Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

I really thought Trouble had the top10 on lock because one tragic score is not enough to tank a song so


Maybe more.
It might be because you must have brought it up like 20 times in this thread already.

On the bright side, at least you didn't give it a 0.
I mean; people did the same for other songs like Can’t We Pretend so why can I not do the same for a song I don’t like? Works both ways guys x
I gave Trouble an 8. It deserves it's place in the top 20 (WAY more than God Is A DJ) but I don't think it belonged in the top 10 so I'm good with it leaving now.
I mean; people did the same for other songs like Can’t We Pretend so why can I not do the same for a song I don’t like? Works both ways guys x
Because one isn't like the other. One is amongst her best and the other song is amongst her worst.
Because one isn't like the other. One is amongst her best and the other song is amongst her worst.
Yeah exactly, Can’t We Pretend is a career highlight and Trouble is a strong 2, that’s what I’ve been saying this whole time.
Reading the last two pages... Oh_My_God.mp3, Hell_Wit_Ya.mp3, Chaos_&_Piss.mp3 etc.

But it really is odd that "Try This" is the first album out. I thought that either "Beautiful Trauma" or "Hurts 2B Human" would be losing all songs first.
We'll see how the album averages will look like...
I like Trouble - song and video - more now than I did at the time.

Never quite got why Jeremy Renner is wearing eyeliner in the video, but it works surprisingly well on him.
