Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

Another great uptempo song leaving... One of the clear standouts from "Beautiful Trauma", I loved "Secrets" from the very first listen - for sure a unique song in her discography. Why a 6, @Lost Boy?
I didn't give it a 10, simply because it still sounds too 'sterile' for me, but it remains an amazing song.
And, yes, that live performance is brilliant.
It's surprising to see it out at this point, considering it received nine 10's! Still, it's underrated.

Well this is just the beginning.
I love "Split Personality"!
he / him
It's surprising to see it out at this point, considering it received nine 10's!

Yeah, a few more points would have bumped it into the top 40. It just took a long time to come round to me, I didn't really like the official video either. It kind of took until I saw her perform it to appreciate it more.
he / him

46. Boring
Average score: 7.76
Highest score: 10x3
@Verandi, @tylerc904, @Hurricane Drunk
Lowest score: 5x2
@The Hot Rock, @sapnu puas
My score: 9

You're tired?
You're sore?
You worked all day?

Big boat?
Black AmEx?
Six pack

Well let's just say that the title is completely at odds with the song itself, which proves to be anything but boring in its abrasive runaway glory. Serving as a bonus track on the British and Japanese deluxe editions, 'Boring' tears down those overly self-loving males that attempt to impress with material things. With a killer drum refrain, some particularly witty one liners and and a frankly killer guitar riff, is it any surprise that the producers behind the track are the almighty Max Martin and Shellback?

I've always been relatively surprised that it was shunted to bonus status, to the point where it's not even on streaming services anymore, because it really is as big as any single she released from the Funhouse era. A little on the nose, yes, but considering the punch-to-the-nose 'So What' took her to number one, I think people were definitely fine with P!nk being this openly abrasive. The chorus is as thick as treacle and so easily digestible, definitely one of her finest bonus tracks, and then there's the hilarious little additions like the snoring, the "Insert rap... here!" middle-8. What a song.

Commentary corner:
@Verandi: (10) Ridiculous but it's a banger so yeah here's a 10.

@tylerc904: (10) Ironic or not, it fucking SLAPS.

@Music Is Life: (9.5) This song is so fucking funny. Literally one of my favorite bonus tracks by her because the lyrics are so cheeky and fun. I mean that middle-8 alone! “Insert rap here” *counts* Hilarious! Dead every time. And the production rocks in the best way possible.

@P'NutButter: (9) Such a brilliant pop song, just silly, hilarious and fun.

@Maki: (9) Such a misleading song title - this song is not boring the slightest! Actually, it’s one of her most fun and comical songs; the lyrics, snoring and ‘insert rap here’ are definitely memorable moments. It’s kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, I can even call it annoying, but not in a bad way. Super addictive chorus is always a good thing and I adore whet it slows down for that fantastic middle-8. Oh, and we get the alternate version of chorus near the end - thanks!

@Laurence: (9) This is great, why just a bonus track? If this was the final track on every edition it would way better. Something to stand out in the bonus tracks, wew I stan. The chorus just stands out greatly and those drums starting it, weew.

@JMRGBY88: (9) I love this song. This being a bonus over some of the tracks that made it to the album was a choice. The riff at the beginning plays in my head quite often.

@savilizabeths: (8) “Okay, this is just really damn fun. It’s cheeky and makes me smile whenever I hear it. It doesn’t feel like too much. It’s just enough sickly sweet sassy-ness.”

@rick: (8) Again it’s another one I can’t see many liking but I still dig it.

@abael: (7) Feels like a bit of a throwback to earlier work, paradoxically, gutsy but a bit gutless.

@R27: (6.75) Well it's certainly not dull, but I'm glad it was only an obscure bonus track and not part of the standard Funhouse tracklist.

48. Humble Neighborhoods
Average score: 7.71
Highest score: 10x5
(@Verandi, @rick, @Sail On, @Untouchable Ace, @Maki)
Lowest score: 4
My score: 8.25

Someday I'm gonna die but it
Won't be from boredom
If you've got the skills then I suggest
That you throw down
Meet us at the spot 'cause it's
Gonna be a showdown
Naw, you can't ride the bus
Man you better cool down

Released as the first promotional single of the album, 'Humble Neighborhoods' tackles P!nk's burgeoning career with perfect humility, owning all the crazy shit that she's now able to do because of it. I can't be too mad at it leaving because it's one of my lowest remaining scores, but it really is a statement piece on the album that pops all the way off. Someday I'm gonna die but it won't be from boredom she commands, and rightfully so considering she's still touring the world and breaking records 15 years after the songs release.

Could have definitely been a single but it's also, at this point, definitely P!nk at her noisiest so far. For me it kind of precedes 'So What' with its sheer level of attitude, and the production just hits the ground running.

Commentary corner:

@Verandi: (10) What a banger. What a song. Imagine this as the lead single. Imagine.

@rick: (10) One of the few truly high points of Try This

@Sail On: (10) Girls Aloud would have aced a song like this.

@Maki: (10) WE DON'T WANNA GO HOME!' Tell 'em, P!nk! Such an anthem! This could've been an amazing single pick. The guitar solo is so necessary and sounds so good. I couldn't help myself, just bumped its score from 9,75 to a 10!

@Music Is Life: (9.5) What a – I’m not sure what the right word is. I feel like it’s kicking, but that seems dorky. You know what? I don’t care. This is a kicking song. I love the production, especially the guitar work, and the “Weeeee don’t wanna go home” chants honestly elevate the song. The near-rapid fire verses are great, and the chorus just ties everything together. Another potential single on this album.

@Sprockrooster: (9) A bit of Arcade Fire isn't it?

@R27: (8) P!nk strikes me as the kind of person who always hypes up how “bad” she is without actually being all that bad or dangerous. Thus, she never fully sells me on these kind of songs, but they can still be pretty fun when she doesn't come off like she's taking herself too seriously. Thankfully, this is one of these times; plus the production on the chorus is pretty cool and the sentiment of not wanting to go home on a night out is pretty relatable.

@abael: (6) I enjoy this on a surface level, but is hollow and forgettable in retrospect.

@savilizabeths: (6) “I feel like I should like this more than I do but it’s just not a favourite of mine. Some of the lyrics feel clunky and like a draft. It’s fun though.”

Not to make myself even more unpopular around these parts ddd but I’m pretty sure I gave this a 2.
he / him

45. Centerfold
Average score: 7.80
Highest score: 11
(@Happiest Girl)
(@Sanctuary, @Verandi, @kal, @Untouchable Ace, @LiK, @Maki)
Lowest score: 4x2
(@Laurence, @playboy69)
My score: 9

Now it's him but it could've been you
Tell me why it's him when it should've been you
Its crazy how this makes you wanna change
Here's an image you won't forget
All your life I'll tease, I'll torment
I'll be gone as soon as you turn the page

Anybody shocked at 'Humble Neighborhoods' leaving earlier should have expected this, as 'Centerfold' is somewhat of a sister track to it at least in terms of sounds. Produced by Greg Kurstin, who would go on to work with her on a handful of The Truth About Love tracks, this served as a bonus track on various international editions of I'm Not Dead. The production is completely different for her but also kind of recalls the weird experimentation of both M!ssundaztood and Try This?

Lyrically it tackles the idea that she refuses to be controlled, and it features one of my favourite middle-8's in her entire career, by a man that has lost her because he couldn't accept it. It's the adverse to 'The One That Got Away', with P!nk recognising that she'll be the one that escaped and lived by her own rules.

Apparently a centerfold is typically the middle parting of a magazine, which google tells me is usually a picture of a "naked or scantilly clad model", giving even more context to the song that I never even realised. In this case, it's a body positive anthem to the world talking about how they'll never control who she is. An anthem.

Commentary corner:
@Maki: (10) This is my favorite bonus track from this album. Such a tune! The chorus is insanely addictive, and the rest of the song is nothing short of amazing. It just juggles different melodies so well, I was so impressed the first time I heard it. And that's how you do a killer middle-8/bridge - superb! It definitely should've appeared on the standard version album.

@Reboot: (9) Pink is so good at combining great choruses with even greater lyrics.

@Music Is Life: (9) This is a melodic, guitar-led, handclap filled BOP that I get my life to. Seriously, such a great song, and the lyrics are hilarious in the best way possible.

@rick: (7.5) Its ok but nothing special

@tylerc904: (7.5) This is the kind of fun, quirky tune that makes so much sense as a bonus track/b-side.

@savilizabeths: (7) “This one is pretty fun. Not something I absolutely love but it’s a catchy little bop.”

@R27: (6.5) A very solid, but unremarkable bonus track.

@abael: (5) Definitely an interesting song conceptually, but it's clear they couldn't glean enough lyrics from it to fill the track out.

