Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

"Don't Let Me Get Me" is not even in my top 20 P!nk songs, but it absolutely doesn't deserve to leave anytime soon (and of course it won't).
Don't Let Me Get Me is now my least fave single from that era, but even so that song is a classic. It was everything to me back then. I eventually outgrew it probably like P!nk did over time, but anyone wanting that song to be eliminated at this stage should maybe have the rest of their scoring void from this rate instead.
he / him

76. The King is Dead but the Queen is Alive
Average score: 7.09
Highest score: 10x4 (@Sanctuary, @tylerc904, @Music Is Life, @əʊæ)
Lowest score: 1 (@Sideout)
My score: 9.5

'Blow Me (One Last Kiss) B-side and Japanese bonus track 'The King is Dead...' falls out at a graceful seventy-six. Taking a different approach to P!nk's usually story-driven and intimate lyricism, it's another tongue in cheek middle finger to over-entitled men. Much like the album as a whole it's slightly noisy, purposefully abrasive and overflowing with self-confidence. With lyrics like

I wear your crown and I look quite nice

There's a party in your honour but you won't be there, whatever.


Unlike your anatomy, I'm glad I had it in me.

It certainly isn't boring and was an incredible choice for accompanying her new lead single. P!nk's leads have always hit the ground running with 50% shock, 50% appeal and this does exactly what you'd expect to. It's the kind of song absolutely nobody else could pull off, whether they try to or not. It's a total racket from start to finish, especially the enormous chorus, and I wouldn't wish it to be anything less.

Commentary corner:
@nikkysan: (9.5) Such a great oddity in her discography, why did she leave all the bonuses off the standard tracklist when these shit all over majority of it?

@Sprockrooster: (6) Me hoping for some gems in the bonus tracks I never sought out that I could have ranted about how they should included of the many filler instead, yet finding more of the same weak tracks.

@Music Is Life: (10) Another total self-empowering jam from this woman! Love the cheerleader-esque, expletive filled chorus. And the middle-8 in this is honestly one of her best in her upbeat songs, in my opinion. Deserved more than B-side or bonus track status, but I own the fan edition of the album, so I’m not complaining too much.

@Verandi: (7) A loud mess

@Maki: (9) Perhaps her most well-known B-side (and probably her last), and it is among her very best bonus tracks/B-sides. The verses are really strong, not as much as the chorus and I’m not a fan of the spoken bridge, but it’s a powerful and catchy tune. I forgot about the great guitar solo, too. It could’ve easily been a standard album track.

@rick: (6) 6/10 only for the anatomy line

@abael: (4) Cheesy song with dynasty warriors level rock backing, bleh.

@tylerc904: (10) It’s a lil’ corny but it really does pump you up. Great for a workout.

@Laurence: (7) Pretty OK track

@R27: (6.75) The Truth About Love seems to have an endless stream of bonus tracks and I am running out of things to say about them. Basically, I like the guitar solo in the bridge of this one.

@savilizabeths: (8) “The stomping chorus on this is fantastic, and the lyrical content is pretty great. I’m not a huge fan of the first part of the bridge, but the electric guitars are absolute killer. What a triumphant bop!”
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Yet another surprising elimination... this rate is all over the place.

While it doesn't reach the absolute highs of the bonus tracks from "The Truth About Love" for me (that are "Is This Thing On?" and "Timebomb"), it's such a stellar song that deserved better, both in the album treatment and this rate.

And poor @Music Is Life losing eight 10's in the last ten eliminations. I feel you.
he / him

75. Heartbreak Down
Average score: 7.10
Highest score: 9x5 (@Sanctuary, @JMRGBY88, @rick, @tylerc904, @Music Is Life)
Lowest score: 4 (@AllGagaLike)
My score: 7

Greatest Hits... So Far!!! is unquestionably one of the strongest greatest hits of all time, congregating a small selection of her very best with four brand new tracks, one of which was this little Kelly Clarkson-esque ode to heartbreak. Whilst it is, according to us, the worst song on the album it is also the last remaining track to receive no perfect scores. Not everybody has that!

It's hard for me to imagine a world in which this actually made a studio album, or even a bonus track. Considering 'Whataya Want From Me' made the album I can't help but feel this was a throwaway song for another artist, and it really does sound like Kelly Clarkson would have eaten this up, but apparently it was intended to be the third single? There's nothing particularly wrong with the song, it's just there.

Commentary corner:

@JMRGBY88: (9) I’ll tell you who this would have suited more than P!nk; Kelly Clarkson.

@The Hot Rock: (6) Much better than Raise Your Glass or F*cking Perfect, of course it's the one I hadn't heard.

@rick: (9) Another shouty Pink by numbers but I eat that stuff up

@abael: (6) Easily the weakest addition to the compilation, still has its good points

@Laurence: (8) Never heard this one before and I gotta say... It starts off quite strong and I like the track a lot? This rate is just great before seeing her in concert and even if this is the only find I get, I'm happy with it! I love the build up in the verses and chorus is pretty good too. Also she shoutouts iTunes? Pretty dated nowadays eh. But I'll give it a pass. The bridge is average I think but all right.

@Music Is Life: (9) This is a jam. I love the chorus, especially the “You beat me at…” and “I’m sick all in…” parts, and the middle-8 is so good here. A great song that should’ve been on the main edition of the album, and another top 5 single.

@Maki: (7.75) All song from her greatest hits album have one thing in common - they’re generic. This is not an exception, but that doesn’t mean that it’s bad. It sounds like it could’ve been a single, mainly because of the great chorus which sounds so familiar to me. The flat production with more electronic elements is not really to my taste. And why do I get Katy Perry vibes during the chorus?

@R27: (5) Pleasant and catchy.
@savilizabeths: (8) “Definitely a straightforward bop that gets stuck in my head super easily.”
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I love the last two eliminations. 'Heartbreak Down' has grown on me since it's release and it's her vocals on the chorus that sell it. Great track. While 'The King is Dead...' is superior to most of The Truth About Love, so it's a shame it's out.

I'd plump/hope for 'I Got Money Now' leaving soon, not because I don't like it but because I find it triggering.
