415

Not me TOLERATING the second episode. Maybe I've been gaslighted.

Jenna's overreaction with two labels? IS IT THAT SERIOUS?

Sai is fucking annoying. I just noticed who Erin reminds me of = Jennifer Aniston.

I don't know who Billie Jean King is.

Ubah is iconic.

That nightie Jessel got WAS hideous.

That is all.
Episode 2 felt dangerously low energy and awkward for a Housewives show. I hope the women loosen up and lean more into messy or chaotic fun (I’m not asking for the Bezerkshires but I need more than what they are giving!). Ubah felt like the only one who ‘got it’ this episode, in terms of being an exciting eccentric personality.

And just a week ago, the girls in here tried to lie deny that this didn't do better than their racist faves of the past

Little Jessels knew this was a success and a needed change from night 1 <3
Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one…I did not have ranking Sai last on my bingo card. Ubah is fun, Jenna at the same time is the HBIC yet the underdog. Jessel is a hot mess on so many levels. Erin…if I hear “I’m a true New Yorker” one more time…I think this is our true villain as much as she (and Sai) are trying to plant the seeds on the promo tour it’s Brynn. She’s by no means anywhere near a top tier monster, but a suitable first year antagonist. Brynn is just the wildcard (who I missed last night) that I think has way more depth and the act, as much as I love it, will start to fade, though we might have to wait until season 2.
Sai is trying way too hard and is completely unbearable.

I’m really enjoying everyone else so far!
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I'm watching the episode right now and the girls are putting their luggage in the car but all I can think of is when our original moms went to Vermont and Dorinda forgot all of her stuff at the sidewalk in Queens after making intense love with John Mahdessia. And that was just a small detail from that episode.

PHONY is caviar. RHONY is a roast chicken, a bottle of great wine, telling our deepest, darkest secrets in bed and watching Ghost Hunters. The show is watchable enough but I'm missing the surrealism, the oddness, the commedia dell'arte. "8 bags of clothes for a 3 day trip and my own toilet paper, I'm so crazy lol" is not it.
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I have something to say…while obviously it’s annoying that a certain portion of the fan base won’t even give the new girls a chance, I’m also finding the toxic positivity from a large portion of the online Bravo community surrounding the reboot equally annoying if not worse.

This was retweeted on my feed with nearly a thousand likes and…in what world is calling out sick of your second episode of housewives a “legendary move”. No shade at all to her if she actually was sick, but like…I feel like I’m being gaslit into thinking these girls are already iconic over the smallest things and it’s getting weird. I don’t know….everyone is doing too much and I miss Dorinda. That’s all.
