I do not feel safe with my 11.The last run to 20 might be the most painful run of the entire rate.
I'm not keen on displaying my age, but I can give you a hint: I was around when P!nk debuted, but I wasn't born before Choice had disbanded.Also, @Maki if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
24. Glitter in the Air
Average score: 8.49
Highest score: 10x10
@Sanctuary @JMRGBY88 @Sprockrooster @Reboot @P'NutButter
@Lost Boy @rick @Sail On @LiK @savilizabeths
Lowest score: 4 @tylerc904
Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?
What a fucking tragedy. How dare the voters allow such a career peak, one of her finest moments, to not even sneak in to the top twenty. Despite numerous displays of distinct lack of taste, particularly when it comes to P!nk displaying emotion among a more minimalist production, I really did expect this to be pretty unanimous in its appeal.
Now you'll struggle to find someone who doesn't hold commendable levels of praise for her monumental Grammy's performance, and I simply will not allow commentary that suggests praise for that moment is anything less than earned. I've voiced my opinion on the performance plenty of times before but in short: what a fucking moment. Truthfully pushing her into a territory of her own, it marked a real underdog moment in which P!nk forced everyone to stand to attention and take note of her sheer talent. The fact that the song rocketed into the top 20 on the back of this performance speaks volumes, it might be my favourite performance of all time:
I won't entertain silly commentary about how her 'acrobatics' have become stale and old because that's simply a disservice to a wonderful art form. If anything, this performance showed how well dance and movement can translate emotion. There she is, dangling above the audience and singing her heart out, with every single tiny movement under scrutiny and translating this desperately intimate atmosphere. Almost supernatural in its delivery, she walks with a confidence earned through years of practice, sings with an understanding of her every intention and turns a cold cheek to that current Brat! image she had maintained.
It's difficult to talk about the song without talking about the performance, but such a performance wouldn't have worked without the sparsely produced and vulnerable list of questions. In a way, her career has revolved around questions. What about us? Why me? Do you love me? And she even admits that half of these questions remain unanswered to her. I find the sentiment here just as beautiful as the lyricism itself, which manages to be hyper-specific (see the downright gorgeous middle-8) whilst also presenting a life behind riddles. Quite honestly I think this might be one of the best closing ballads to an album of all time, and its just so powerfully understated. With only one belting moment, reserved for the 'realist' part of the song, it's as though she is piercing through the clouds that have been built throughout.
Commentary corner:
@Sprockrooster: (10) It starts off a bit average everytime, but then grow fast on you during playing. Especially by the 'sugar'-part. Then I watch the grammy-performance and am in complete awe. Honestly there are a handful of performance I seek out many times to watch (Anastacia's Amandla -- Gaga's Paparazzi at VMA's -- Aerosmith's Dream On at Rock and Roll Hall of Fame -- Mariah's Fly Like A Bird at the Grammy's) and this one is a fantastic roundup for that top 5.
@rick: (10) Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckk it’s gorgeous. If I could have two 11s this would be the second
@savilizabeths: (10) “What a gorgeous piano ballad! The lyrics are absolutely breathtaking. I love how she sings really breathlessly when she’s talking about holding your breath. It’s also an inspirational song in a way, it makes me want to really live my life. God, another beautiful discovery.”
@P'NutButter: (10) adored this song the first time I heard it
@Reboot: (10) This is so soft and sweet.
@Txetxu: (9.5) Definitely touching.
@Music Is Life: (9.5) When I first got into her music, this song didn’t seem all that great to me, but it has since grown into a favorite and I now realize that it’s a perfect closer for this album. I love the melody throughout, especially on the choruses, and the lyrics really do make you think, and are relatable at the same time. Love this so much. And then of course, there’s the performances she did throughout the era. Blow me away every time.
@R27: (8.75) It's become a P!nk tradition to end her albums with an introspective ballad and this remains the benchmark for me. It's so tender, sweet, and comfortable. I described "Crystal Ball" as the calm before the storm, and this feels like the aftermath where everything, for at least a few precious moments is calm and safe. Things will inevitably become chaotic once more, but for now everything is blissfully settled and still.
@sapnu puas: (8) I know this song has thatperformance but I wouldn’t classify it as top tier Pink. The bridge is delicious though SUGARRRRRRR
@abael: (8) A song performed so well you are quickly swept up in the drama before giving the (kinda corny) lyrics much scrutiny.
@nikkysan: (8) The Grammys performance is iconic. It’s unfair for how much flack she gets for doing the arial acrobatics in her performances, because it really takes an insane amount of talent to hang in the air and sing live, and I guess if say, Gaga, did it the forum would gag over and over again no matter how much she did it.
@Maki: (7) I'm a bit indecisive here, since this has always been a bit boring for me. Her vocals and lovely lyrics are undeniable, but it takes too long to get to the best part - that is 'la, la, la...' and onwards. That live performance is a 11/10, though.
@Verandi: (7) Pretty. Just… pretty.
This better not refer to "Family Portrait" and "I Don't Believe You", among others.The last run to 20 might be the most painful run of the entire rate.
Cool that means you're probably around my sister's age."Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" is another song that should've made top 20, out of the remaining ones. It's not an unfair elimination, even though I love it.
Listening to it again after quite some time made me realize what an earworm it is; such a catchy and powerful song. My 9 still stands because it doesn't have a great replay value; one listen in a while is enough for me.
And I don't get how anyone could have very differing opinions on it and "Timebomb" - both are cut from the same cloth. But I agree that "Timebomb" is better.
A bit sad that "Funhouse" left, even though that's not surprising. It's for sure in my top 10 out of the remaining tracks and should've done even better.
I love how some of the commentary has a nostalgia-inducing feel with "Funhouse" that is very similar to mine.
And I constantly forget that Tony Kanal produced the song - what an amazing producer he is. I wish Gwen would work with him again.
Plus, that "Just a Girl" pairing is awesome!
I'm not keen on displaying my age, but I can give you a hint: I was around when P!nk debuted, but I wasn't born before Choice had disbanded.
Seeing What About Us live on the tour after her big montage was such a moment. Surprised @Lost Boy didn’t give ha an 11.