Whatever You Want <3This is her latest song that I can declare a masterpiece. Yes, nothing from her latest two albums comes close to this. Glorious song in every way - the melody, vocals, lyrics, production and all. The stomping beat just adds the drama and the last chorus is pure amazingness.
@Lost Boy, when are we losing the next single?
At the same time, i'm glad my 11 is holding on as it's not well loved around here.
This is probably the most confusing thing, and I've seen praise for it, too. It's so weird seeing it leave before top 30. Seems like these voters aren't so R&B-friendly after all.It does make me laugh that we see so much discussion about her stagnating and wanted a return to her debut's R&B but then we see almost all of the album topple out before now and songs like this leave at 60.
The only singles that I can see leaving next are "Walk Me Home" and "Nobody Knows" (or perhaps "Raise Your Glass"). Only "Nobody Knows" got a score lower than a 7 from me out of those three songs.55! Hopefully we'll get to it tomorrow.
I gave "Where Did the Beat Go?" an 8. You're welcome x
Thank GOD. That must mean it'll make at least top 50, maybe top 40, right? That's all I want for it.We won't see any eleven's fall for another few days, when we'll see several fall close together.
maybe top 40, right? That's all I want for it.
It'll probably be leaving around then though.
Wow, we (almost) agree on something! Well done!I gave "Where Did the Beat Go?" an 8. You're welcome x
And yet you’re calling for 11-worthy Raise Your Glass? Honey.I gave "Where Did the Beat Go?" an 8. You're welcome x
And just like that.....all is well again![]()
59. Conversations With My 13 Year Old Self
Average score: 7.44
Highest score: 10x5
(@nikkysan, @Daniel_O, @LiK, @Music Is Life, @Maki)
Lowest score: 2x2
(@Hurricane Drunk, @rick)
My score: 9
The pain you feel is real, you're not asleep but it's a nightmare
But you can wake up anytime
Oh don't lose your passion or the fighter that's inside of you
You're the girl I used to be
The pissed off complicated thirteen year old me
Do you remember the drama of being young? Were you lucky enough to have a privileged youth? Even so, I know there are times when you've looked back and debated what you would tell your younger, more naive selves. P!nk's history is a tale well known of trauma, heartbreak and eventual success - which obviously means this song is immediately going to be packed with emotion, especially considering her absolute lack of fear in tackling subjects often not talked about.
I happen to think this is one of the defining moments of her career, with possibly her best vocal performance in all of its intimate 'Everytime'-esque glory, and melancholic and poignant lyricism that cuts right to the heart. It's a nostalgic topic that we can all relate to and yet nobody really does it like she does? We need more fearless artists that speak to the misguided like this, and it's definitely part of the reason why her authenticity is so celebrated now.
Arguably even more powerful now she is a mother, I can't quite put into words how well it reflects the pain that comes with reflecting on a broken childhood. Looking back at a sad and lonely life that you cannot change, knowing that the future will be kinder to them but you can't tell them that. It's a heartbreaking and razor sharp diary entry of epic proportions with suitably melodramatic production, strings and all.
Commentary corner:
@nikkysan: (10) Her best album closer. The strings just soar as the song progresses and makes it perfectly melodramatic. P!nk’s most personal songs always hit me hard.
@Music Is Life: I love this, always have since first listening to this album. The production is amazing and cinematic and perfect, I especially love the piano, and the orchestra and everything else about it. Then there’s the lyrics, which are great, some of them are really relatable for me. That ending is one of the best in any of her songs, and I feel like is a great send off for the listener.
@Maki: (10) What a closer… Underrated masterpiece, I didn’t expect this one to crush me so much. My second contender for 11 points. I’m in love with every single moment of this song. It made me sad, because I think I was the happiest as a 13 year old, and I could have a little conversation with my younger self (note that I almost never connect to the lyrics of any song). It’s so dramatic and powerful, and the arrangement is absolutely stunning - I’m desperate to hear the instrumental version of this song. Absolute perfection.
@JMRGBY88: (9) A song that only gets more poignant with age.
@The Hot Rock: (9) Had an experience listening to this for the first time since I was 12 or 13 for this rate, whew.
@savilizabeths: (9) Someone said in the thread that this song would be a million times better if she didn’t sing the title in it. It is a beautiful song though. We always wish we could talk to our younger selves and tell them what we’ve learned. I love how theatric the instrumentation is. It’s absolutely beautiful. The lyrics are mostly strong too. I honestly might have given it a ten if the title didn’t sound super clunky.
@Reboot: (8) Based on the title I assumed this must be shit, but it’s not! The lyrics are beautiful.
@Laurence: (8) Such intensity right in the middle of the album? A wall of sound and then back to quiet stuff. Reminds me of a musical. Oh wait it is the end of the regular album so I gotta go Youtube now
@abael: (7) A tad melodramatic, but this is Pink, and what would seem overwrought from your average artist comes off as theatrical, but commonplace.
@R27: (7) This definitely doesn't hit as hard as it did when I was 14 and stanning IMD, but there's still a lot to enjoy. The production is probably the most melodramatic of her ballads. I may not relate to this anymore but I'm glad it exists for those who do.
@P'NutButter: (4) The instrumental is way too OTT and theatrical and ruins what is quite a touching song.
@rick: (2) Hate this
Is Conversations with My 13 Year Old Self the legit closer in any of the album's editions dddd. Bonus and hidden tracks were all the rage.
Ok I've just checked and yes it's never the closing track.Excluding the bonus and hidden then all of them? On the standard it's just behind the hidden, which if I remember rightly was just after a wall of silence which was all the rage then.
And just like that...your awful taste is showing again!And just like that.....all is well again