Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

U + Ur Hand is a tune, but also a tune that is clearly out of its depth and should have left a few eliminations ago. Just Like a Cure to Poor Taste better win this.
I mean I don't think the impact it had on her commercial success should have any pertinence on how it places in this rate, but I can see how its hand in helping revive her career could make it extra special for many fans.

03. Who Knew
Average score: 9.73
Highest score: 11x6
@AllGagaLike @Verandi @Sail On @tylerc904 @Remorque @HollyDunnSomething
@Lost Boy @Sanctuary @JMRGBY88 @nikkysan @The Hot Rock
@Sprockrooster @soratami @Reboot @kal @rick
@playboy69 @abael @Robsolete @Sideout @sapnu puas
@LiK @Music Is Life @Maki @əʊæ @Duppe @savilizabeths
Lowest score: 5.8 @Untouchable Ace

WOOOOWWW! @soratami
@Lost Boy as we approach the end of the rate I cannot express to you truly how much of an amazing experience this has been for me. Rediscovering Pink’s discography (which is usually unfairly criticised on PopJustice), having people share their experiences; and most importantly your write ups. I can honestly say it’s been an emotional ride and I’m pleased and lucky to have shared that with you. Thank you so much. Your work has been thoroughly appreciated and I wish somehow Pink herself could see it. Don’t let it go to waste. Capture this in a book or something because it’s been an amazing experience. This was the first rate I followed and I have to say you set the bar really high. So all that is left to say is THANK YOU.
Well, fuck me.

Who Knew is most definitely her best song for me. It kinda starts out as a lovely little mid-tempo, but then that chorus sets in and it only builds from then on. The way P!nk lets her vulnerability show, especially in that middle 8, without losing power is something only she's capable of and which is why I was such a stan back in the day.

It's not the winner here, but it's my winner.
Part of the final push to giving my 11 to Sober (I was already 90% there) was being almost certain Who Knew would win. I'm a clown.

Pulling for Just Like a Pill.
