Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!


Not again

'Boring' is such a fucking incredible track. I love her personality on it and how hard the drums sound (if y'know what I mean?)

'Centerfold' has always paled in comparison to 'Fingers' for me, I think the fact it comes right at the end of the album + bonuses may be why though.

'You Make Me Sick' obviously I love and I wish she'd perform it more - like most of the debut album.

and 'Hey Why (Miss You Sometime)' is a really great pop track and hopefully will get the single treatment soon...
On the other hand, @Music Is Life must be thrilled for not losing a 10 in the last seven eliminations!
Oh I am ecstatic about it. I'm just waiting for the mess that will cause me deep pain.

44. You Make Me Sick
Average score: 7.808
Highest score: 10x6
@soratami, @Verandi, @kal, @Hurricane Drunk, @Sideout, @Music Is Life
Lowest score: 2
My score: 9

He got closer to me, it started getting deep
He had me in a zone when he started to show me things
I never saw before
Baby was smooth but I knew it was game
Hell-of-a cool but you men are the same
The way he licked his lips and touched my hips
I knew that he was slick

Here is another one that I somehow forgot to make a cover for, but cut me some slack considering I made well over 150 pieces of artwork in my spare time, so I just picked the pretty cool single artwork (Mine wouldn't be too dissimilar, I just liked having the same font for each era).

'You Make Me Sick' falling now leaves the debut album with just two tracks left, which I find ironic considering how much clamoring we see for her to return to these roots (Newsflash: a real P!nk fan knows R&B influences her work all the time). Released as the third and final single from her debut, it actually does not feature P!nk's writing credits at all, but it did manage to peak in the top ten over in the UK and the top 40 in the US, which I think is a really strong feat for a debut era? I think we forget she was actually kind of successful, just a bit anonymous, even when she first landed.

Despite being a bit obvious production-wise, I do think that P!nk manages to sell it pretty well and the operatic backing is a really fantastic touch that really elevates it. It still maintains that touch of humour we've come to expect of her, and the music video is an absolute serve of brilliant iconography. A pop star from the very beginning.

Commentary corner;

@Verandi: (10) The best of the album. Catchy as fuck.

@Music Is Life: (10) This is honestly my favorite of the three singles from this album. Don’t ask me why, it just is. I mean, t’s perfect. The production just glides along so smoothly and bops so much, and the melody throughout is so catchy and fun, and I feel like it’s very her, the whole song is, the lyrics scream P!nk. And I love the chorus. Also the intro, is great and a little hilarious, and the outro is sublime.

@Maki: (8.9) I don’t know how to rate this song, since I don’t go back to it so often, but when I do, I always end up loving it. It has a very warm feeling to it, especially in the chorus, which is really nice. Just behind “There You Go”, which means it’s my least favorite single from this album, but doesn’t mean this isn’t another great track. The music video definitely has ‘WTF’ value to it, though.

@rick: (8) Underrated gem of her early years. I’m sad she doesn’t perform it much these days. Also giving Santa a lap dance in the video was legendary.

@R27: (8) You got me lit like a candle stick is an amazing line and intend to quote throughout the summer at parties.

@savilizabeths: (8) “I adore the chorus on this one. It’s another really nostalgic feeling song. I must have heard it when I was a kid and just not known. I really love listening to this, I’m definitely bopping.”

@abael (7) Did Pink want to be in a group? Production makes this into a girl group song.

She was in a group sis, they basically poached her into solo life.

Next up: Respite for @Verandi after losing 5 tens in a row.​


43. Raise Your Glass
Average score: 7.811
Highest score: 10x6
@JMRGBY88, @rick, @abael, @Sideout, @Remorque, @Music Is Life
Lowest score: 1
@The Hot Rock
My score: 9

So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways,
All my underdogs, we will never be never be
anything but loud and nitty gritty, dirty little freaks
Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass?
Just come on and come on and raise your glass

This, considering the calls for it recently, is a success. I would have loved it to have made the top 40 but you can't scoff at a 7.8 average, can you? 'Raise Your Glass' is the lead single from the Greatest Hits and is one of her biggest hits, gifting her the third number one US single of her career. I think a lot of criticism has come from it being such a big and inescapable hit but also because it really doesn't reinvent the pink wheel, but do you really want anything else for a greatest hits?

This has helped push the greatest hits into one of the most successful collections of all time, selling upward of 5 Million+ copies and still bothering the charts today. It's basically everything we know and love about her dialed up to a ten and with the edges polished to a shine, an underdog anthem that also appeals to every aligned slice of white bread on the market. Empowerment anthem's were pretty commonplace in 2010 but considering the length of time she's been at it and her history, there's not really anyone better placed for it.

Commentary corner:
@abael: (10) Definitely got dancey to this one. Simply effective.

@JMRGBY88: (10) P!nk perfection.

@Music Is Life: (10) I’ve always loved this song. It’s just so much fun. The production goes off, and that chorus is completely undeniable. I’m a sucker for “This is for the freaks!” anthems, and this has always been one of my faves. This was perfect as the opener for The Truth About Love tour. Also, I love the music video, if I could give it extra points for that I would.

@rick: (10) Say what you like but this was a great song. And it was perfect to sell a Greatest Hits. It’s punchy, it’s got attitude. It’s Pink

@Reboot: (9) Basic bop … but a GOOD basic bop

@nikkysan: (9) dddd I know everyone hates this but this is a guilty pleasure for me. That chorus is so undeniably catchy. The “too school for cool” lyric is cringey as fuck though.

@savilizabeths: (9) “This came out when I was listening to the radio a lot, so it hits a chord with me. It’s kinda stupid, but that’s the point. Initially I found myself nitpicking tiny things about it that irked me or I wasn’t fond of but then she threw at me the “why so serious?” line and I just shook my head and had fun listening. It’s a bop, and I love it a lot for its ridiculous-ness. I also love the part where she comes in too early and then swears. It’s funny and relatable and fits the song really well.”

@Laurence: (8) Another good track. A bit 'late' on the love yourself trend etc I believe but a party anthem always good. I do think it is a bit too easy to shoe in and expected, but alas. It works though that's the most important. A bit overplayed I guess but that's not P!NK her fault.

@Maki: (7.5) And the generic side of P!nk was born. I don’t know really what to think of the song. Heard it a hundred times on the radio, and it sounds like a song that would be played very often. The anthemic chorus is there, as well as the chanting vocals. But I just can’t enjoy this song as much as I want, mainly due to the generic sound of it and the basic production.

@R27: (6.5) Used to like this a lot more. In retrospect, i think this is the turning point where her output started to go downhill for me. The chorus is still a rush but some of these lyrics are painfully cringey. Also, the first chorus reminds me a bit of Nicki's Starships?

@sapnu puas: (6) this is lowkey the kinda song that ‘oh my god I’m such an outcast’ Ed Sheeran would write. Atleast this feels more authentic coming from Pink I suppose but still. It’s fine.

@Verandi: (5) Always been average at best. No surprise the US loved it ddddd. Now I kinda hate it.

42. Hey Why (Miss You Sometime)
Average score: 7.814
Highest score: 10x4
@Maki, @Music Is Life, @Sideout, @soratami
Lowest score: 3
My score: 8

Hey, why you fucked up my life?
So hey, why do I miss you sometimes?
Thousand nights I've said goodbye, almost lost my mind
So hey, why do I miss you sometimes?

When Hurts 2B Human first leaked, I couldn't resist giving it a listen before the official release. My excitement for P!nk albums is always pretty high but it was fever pitch at the time, with the amazing title track really exciting me just in time. My first listen of this was suitably jarring, and I remember declaring that the forum was going to hate it because of its dedication to autotune and its unconventional structure. So colour me surprised to see it actually garner pretty positive reactions in the thread and a very respectful placement of #42.

'Hey Why...' is certainly the oddest song she has released in years, with elements of all of her albums mashed together in a cacophony of electro glory. The chorus took time to grow on me due to its use of autotune and slight repetitiveness but the little additions, like the brilliant little bridge complete with plucky strings, has kept it fresh since release. Considering she has received so much criticism recently for being stale, it's nice to see something so off-kilter make the album again and actually be rewarded by fans.

You might be surprised though to see it's actually a Max Martin and Shellback cowrite and production, which probably means it was a Funhouse/The Truth About Love left over. Though I think it must have undergone a bit of a revamp because there's something quite current about it, it kind of sounds like 'This Is How It Goes Down'/'Why Did I Ever Like You' blended with some of her more melodic folk moments to me.

Commentary corner:
@Maki: (10) The best example of why P!nk isn't a 'one trick pony' as of recently. I was positively shocked after hearing this - the playful, fun side of P!nk is 'back'! The auto-tune is perfectly used here. The most R&B track on the album, which is a plus. It certainly has a bit of unconventional song structure when you listen to it, but on paper, it's verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, bridge/middle-8, pre-chorus, chorus and verse repeated as an outro. The juxaposition between the parts of the song (auto-tune pop verses and guitar chorus) is genius and so well combined. Also, I find it really clever that the 'verses' serve both as pre-chorus and like a drop type of chorus. It's not that complicated, but uniquely written and so well crafted song and I love it for that reason. Definitely an album highlight. I really want this to be a proper summer smash!

@Music Is Life: (10) Okay, so when I first listened to the album, I was not expecting something like this. An electro-pop banger with auto-tune, and a super-melodic and clear voiced chorus that bops all the way off? Yes please, more of this, because it’s amazing. And that post-chorus, or bridge or whatever that comes in around the 2:00 mark - it makes this a 10.

@Verandi: (9) The only single-worthy song on the album. So of course it will never be a single. A strange Mirwais+Martin hybrid, but it works.

@P'NutButter: (9) Such a grower, brilliant track!

@abael: (9) This was a direction I didn't expect Pink to go in. She easily could have continued success mimicking previous content. Tracks like this make me happy she didn't.

@Sail On (8.5) Hey, why is her flow so effortless and cool on this?

@R27: (8) I'm really digging the sound of this song. It doesn't try too hard and has an effortless coolness that P!nk’s music has been missing for about a decade.

@Laurence: (8) Wait! This is some kinda electropop and the vocals are so processed but it works? Then suddenly the pre-chorus it falls flat again while I was ready for that electrobanger. Could have been better

@JMRGBY88: (8) love this but I still feel like it goes from a pre-verse to a bridge without any actual verses.

@nikkysan: (7.5) Basic as hell, but I bop hard to this.

@The Hot Rock: (7) Hated this at first but it kinda grew on me. It's all over the place and kinda a charming mess.

@rick: (6) Honestly I just don’t care too much for this but its not a bad song. The vocoder effects are jarring to me.

@Reboot: (5) Pink does not need autotune, even when it’s a creative decision

@savilizabeths: (3) “I can tell by the reception in the thread that I might be in the minority here. While I can appreciate the experimental style of this, I just…really don’t like it. By which I mean it’s driving me absolutely insane listening to it. There’s just something so grating about this for me. I did have a good laugh at “McDonalds type of love” and the acoustic section sounds pretty cool. I just can’t get behind this."

NEXT UP: BIG 11 + TOP 40.

Coming up:

- One album is treading dangerously close to bowing out
- Remaining elevens: 33
- Elevens in the top 40: 32.
I feel like this going to end up being mine with the hints you've given. I will riot.
Me showing up to read all the elims, throw likes at posts and give my unneeded opinion even though my work schedule didn't leave me time to participate.*

If I would have had time my 11 would have gone to either Trouble, Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) or Who Knew so if they don't go top 10, I hope they at least stay around for a bit.

*Almost in the top 40 and the only eliminated tunes I can recall without going to spotify are the singles. I never had a chance to finishing this in time...dddd.
If I would have had time my 11 would have gone to either Trouble, Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely) or Who Knew so if they don't go top 10, I hope they at least stay around for a bit.
Okay first, TASTE. Second Who Knew is almost completely guarenteed to make top 10, and I think Leave Me Alone could make it and Trouble should but since some people have been calling for it, I'm not sure. They're all definitely gonna be the very least top 30.
Centrefold fucking bangs, good to see it get this far, I’d probably give it a 10 now.

Good to see the Greatest Hits songs starting to drop, I admittedly overscored them because I was under the impression they were all unanimously disliked but they’ve began to outstay their welcome.

42. Hey Why (Miss You Sometime)
The mess continues, I see.

"(Hey Why) Miss You Sometime" is such an interesting and unique song for her, yet brilliant. For me, that's what was missing from the too 'sterile' and 'polished' "Beautiful Trauma". Almost all of the commentary shares similar thoughts as mine. I kind of see where the 'basic' mentions are coming from, but when it comes to P!nk, this is a one-off that needs to be praised.

Hey Why...' is certainly the oddest song she has released in years, with elements of all of her albums mashed together in a cacophony of electro glory.
This is a perfect description for this song. It even sounds like it will be hated, although it's so good that it actually wasn't hated.
But I don't think it actually is a leftover track.

Honestly, I thought it would receive more than four 10's and do even better for some reason, but am so glad that it wasn't too divisive.
Still, it's another underrated gem.

@savilizabeths disappointed me here, but is a self-proclaimed ballad lover, too, so it's reasonable.
For those who aren't so sure about it should definitely give it another try - even I had to think twice about giving it a 10 (but there's no doubt about it now).

And just like that, all (both) of my 10's from "Hurts 2B Human" are eliminated, and it becomes the first album where that happened.
The only album where all of my 10's are still intact is "Beautiful Trauma". That's because I gave only one 10 to that album.

One album is treading dangerously close to bowing out
This makes me think that "Hurts 2B Human" is losing another song, unfortunately (and both would be great 11 choices).
People who don’t love Raise Your Glass don’t love themselves.

People who don’t love Hey Why don’t love themselves.

Wow am I really agreeing with you in this thread?

You Make Me Sick should have cracked top 40. It's definitely the weakest single from that era, but I gave it a 9 so that speaks to how great it is. The video gave us arguably her most memorable visual from that era however.

Also I am proud of my Raise Your Glass stanning.
Is it basic af? Oh absolutely
Does it bop? Hell yes
Does it puts me in a good mood? Every single time I hear it

The song itself is very sentimental for me, it came out right around the time I was fully coming into my own. College days with friends and this song was always on the playlists when we hung out. It's just such a feel good infectious anthem that I can never resist and it ushered in another imperial phase for her, so it can't be as bad as some say!
I was so close to throwing a bitch fit about ‘Raise Your Glass’ being unfairly cut (seriously, what do you guys have against fun?) but then I saw y’all did the right thing with ‘Miss You Sometimes’. I should have scored it even lower to be honest. Can I retroactively give it a zero?
I was so close to throwing a bitch fit about ‘Raise Your Glass’ being unfairly cut (seriously, what do you guys have against fun?) but then I saw y’all did the right thing with ‘Miss You Sometimes’. I should have scored it even lower to be honest. Can I retroactively give it a zero?
You said 'what do you have against fun?', yet dislike "(Hey Why) Miss You Sometime" - that's a complete contradiction.
I was so close to throwing a bitch fit about ‘Raise Your Glass’ being unfairly cut (seriously, what do you guys have against fun?) but then I saw y’all did the right thing with ‘Miss You Sometimes’. I should have scored it even lower to be honest. Can I retroactively give it a zero?
I’m going to campaign to have you removed from this thread.
Looking back, Raise Your Glass really was the beginning of the end when it comes to her quality control. A cynical, dumb and empty piece of music. Not that the other pop girls were doing much better at the time. Fireworks, We R Who We R, Born This Way and, later, Stronger were all #1 that dumbed down every single thing that made those girls special; they all aged like milk.
Last edited:
Looking back, Raise Your Glass really was the beginning of the end when it comes to her quality control. A cynical, dumb and empty piece of music. Not that the other pop girls were doing much better at the time. Fireworks, We R Who We R, Born This Way and, later, Stronger were all #1 that dumbed down every single thing that made those girl special; they all aged like milk.
I LOVE ALL OF THESE. I'm so basic, I love it.
Looking back, Raise Your Glass really was the beginning of the end when it comes to her quality control. A cynical, dumb and empty piece of music. Not that the other pop girls were doing much better at the time. Fireworks, We R Who We R, Born This Way and, later, Stronger were all #1 that dumbed down every single thing that made those girls special; they all aged like milk.

Fireworks and Born This Way are iconic though.
he / him

41. Fucking Perfect
Average score: 7.83
Highest score: 11 (@Music Is Life)
10x4: (@Lost Boy, @Sprockrooster, @Sideout, @Remorque)
Lowest score: 2 (@LiK)

Spare a thought for @Music Is Life, who loses their beloved eleven just before the top 40. Unfortunately I've seen a lot of criticism for this, that I really don't think it deserves, because it's a fairly cliche empowerment anthem. Originally written as a love song for Carey, P!nk recognised the potential and began turning it into an anthem for her fans - many of whom struggle daily with personal insecurities.

I started writing ['F**kin' Perfect'] about Carey. And then I started writing it for the fans, and for all these little girls, and then it just became about me and it was just sort of for everybody. And then it was about this thing inside of me that I didn’t even know yet. It’s just all of it.

And for me that just adds to the charm, I've never really seen it as just an empowerment anthem and it wasn't written with that solely in mind. It encapsulates love, worth, self-acceptance, and is essentially just a very well written love song. Lyrically it has one of the strongest opening verses I know, and some really hard hitting lines in the verses that reference her past hits, and melodically it is absolutely stunning. It really did feel like a moment when she released it and it still kind of feels like one now? As though this song was always sitting inside of her waiting to be written, and it is integral to her career.

Sometimes I feel like it's really easy to shit on tracks like this that are built at helping people, as though people shouldn't ever be in a position to require them, but quite honestly these tracks are so necessary to some people. Hearing the emotional vulnerability on display here makes me feel less alone for four minutes and that's kind of what music is really all about?

I also adore the production and the middle-8 section, despite a few people calling that out as a reason for them not liking it. There's this nostalgic classic feeling that comes with it that kind of reminds me of 'Where Is the Love?'. Personally I think this song is just timeless.

Commentary corner:
@Music Is Life: (11) So yeah. This is my 11. From the moment this rate was put into the queue, I was 100% positive this would be my 11, and the only time I’ve really questioned that is with happy, so for one, P!nk did that in 2019 on her new album. Before I get to why it’s this, I need to talk about the actual song. Ignoring the lyrics for now, I love the production. It’s very uplifting and anthemic, especially in like the final minute with the drums and the strings, which I’m sure was on purpose. And the acoustic guitar throughout, it’s one of my favorite uses of that instrument in any song by any artist. And the melody is so catchy and perfect and amazing. And the lyrics, are maybe a little clunky and awkward, but so is P!nk.

The lyrics are also heartfelt and honest, something that also applies to this beautiful, amazing woman. And they’re the main reason my 11 is going to this song is as well as everything it’s done for me. I was 10 years old when it came out and already a huge P!nk fan. But as soon as I heard it for the first time, it became my favorite P!nk song. Because for years throughout elementary school, I was bullied. Consistently, especially by one person who I used to trust and think was a friend. This led to a breakdown of my mental health as a kid, and a desire to make everything stop. If I hadn’t known what it would do to my parents and if I had any real knowledge of how to do it, I would have committed suicide. As it was, I forced myself to endure school almost every day, though I would fake being sick whenever I could. Those distractions were mostly reading – I’d read anything I cpould get my hands, cause books always took – and continue to take – me to a world that was better, and music, because with headphones in, I couldn’t hear what everyone was saying. But after this song came out, that’s when I started to really turn to music. I had always loved music, listening to it and jamming out. But this song was the first time I had ever felt like something had been made for me.

Like it was something P!nk wanted me to hear specifically, cause she knew what I was going through. I know that’s a little ridiculous, but remember, I was 10. But because I felt like she was singing to me, even though I didn’t believe her words, I believed her feelings. She wanted me to keep going so I did. Now, there were a bunch of songs with a message like this that came out for a few years, which I’m sure we all know. But this is the first one I can really remember hearing, or at least the first one that really hit me, and helped me. It would take me another 4-5 years before I could really start exploring music, but P!nk and this song is what helped lead me to trying that. And it’s because of this song that one of my first CDs was her greatest hits, which I think I got when I was like 12 or 13, and it ended up being the clean edition, but I ended up getting two more copies, but explicit, of the album, so it’s all good. This song is also why I will always, always be here for P!nk and her music. So yeah, this is my 11 and that’s why. I know this isn’t well liked on here but please, please let it make top 30.

@Sprockrooster: (10) That extra adlib in the non-explicit version sends me to heaven every damn time.

@rick: (9) She gets accused of ‘Mom rock’ a lot but this is the best example of it. Still a great little ditty though

@Sail On: (9) Corny and cheesy lyrics aside, this led the charge among the It Gets Better campaign era singles for me to not feel so "less than" when I was so young.

@P'NutButter: (9) This does sound like a Kelly Clarkson track, but in the best way. I love the chorus.

@savilizabeths: (9) “P!nk has a surprising amount of “inspirational” material in her discography, and I do like this one quite a lot. It’s not lyrically perfect, but it definitely makes up for that in passion and melody. It does make me feel better, and it has GODDAMN STRINGS! Some people seem to check out when they sing songs like this and just not care, I love that P!nk doesn’t do that at all.”

@Laurence: (9) Yeah, I'm a sucker for these tracks and it's a beautiful one. From this moment on they started spinning P!NK so much for the female over 30? 40? age bracket on radio and the Dutch station 'skyradio' for it. Yeah, but I like the track anyway.

@Maki: (8.75) My favorite new song on her greatest hits album, but it’s still not… well, perfect. There are traces of sadness in it that I definitely appreciate, but as a whole it doesn’t work as much as it could. The pre-chorus is beautiful, and the chorus is powerful, so why bother with the rap in the bridge? Still, the great elements of the song overpower the weak ones.

@abael: (8) A brilliantly crafted song and very fitting for Pink. It just comes off as fake to me

@Verandi: (6) This aged terribly

@sapnu puas: (5) it’s like a parody of a Pink song.

@R27: (4.5) I'm not used to hearing the explicit version, and that f-bomb feels so forced, as if P!nk and her team didn't believe the song had enough grit on it's own. I'll admit that she sings the song with conviction, but that awful bridge trivializes the more serious themes the song grapples with ("they don't like my hair"), and ultimately tarnishes most of the goodwill I have towards the song.

he / him

Can't Take Me Home

Most Girls
There You Go


Don't Let Me Get Me
Just Like a Pill
Get the Party Started

Family Portrait

Try This

God is a DJ
Last to Know

Feel Good Time

I'm Not Dead

Stupid Girls
Who Knew
Long Way to Happy

Dear Mr. President
I'm Not Dead
Cuz I Can
Leave Me Alone (I'm Lonely)
U + Ur Hand
I Got Money Now



So What
I Don't Believe You

Please Don't Leave Me
Bad Influence

It's All Your Fault
Ave Mary A
Glitter in the Air

The Truth About Love

Blow Me (One Last Kiss)

Beautiful Trauma

Beautiful Trauma
Whatever You Want
What About Us

Greatest Hits... So Far!!!

Whataya Want From Me

Hurts 2B Human

90 Days

