he / him

129. Today's the Day
Average score: 5.76
Highest score: 9.2 (@Untouchable Ace)
Lowest score: 2 (@Sanctuary)
My score: 3
What do you do when white Oprah asks for a theme song to the most clinically beige TV show of all time? When your latest era ended two years ago and you're in that vast dreamlike space reigned over by Rihanna, do you use it to springlaunch a new campaign by handing over something with a little bite? Do you hand over a bonus track from two albums ago that will hopefully fly under the radar? Or do you get in the studio and make something uniquely for them?
Apparently it was the latter for P!nk, who wrote and recorded this exclusively for the show. This just isn't a good song, is it? Typically I don't really agree with the excessive narrative that P!nk is stuck in a rut musically, but you can't really argue against it with this. To me it kind of sounds like one of the bonus tracks from I'm Not Dead. The verses are okay but it's that chorus, like nails on a chalkboard to me. Luckily for us, it was reserved for the white female icon herself and her two chairs. Though Australia almost sent this top ten......
I am listening now and maybe I was a bit harsh? The verses really are great but I cannot get past the bridge and that chorus. Awful.
Commentary corner:
@P'NutButter: (7) Lyrically it's cringy, but I like it.
@tylerc904: ( My first time hearing this one, and it’s very, very generic P!nk.
@rick: (8) Well......I mean it’s good. Nice shouty chorus too.
@Maki: (8.25) Considering that this was just made for the theme song for the Ellen show (and it was the only song in consideration for that), this is great. I love the verses, and while it’s overall a bit too generic and typical P!nk song for this period, this is a really feel-good and catchy tune. It’s very reminiscent of her stuff from “The Truth About Love”. If we battle “Tonight’s the Night” and this, “Today’s the Day” wins (but I doubt that will happen in the actual rate).
@abael: (7) A departure both thematically and musically from Pinks usual work. She pulled it off well, even if the song is standard.
@Laurence: (6.5) It's not a bad song I'll give y'all that but just the link with Ellen and the moms-over-40-pop of it all is just tew much here. It woulda been a cool track if it was a little less vanilla and those lyrics eh.
@Music Is Life: (9) This is a cute bop. I love the lyrics, “I get so vicious when I don’t feel delicious.”
@nikkysan: (6) This is surprisingly... okay for an Ellen theme song? I was expecting something terrible but this would’ve been a passable album track for The Truth About Love.