Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

When are you gonna start with results?
Most likely sometime during the day. But before that, there's still time for the final mini spotlight on...

Unreleased songs we aren't rating: part 5/5

The last, but not the least, is another outtake from "I'm Not Dead" era, called "To Love Me Now":

It was written by Mike Elizondo and P!nk, who worked together on another song we all know that made the cut on "I'm Not Dead" album, "I Got Money Now" (which differs from this one, to say at the very least). The song appeared on one of the promotional websites, and was 'leaked' that way, presumably more than 10 years ago (but first appeared on YouTube in 2010).
"To Love Me Now" has better sound quality (thanks to this recently uploaded video) than "Can't Help It" and "Bad Bad Day", but it still seems to be unfinished.
The funky beat and sound of the song would've sounded out of place on the album for sure, so maybe it was in a contention for a B-side. I'm glad it hasn't touched the album, because it's a quite bland song, but the more rockier middle-8 is pretty good.

And that brings us to the end of these 'spotlights'. I know the songs aren't that good at all, but maybe some of you found some discoveries, or are just glad to hear more songs by P!nk.

So excited for the results!
he / him
It was a blisteringly hot day and there I was, stood with my arms wrapped around my boyfriend, in a crowd tens of thousands strong. P!nk's face towering down on us from above, preaching about searching for a world that is not afraid of love, kindness and feminism. Between moments of her own massive career and emotional political moments - I reflected on a world that hadn't always worked the way I wanted it to, a world that had often beaten me down and held its hand to pick me up.

And I felt safe, I felt understood, I felt like it was exactly where I was supposed to be. In that ocean of misunderstood people, each one of us brought together by the strength of music. I felt safe enough to cry, to let myself grieve the family I had lost and the pain I had felt. I felt safe enough to love, to bury my head in my boyfriends neck and not fear the reactions around me.

From the very first opening bars, those tears came flooding out. It's almost impossible to explain just what 'What About Us' has come to represent for me - a cathartic balance of emotional release and nostalgic terror. It's a deceptively simple song built around a deceptively simple question. What about us? What about me? Why am I being forgotten? Why are you taking those that I love? Why me?

'What About Us' has allowed me to explore my personal traumas and grief in ways that I've never explored before. In particular I continued to find strength in it as I lost several family members last year, and following a failed suicide attempt. It's everything I possibly needed; it's the question painfully drawn from beneath the skin, it's the cathartic breakdown and the dance to release the anger it brings.

I've seen her live a few times, and she's absolutely the best performer in the world in my eyes. This moment just solidified it, and is the reason why I will see her every single time she performs. Her performance skill is transcendent, whether on the ground or in the air, because her entire heart bleeds out on the stage. The pain, the love, the humour - it's all there. You quite simply do not emerge from a P!nk show the same person as when you went in.

And that's just discussing the emotional connection I felt for one song, not to mention the fact she performed in blistering heat (with flames) without missing a beat, spun from ribbons, flew around the arena, I could go on. We all know her for her cirque-esque acrobatics, but that is to dismiss her incredible dancing skill. Singing live the entire time, there's no question in my mind that she is the performer of our generation.

Let's get this started

he / him

143. Revenge

Average score: 3.63
Highest score: 9 (@Music Is Life)
Lowest score: 0x3 (@JMRGBY88, @nikkysan, @The Hot Rock)

I find this really difficult because I feel P!nk loves this, and particularly loves Mr M&M. She's gushed about it before, saying she created it simply to try and get a rap Grammy (ddd) and it was actually going to be a single - there was even a gross-looking video that was filmed but scrapped. A few images leaked, and there was supposedly going to be dismembered body parts and Eminem lookalikes.

Luckily for us P!nk went on to scrap the video entirely, and the release, calling the video in hindsight "terrible" and adding "It's never coming out". Yikes, she's never one to mince words so... you know it really was bad. Almost everybody hated this universally and we've not been kind to it since its release. I actually don't think its that bad, and I think there's a kind of endearing softness to it alongside the production which almost works... unfortunately the chorus is completely unfinished. It's... actually astounding to me that they were ever going to release this with such a weak chorus. The verses aren't even that bad, and P!nk sounds great... but that chorus.

Commentary corner:
@JMRGBY88: Honestly, the only song on this list deserving of absolutely nothing. This song has zero redeeming features. I genuinely forgot it existed as I deleted it after two listens. My third was for this and honestly, never again (except for when I inevitably see her do it live dd)

@nikkysan: P!nk’s part is already so corny, but Eminem’s verse is absolutely heinous. Still calling women whores in 2017? With your excuse being because they cheated first? God I hate Eminem.

@The Hot Rock: I'm tired

@Sprockrooster: I wish this was tossed on Eminem's album and Pink got 'Need Me'.

@Verandi: I truly love the background vocals

@P'NutButter: Love the structure of the song, but lyrically it's a damn mess and Eminem screaming "slut" in 2017? Really?

@rick : Nobody is here for Eminem. Stop marketing to the lowest common denominator.

@abael: Lyrics so basic Pink may as well announce “these are the lyrics” before each verse. Eminem is not an enjoyable addition.

@tylerc904: If this was just P!nk I would probably give it like a 9 (and be dragged because it’s still simultaneously hollow but boppable). The harmonies are great and the bridges are excellent.

@Laurence: I HATE THIS UGH

@Music Is Life : Okay so I kinda love this. Like, it’s a hot mess and I know that, but I also think that’s why I love it? It’s a fun bop, and I kinda love P!nk rapping. Eminem’s verse is…fine. I’ve heard worse from him, and he’s actually got a couple pretty good lines, but a couple others bring it down. Him singing is weird, but I’m here for it. And the ending is hilarious. I’m sure this will be the first one out, or one of them, and that’s fine, but I still enjoy the song.

@Maki: ~ This really was unnecessary. It's comical, fun and all, she always has at least one track but it was my least favorite from the album. The repetitive hook isn't a good idea, but it's easily memorable. Eminem singing is an interesting, but not a good idea. And he comes off so annoying (the 'slut' screaming part is ear rape). Maybe she wanted to revive the days when she was a 'hook girl' in rap songs, and do the rap herself, but it just doesn't work. Nice production, it has something refreshing in the hook, at least. Glad that they scrapped this from being a single, but I'm still curious to see that music video.

@R27: A true low point of her "love as hate songs," possibly her entire career. Everything about this song is obnoxious and void of charm. So, I guess an Eminem feature makes total sense in that respect.

@savilizabeths: “Oh…no…I don’t think there are words to describe this one. There are a tiny number of saving graces here. Pink has charisma as usual but god, it really does not save this at all. Why did I give this a two instead of the one (or even zero) it might deserve? Well, I had the time of my life laughing my head off listening to this. It’s so ridiculous and awful that it earned itself a pity point. The chorus is awful, the lyrics are awful, Eminem screaming the word ‘slut’ is awful. Who let this happen? Jesus.”

Let us bid goodbye to what is, according to us, the worst P!nk song of all time. Well, do we think it would have beaten 'We Got Scurvy'?

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Predictable and definitely deserving first boot. They sure had fun, but the result is really weak.
With a 5,5 , it was among my lowest scores, and it wasn't the lowest simply because the production is actually good.
And of course @Music Is Life is the highest scorer.

Let us bid goodbye to what is, according to us, the worst P!nk song of all time. Well, do we think it would have beaten 'We Got Scurvy'?
DON'T TOUCH 'WE'VE GOT SCURVY'! It literally would've gotten a 10 from me, no joke.

And @Lost Boy, I hope it won't be too much to ask that you add the voter's scores along the commentary (and your own scores for the songs, too).
It's Begun! Before I was able to get my album averages out.
Well I missed my moment, but:

Can’t Take Me Home 6.14
M!ssundaztood 4.06
Try This 6.64
I’m Not Dead 6.35
Funhouse 6.72
The Truth About Love 6.7
Beautiful Trauma 6.54
Hurts 2B Human 6.92
Hits + Extras 6.08

It seems I have a pretty consistent opinion of above average/bordering on good throughout that gets slightly better over time, bar album 2 which is bin material.

While I won't miss Revenge and deserves to be on this side of 100, I gave this a five, and when you have 27 fours, threes and twos in the mix you feel like a better choice could've been made.
I deleted Revenge from my library very early on and I don’t do that with songs generally, even if I think they’re awful.

What leaked from the scrapped video?
hat leaked from the scrapped video?
Just some 'behind the scenes' photos you can easily find online and perhaps one still from the video.
Seemed like a nice idea, but with this song, absolutely not.

As for the next elimination, I would like something out of the 'bland and forgettable' category, but I won't complain a single bit if something irritating leaves next.

Don't want to sound obnoxious and annoying, but @berserkboi and @Filippa, the results have begun and you can start your journey of discovering more P!nk music.
I can't help but think a big reason why the Beautiful Trauma album wasn't very well received by some people was having Revenge right as the second track. That really wasn't a great idea and definitely made the album give a bad first impression.

At least she got the second track perfectly right in Hurts 2B Human though.
