Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

he / him

129. Today's the Day
Average score: 5.76
Highest score: 9.2 (@Untouchable Ace)
Lowest score: 2 (@Sanctuary)
My score: 3

What do you do when white Oprah asks for a theme song to the most clinically beige TV show of all time? When your latest era ended two years ago and you're in that vast dreamlike space reigned over by Rihanna, do you use it to springlaunch a new campaign by handing over something with a little bite? Do you hand over a bonus track from two albums ago that will hopefully fly under the radar? Or do you get in the studio and make something uniquely for them?

Apparently it was the latter for P!nk, who wrote and recorded this exclusively for the show. This just isn't a good song, is it? Typically I don't really agree with the excessive narrative that P!nk is stuck in a rut musically, but you can't really argue against it with this. To me it kind of sounds like one of the bonus tracks from I'm Not Dead. The verses are okay but it's that chorus, like nails on a chalkboard to me. Luckily for us, it was reserved for the white female icon herself and her two chairs. Though Australia almost sent this top ten......

I am listening now and maybe I was a bit harsh? The verses really are great but I cannot get past the bridge and that chorus. Awful.

Commentary corner:
@JMRGBY88: (5) is it cute? Yes. Do I listen? No.

@P'NutButter: (7) Lyrically it's cringy, but I like it.

@tylerc904: ( My first time hearing this one, and it’s very, very generic P!nk.

@rick: (8) Well......I mean it’s good. Nice shouty chorus too.

@Maki: (8.25) Considering that this was just made for the theme song for the Ellen show (and it was the only song in consideration for that), this is great. I love the verses, and while it’s overall a bit too generic and typical P!nk song for this period, this is a really feel-good and catchy tune. It’s very reminiscent of her stuff from “The Truth About Love”. If we battle “Tonight’s the Night” and this, “Today’s the Day” wins (but I doubt that will happen in the actual rate).

@abael: (7) A departure both thematically and musically from Pinks usual work. She pulled it off well, even if the song is standard.

@Laurence: (6.5) It's not a bad song I'll give y'all that but just the link with Ellen and the moms-over-40-pop of it all is just tew much here. It woulda been a cool track if it was a little less vanilla and those lyrics eh.

@Music Is Life: (9) This is a cute bop. I love the lyrics, “I get so vicious when I don’t feel delicious.”

@nikkysan: (6) This is surprisingly... okay for an Ellen theme song? I was expecting something terrible but this would’ve been a passable album track for The Truth About Love.
I definitely liked some of these extras more than the rest y'all. The only sevens I've lost so far are this and Waterfall.
I thought that this was the song eliminated based on the thread title, since it would be too early for "Tonight's the Night" to leave, and was right.

"Today's the Day" is indeed P!nk at her most generic, but it's a great song. Don't really get why it isn't loved as much, maybe because it sounds like something from "The Truth About Love".
There are much worse songs, so this ended up underrated.

And it turns out that there is a song by P!nk that you like less than "Free", @Lost Boy.
Yes, because at least those songs doesn't sound like a cheaply produced Chainsmokers song that was recorded in 2016 and accidentally released in 2019.
I would honestly take a Chainsmokers song any day over a song that's attached to Imagine Dragons. However, I'm also a sucker for cheap nostalgia, which has pretty much become The Chainsmokers niche at this point.
he / him

128. The One That Got Away
Average score: 5.78
Highest score: 10 (@savilizabeths)
Lowest score: 2 (@Sideout)
My score: 9

I've always been a sucker
Had a weakness for a boy with a guitar and a drink in his hand
His words were like heaven in my hurricane
My knees buckled under
I thought everyone was watching me
Watching you save my life with the song

Oh, but, my man, you're someone else's man
And that ain't the man that I want
But you keep drawing me in with those big, brown, lying eyes
You'll always be mine
In the back of my mind
Oh, we had a night
Just a little while

I'm not a victim of cliches
I don't believe in soul mates
Happy endings, only one
Oh, and I met you, and all that changed
I had a taste, and you're still sitting on the tip of my tongue

You were mine
Somewhere in time
I'll look for you first
In my next life

Right, I didn't expect this to storm the rate but I do want to take a second to focus on the lyricism at hand here. It carries a kind of heartbreaking detail that people clamor over from Ms. Swift. Delicate, melancholic and frankly brutal at times. I'm pretty sure a vast majority of users here will be able to relate to the pain of sharing a single night with a potential love story only for it to crumble for some unknown reason, leaving you in a painful purgatory of what ifs and buts. I'll die on the hill of this potentially being her best over lyrical output?

It doesn't differ that much from P!nk's usual 'campfire songs', where she strips right back to guitar and vocals, except this has an obvious folk/country twang and often indulges it with oddly specific and odd lyrics like "What kind of man makes cappucino?" but that just helps add to the authenticity for me. "I really get shit for that line" she quips, in the below clip.

This song truly deserved better and I am appalled that everyone thought so little of it, or switched off to it because of its signature twang. I'm ESPECIALLY disappointed in you, @Maki. I thought we were soul mates!

Commentary corner:

@savilizabeths: (10) “Another song that kinda sounds like the demo and I absolutely love that. I’ve also always had a weakness for a boy with a guitar and a drink in his hand. I love the lyrical detail on this one and I really relate to the sentiment. I think I’ve had a lot of ones who got away. I love the harmonies, the acoustic guitar and how raw this feels.”

@R27: (8.25) There are a lot of great lyrical details in this which really elevate the song for me (such as the coffee verse). I find it actually makes an interesting comparison to the Katy song with the same name, which is very naive and has late adolescents feel to it, whereas this song has always felt so adult to me. She isn't lamenting her first love or some youthful romance, and I think it's key that she refers to her romantic interest as a man and not a boy. I hope it does well here and doesn't get done too wrong.
@Maki: (5) The only dud on “I’m Not Dead”, and one of the weakest songs by P!nk. It’s pretty boring and goes on for too long, although it slightly gets better from the bridge onwards. I don’t really like the country vibe either. Eventually I got used to it, it took some time. Not a bad song at all, but it’s bland, especially on this strong album.

@sapnu puas: (2.5) -this song has always irked me for being so trash compared to the rest of the album. Makes me dislike it more

@abael: (4) Hmmm Folksy. Not into it.

@rick: (8) The cappuccino line really isn’t that funny

@Verandi: (5) The point where the album starts to free fall. Nice vocals tho.
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Goodbye "The One That Got Away", you won't be missed!
Only one 5 remaining as my lowest score now.

Actually, I thought that the song would leave even earlier than this, it's so bland compared to what she can do. Literally any bonus track and B-side could've take its place.
I'll give you the good and interesting lyrics, but sonically, it doesn't do anything for me. It does bring something new to the album with the, although that country sound is not really my thing. Great vocals, too, but that's always the case with P!nk

And, unfortunately, it sticks out on the album for the wrong reasons, because the rest od it is mostly brilliant.

Now leave "I'm Not Dead" alone at least until top 100.

I'm so sorry, @Lost Boy, for disappointing you, but there are so many favorites we have in common to cover this up (look at my 11, for example.)
I really hope there won't be any more big differences between our scores, as it already was the case with "Free".
Okay I love Do What U Do. Yeah it's a little cheesy, but I LOVE the melody and it bops so much.
As for The One That Got Away, @Lost Boy you missed my score/commentary for it. I'm sure you'll edit it in but I'm going to post it here cause I have something to add: (9) This is a great, acoustic, slightly blues influenced track. I’m in love with her voice on this, and I love the melody in certain places. I used to not bother with this that much, but I’ve come to really enjoy it, and think it earns its place on the album.
I can't at myself not even mentioning the lyrics. They definitely are very adult and heartbreaking, and relatable, as well as some of her best. Since rating, it has grown on me even more and I might even give it a 10 now.
