I didn't lose a 10 in the last 15 cuts (but did lose some of my 'almost 10s'), so I fear that a painful elimination may be coming very soon.
Well... I called it. First "Where did The Beat Go?", then this.
I knew it was coming, for different reasons, but I can't help but feel heartbroken when seeing this masterpiece go.
Yes, "Conversations with My 13 Year Old Self" would've been my 11 if it wasn't for... my actual 11.
But it most definitely belongs to her 11/10 masterpiece category (i.e. my top 15) of her songs.
Those strings, the melodramatic music arrangement, the devastating lyrics - it's just all so brutally sad. Such a unique song in her discography, both sonically and lyrically, so it only deserves major praise. Without any doubt her best album closer.
For those who adore the instrumental, here the closest we got to one:
Just gorgeous.
I even imagined a music video while I was going back from my high school and: going down the streets after school, meeting all my friends from elementary school (because we were 13, after all, and that was the time when I was the happiest), but they are all grown ups and each of them does their thing. Then, one by one, they start following me and near the very end of the song, I turn around, and no one is behind me - realizing that I'm just longing for those happy days.
I know that's almost the opposite of what P!nk was going for, but the 'conversations' idea is genius and really resonates with me.
Either that, or I'm just a mess.
But, despite my infinite love for it and the fact that I'll always consider it underrated, "Conversations with My 13 Year Old Self" actually did really well, considering a few things. First, the 'poprock ladies' rate, where it was brutally treated; out at #75 out of 83 songs, with an average less than 6,5 (
@Lost Boy we really needed you there). A full point of average score higher is a major improvement. Still, one thing remained the same - it was the second "I'm Not Dead" track (standard edition) to be eliminated. Also, a few of you called the song a while ago, and I was so scared for it.
Once again, I must mention the kind souls who gave this song the (only) score it deserves:
@Daniel_O (two mutual 10's in a row!),
@LiK and
@Music Is Life (among the others who gave it a 9 or 8). I'm a bit confused,
@kal didn't give this one a 10? I was almost certain they would.
And I love the write-up
@Lost Boy, lovely!
Oh, and the fact that she never performed the song live only tells me that it would've been too emotional for her.
I'm so sad now, must've listened to the song about 10 times while writing this... please no more eliminations like these until top 50 at least.