Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

If it was up to me, Don't Let Me Get Me would be gone, as for the other I have a few choices, however as @Maki also has it as their lowest score, let's go with 18 Wheeler.
If it was up to me, Don't Let Me Get Me would be gone, as for the other I have a few choices, however as @Maki also has it as their lowest score, let's go with 18 Wheeler.
I agree about "18 Wheeler", but "Don't Let Me Get Me" doesn't deserve to leave anywhere near yet.

No idea which songs we could be losing next.
If it's a single, I would go with "Nobody Knows". But I fear that "Oh My God" is in danger for some reason.

I love that "Boring" is the longest lasting bonus track from "Funhouse" and hopefully it will survive the next few eliminations. It actually did really well, because I thought it could be abrasive to some of the voters.
he / him

52. Oh My God
Average score: 7.58
Highest score: 10x2
(@Music Is Life, @savilizabeths)
Lowest score: 4
My score: 9.5

Put me on the table
Make me say your name
If I can't remember
Then give me all your pain
I can sit and listen (I can listen)
Or I can make you scream (And I can make you scream)
Kiss it make it better (Kiss it up and down)
Just put your trust in me

Considering this apparently took a quick 15 minutes to write before P!nk and Peaches took off for a bout of shopping, let me not spend too much time doing a write up for this on my Saturday off. Duets are a pretty rare occurrence for P!nk, at least prior to her latest album, and Peaches apparently makes an appearance here due to P!nk's admiration of her.

The fifth track on the album, it continues 'Tonight's the Night' in pushing an off-kilter P!nk that really does not give a fuck this time around. It's arguably the sexiest song I've ever heard, with gorgeously stretched vocals and breathy harmonies (she definitely had to have a sit down after recording this). Sex positivity is important ladies.

Commentary corner:

@Music Is Life: (10) This song is like sexual heat personified. Everything about it is just amazing. One of my automatic faves when I first listened to the album, and it just gets better with each listen.

@savilizabeths: (10) “Damn, this one is so sexually charged. I actually fucking love it. I just adore the mood the production and the mumbly background vocals create. I hope this one doesn’t get tanked or anything, because it was a really great surprise. Maybe I partially gave it a full score of ten just to give it as many points as I could. It’s not perfect, but I really love it.”

@Maki: (9.75) It gets interesting here, both musically and lyrically. This was one of my initial favorites (and still is), and one of the highlights. She has very few of sensual songs, and this is one of them. The melody is so good, it really loose, almost drooping, and has slight dark vibe. I don’t even mind the rap parts by Peaches, they fit really well. And that laugh at the end is priceless!

@tylerc904: (9.5) I wish she would have further explored this type of song later in her career (Fingers is probably the closest).

@The Hot Rock: (9) An interesting pairing that didn't manage to disappoint me? Almost unheard of.

@rick: (9) Peaches’ verse makes no sense to my gay ears but I love the song regardless

@R27: (8) This is actually really sexy, and P!nk really sells this with a subtle and sensuous delivery. I'm not totally convinced that Peaches was the best fit for this kind of song, but she doesn't drag it down either by any means.

@abael: (6) I appreciate the vocal experimentation Pink has here, however the instrumentation doesn't adjust properly to support her

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But I fear that "Oh My God" is in danger for some reason.
Wow, I literally called it, unfortunately.

"Oh My God" is for sure a unique one, and therefore isn't for everyone. But, to my surprise, almost everyone seemed to enjoy it to some extent. I remember this one being one of my favorites form "Try This" when I first listened to it, but it didn't hold up as well as some of the absolute highs of the album. Still, it's an amazing addition to her discography that almost made me give it a 10.
The lack of 10's is most likely what caused it to leave earlier than I would like to and it ended up underrated, given which songs are still in.
At least it will have the 'longest lasting song with a rap verse' milestone (that I just made up hehe).

Oh, and those artworks for songs from "Try This" just keep giving - great job, @Lost Boy!
I'm Not Dead has too many tracks left at this point. Also Raise Your Glass being still here is a choice.

Anyway, Humble Neighborhoods being the last non-single standing from Try This is correct. Probably the best song on the album.
But I'm Not Dead is iconic. I am in desperate need of a list to see what is left per album though (probably at the top 50 mark, which we will reach shortly) to view any wrong doings for an album.
All of its songs are ranked 8+ in my spreadsheet, except for four which are 6-. Those can go.
Except for "Nobody Knows" and "Dear Mr. President", every remaining song from "I'm Not Dead" is an ace and deserves to stay as long as possible.
he / him

51. 18 Wheeler
Average score: 7.61
Highest score: 10x6
(@Sanctuary, @soratami, @Verandi, @tylerc904, @savilizabeths, @Lost Boy)
Lowest score: 3
(@The Hot Rock)
My score: 10

Hey hey man, what's your problem?
I see you tryin' to hurt me bad
Don't know what you're up against
Maybe you should reconsider
Come up with another plan
'Cause you know I'm not that kinda girl
That'll lay there and let you come first

Save for the awkward slavery reference, time has been pretty kind to our last remaining M!ssundaztood album track. One of the sacred Dallas Austin tracks, '18 Wheeler' precedes 'Please Don't Leave Me' in presenting a pretty hardcore topic with tongue firmly planted in cheek. The imagery she paints here would have perfect for a music video, with her absolutely refusing to die despite all of the horrific things being done to her.

Personally I've always loved this as the empowerment anthem to end them all, it's literally almost four minutes of 'you cannot destroy me' which is the ultimate revenge. It's that brief time where you can absolutely feel your oats because you know, regardless of the shit you've been through, you'll always stand back up. You don't even need to accept what you are, you just know that it takes a shitload to really break you.

Commentary corner:
@Verandi: (10) Muddy production but whew she did that.

@tylerc904: (10) I imagine this would have been a single if the album had more than four (the four they picked were exactly right). This and Numb are the two that I think deserved single status.

@savilizabeths: (10) “Sometimes I forget how much I love this song. It’s on one of my girlfriends playlists so I hear it a lot. It’s such a damn good song. Has anyone noticed how she says ‘sword’ though? It always makes me laugh.”

@Music Is Life: (9.5) This song is so good. It’s an anthem, and honestly a classic. Not loving the censoring, but there are a couple places in the song where they cut it out in a smart way, usually with her ad-libs. I love the way she pronounces sword in the second verse.

@rick: (8) It’s way she pronounces ‘sword’ is very jarring but other than that I live

@R27: (8) Some classic P!nk sass.

@sapnu puas: (8) “you can push me out the window” makes me think of Miss Bran now. FUCK that ending. Justice for Dany xx. Also “hang me like a slave”. Jheeze. Listening in 2019 has kinda changed my opinion on this one a bit as I used to love it.

@Maki: (6.5) I was never a big fan of this one, and still don’t know exactly why. It’s kind of a filler, but at the same time not. Rebellious, for sure and completely suits her singing style, although the melody is a bit too lukewarm for me. The great part is when the final chorus brings those powerful vocals. A pity that this isn’t one of my favorites, since it’s a fan favorite among the album tracks.

@nikkysan: (6) Eeek @ the “You can hang me like a slave” lyric, who okayed that?

@abael: (4) Does she pronounce the w in sword? Do you? That's my only takeaway from this.

@The Hot Rock: (3) Kinda bops but the lyrics are a mess.
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he / him

Can't Take Me Home

Most Girls
There You Go
You Make Me Sick


Don't Let Me Get Me
Just Like a Pill
Get the Party Started

Family Portrait

Try This

God is a DJ
Last to Know

Humble Neighborhoods
Feel Good Time

I'm Not Dead

Stupid Girls
Who Knew
Long Way to Happy
Nobody Knows
Dear Mr. President
I'm Not Dead
Cuz I Can
Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)
U + Ur Hand
I Got Money Now



So What
I Don't Believe You

Please Don't Leave Me
Bad Influence

It's All Your Fault
Ave Mary A
Glitter in the Air

The Truth About Love

Blow Me (One Last Kiss)

Beautiful Trauma

Beautiful Trauma
Whatever You Want
What About Us


Greatest Hits... So Far!!!

Whataya Want From Me
Raise Your Glass
Fucking Perfect

Hurts 2B Human

(Hey Why) Miss You Sometimes

90 Days

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The next 10 songs to be out should be:
God is a DJ
Last to Know
Humble Neighborhoods
Walk Away
Feel Good Time
Bad Influence
Ave Mary A
What About Us
