Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

I cannot deal with the lack of taste you guys have. Honestly. It’s borderline offensive that you even call yourselves fans of her when you’re booting out her career highs and saying they’re crap and yet every single from her worst album is still in the running. Truly tragic.
I cannot deal with the lack of taste you guys have. Honestly. It’s borderline offensive that you even call yourselves fans of her when you’re booting out her career highs and saying they’re crap and yet every single from her worst album is still in the running. Truly tragic.
Hit single doesn't always equate quality song. We've almost reached the 8 mark anyway so...

41. Fucking Perfect
Average score: 7.83
Highest score: 11 (@Music Is Life)
10x4: (@Lost Boy, @Sprockrooster, @Sideout, @Remorque)
Lowest score: 2 (@LiK)

Spare a thought for @Music Is Life, who loses their beloved eleven just before the top 40. Unfortunately I've seen a lot of criticism for this, that I really don't think it deserves, because it's a fairly cliche empowerment anthem. Originally written as a love song for Carey, P!nk recognised the potential and began turning it into an anthem for her fans - many of whom struggle daily with personal insecurities.

I started writing ['F**kin' Perfect'] about Carey. And then I started writing it for the fans, and for all these little girls, and then it just became about me and it was just sort of for everybody. And then it was about this thing inside of me that I didn’t even know yet. It’s just all of it.

And for me that just adds to the charm, I've never really seen it as just an empowerment anthem and it wasn't written with that solely in mind. It encapsulates love, worth, self-acceptance, and is essentially just a very well written love song. Lyrically it has one of the strongest opening verses I know, and some really hard hitting lines in the verses that reference her past hits, and melodically it is absolutely stunning. It really did feel like a moment when she released it and it still kind of feels like one now? As though this song was always sitting inside of her waiting to be written, and it is integral to her career.

Sometimes I feel like it's really easy to shit on tracks like this that are built at helping people, as though people shouldn't ever be in a position to require them, but quite honestly these tracks are so necessary to some people. Hearing the emotional vulnerability on display here makes me feel less alone for four minutes and that's kind of what music is really all about?

I also adore the production and the middle-8 section, despite a few people calling that out as a reason for them not liking it. There's this nostalgic classic feeling that comes with it that kind of reminds me of 'Where Is the Love?'. Personally I think this song is just timeless.

Commentary corner:
@Music Is Life: (11) So yeah. This is my 11. From the moment this rate was put into the queue, I was 100% positive this would be my 11, and the only time I’ve really questioned that is with happy, so for one, P!nk did that in 2019 on her new album. Before I get to why it’s this, I need to talk about the actual song. Ignoring the lyrics for now, I love the production. It’s very uplifting and anthemic, especially in like the final minute with the drums and the strings, which I’m sure was on purpose. And the acoustic guitar throughout, it’s one of my favorite uses of that instrument in any song by any artist. And the melody is so catchy and perfect and amazing. And the lyrics, are maybe a little clunky and awkward, but so is P!nk.

The lyrics are also heartfelt and honest, something that also applies to this beautiful, amazing woman. And they’re the main reason my 11 is going to this song is as well as everything it’s done for me. I was 10 years old when it came out and already a huge P!nk fan. But as soon as I heard it for the first time, it became my favorite P!nk song. Because for years throughout elementary school, I was bullied. Consistently, especially by one person who I used to trust and think was a friend. This led to a breakdown of my mental health as a kid, and a desire to make everything stop. If I hadn’t known what it would do to my parents and if I had any real knowledge of how to do it, I would have committed suicide. As it was, I forced myself to endure school almost every day, though I would fake being sick whenever I could. Those distractions were mostly reading – I’d read anything I cpould get my hands, cause books always took – and continue to take – me to a world that was better, and music, because with headphones in, I couldn’t hear what everyone was saying. But after this song came out, that’s when I started to really turn to music. I had always loved music, listening to it and jamming out. But this song was the first time I had ever felt like something had been made for me.

Like it was something P!nk wanted me to hear specifically, cause she knew what I was going through. I know that’s a little ridiculous, but remember, I was 10. But because I felt like she was singing to me, even though I didn’t believe her words, I believed her feelings. She wanted me to keep going so I did. Now, there were a bunch of songs with a message like this that came out for a few years, which I’m sure we all know. But this is the first one I can really remember hearing, or at least the first one that really hit me, and helped me. It would take me another 4-5 years before I could really start exploring music, but P!nk and this song is what helped lead me to trying that. And it’s because of this song that one of my first CDs was her greatest hits, which I think I got when I was like 12 or 13, and it ended up being the clean edition, but I ended up getting two more copies, but explicit, of the album, so it’s all good. This song is also why I will always, always be here for P!nk and her music. So yeah, this is my 11 and that’s why. I know this isn’t well liked on here but please, please let it make top 30.

@Sprockrooster: (10) That extra adlib in the non-explicit version sends me to heaven every damn time.

@rick: (9) She gets accused of ‘Mom rock’ a lot but this is the best example of it. Still a great little ditty though

@Sail On: (9) Corny and cheesy lyrics aside, this led the charge among the It Gets Better campaign era singles for me to not feel so "less than" when I was so young.

@P'NutButter: (9) This does sound like a Kelly Clarkson track, but in the best way. I love the chorus.

@savilizabeths: (9) “P!nk has a surprising amount of “inspirational” material in her discography, and I do like this one quite a lot. It’s not lyrically perfect, but it definitely makes up for that in passion and melody. It does make me feel better, and it has GODDAMN STRINGS! Some people seem to check out when they sing songs like this and just not care, I love that P!nk doesn’t do that at all.”

@Laurence: (9) Yeah, I'm a sucker for these tracks and it's a beautiful one. From this moment on they started spinning P!NK so much for the female over 30? 40? age bracket on radio and the Dutch station 'skyradio' for it. Yeah, but I like the track anyway.

@Maki: (8.75) My favorite new song on her greatest hits album, but it’s still not… well, perfect. There are traces of sadness in it that I definitely appreciate, but as a whole it doesn’t work as much as it could. The pre-chorus is beautiful, and the chorus is powerful, so why bother with the rap in the bridge? Still, the great elements of the song overpower the weak ones.

@abael: (8) A brilliantly crafted song and very fitting for Pink. It just comes off as fake to me

@Verandi: (6) This aged terribly

@sapnu puas: (5) it’s like a parody of a Pink song.

@R27: (4.5) I'm not used to hearing the explicit version, and that f-bomb feels so forced, as if P!nk and her team didn't believe the song had enough grit on it's own. I'll admit that she sings the song with conviction, but that awful bridge trivializes the more serious themes the song grapples with ("they don't like my hair"), and ultimately tarnishes most of the goodwill I have towards the song.

This is now bitter sweet since I tanked @Music Is Life #11 so sorry <3

But gawd do I loathe this darn song. I don't know if it's because I just couldn't escape it, everyone tweeting the words, or making it facebook their status. The entire thing just feels like a boardroom creation for a self empowerment slogan.
he / him


40. I Got Money Now
Average score: 7.84
Highest score: 11x2 (@Maki, @kal)
10x3 (@Lost Boy, @Sprockrooster, @soratami)
Lowest score: 3 (@Verandi)

You don't have to like me anymore
I got money now
I don't care what you say about me anymore
I got money now.

I'm not really sure that I can do justice to this song in words, but I'll try. Both @Maki and @kal gave this their full score of 11, though only Maki provided commentary, and I think I'm in agreement at this being one of her best songs. At least we can take solace in it reaching the top 40?

'I Got Money Now' is written with and produced by Mike Elizondo, who is mostly known for his collaborations with Dr. Dre and Eminem, and is a melancholic and almost desperate attempt to convince everybody that they really don't need the bridges they've burned after all because money can replace it all. Considering the attachment Elizondo has, it's kind of amazing to see an anthem dedicated to having money be subverted in such a way and turned into a despondent ballad.

Despondent is how I would describe this, and that's not to take away from it at all, because something about that low-key melancholy just works so well with the subtly sweet production; it never soars or switches gears, it's simply a love song to money with the biggest addition being some reverb-soaked ad-libs near the end. Perhaps it would be easy to write this off as a cliche, but that would be to ignore the obvious contradictions they're playing for here.

Despite singing about how money has solved all of her problems, despite claiming that she wouldn't trade a single dime to have friends again, you can almost hear the barrier of belief she has put up: a lonely and cavernous place in which you fully believe you don't need anybody because they've done nothing but hurt you. Trust me, I know it. It's so easy to break away from everything you love and replace it with materialistic things because they can't possibly hurt you, and on paper the lyrics do not suggest this at all... on paper, this is literally just an ownership anthem, but it's all in the delivery.

It's all in the way 'It's alright' creeps out from her lips, it's in the constantly repeated 'You don't have to like me anymore', it's in the blink-and-you'll-miss-it 'so it seems' that closes off a final harrowing bridge. The entire song is as though she's repeating something just to believe it herself, and that's not to say there isn't belief here:

There is no heartache if you can afford
Everything delivered right to your door
This life is easy
So now girl with everything
How could she complain
Cause she's got it made
Yeah she's got it made
I don't need to be tucked in at night
Told that everything is gonna be alright
Is gonna be alright
Cause I don't have to fight

What an incredible little verse that sums it all up perfectly. There's a simple truth here; money buys you time, it allows respite from worries and responsibility, and those of us that grow up in poverty will tell you that we all dream of climbing that ladder ourselves and pulling ourselves out of that pit... but we'll also tell you that it has given us an awareness that money can't buy you everything.

Commentary corner:

@Maki: (11) Well, how do I start… I can vividly remember when I heard this song for the first time. I started laughing out loud because I couldn’t believe a song could be that good. If I made my own song, it would sound like this. It has a special place in my heart.

The melody, the lyrics, the guitar riff and vocal delivery are all on point. There is a feeling I get when listening to it that I can't really describe. I have to stare at the certain point for some time, like my whole attention is drawn to the song, no matter what is happening around. However, I don't personally connect to the song. There is a bound in a way that I sympathize with P!nk, I want to give her a hug.

Also, the emotion in the song is something she's never done before, so vulnerable and unique. And I find the way that it is written so genius. It is devastating and hopeful at the same time, while the lyrics are obvious and ambiguous at the same time. And at the point where I thought that sadness and melancholy can't get any better, the backing vocals in the final chorus kick in and devour me completely. Definitely reminds me of something she would create with Linda during the “M!ssundaztood” sessions.

Every detail makes me speechless. Furthermore, it is one of my favorite songs of all time, too. I could talk about this song forever… Melancholic masterpiece.

@Sprockrooster: (10) Due to @Maki and his comment for loving this song I have a newfound love for this song. Such a powerful message especially during that interview.

@Music Is Life: (9.5) This is another song I used to not pay that much attention to when I first listened to the album, but recently I’ve realized just how truly great it is. The production is so fucking good, and she sounds so fucking sad despite trying to brag about how rich she is, then realizing that doesn’t matter at all, and she’d rather have people who love her. It’s so fucking sad and amazing. I love this. It’s not a 10 yet, but I’m sure it’ll get there, and I’ll end up regretting this score.

@JMRGBY88: (9) when I first listened to the album, this was the filler track and yet with age it’s really become a favourite.

@savilizabeths: (9) “This really paints a beautiful picture of having everything and still being miserable, even though it feels like you shouldn’t. Money really doesn’t buy happiness, I guess. It feels like you shouldn’t complain if you have good things in your life. This is quite sad really. It feels so hollow and empty. You can tell she doesn’t really mean the words she’s saying.”

@P'NutButter: (8) I have a love/hate relationship with this song, as it does trigger my depression and I seem to hear this song in my head when I'm about to have a dark spell.

@rick: (8) I'd love this life

@R27: (7.5) It's such a cliched premise/concept, yet it remains surprisingly affecting.

@Laurence: (7) A bit slow but could be better I guess... It's a nice relaxed vibe. Just getting over someone but the 'I got money now' is a bit shallow I think.

@The Hot Rock: (6) God I Wish That Were Me. (being lonely with $$$ vs lonely and broke, I mean)

@abael: (6) The cynical undercurrent of the album is starting to grate at this point, but otherwise this song is well crafted.

@Verandi: (3) good_for_her.gif
Aw, sad to see @Music Is Life losing his 11 just before top 40.

Yet, I'm neither sad nor happy about its elimination.
"Fucking Perfect" is a great empowerment song and has lovely melody, but the thing that bothers me the most is the rap bridge. It sounds unnecessary.
Given how her songs from greatest hits album are generally received, it did really well.

"Whataya Want From Me" being the last standing track from greatest hits is not ideal, but it's a great song that deserves it.

Edit: Oh crap (just saw the next elimination).
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This is now bitter sweet since I tanked @Music Is Life #11 so sorry <3
It's fine. It probably wouldn't have done much better without the two.
Aw, sad to see @Music Is Life losing his 11 just before top 40.
Thanks you.
Fucking Perfect is another song I used to absolutely hate when it was inescapable, but listening to it now it's actually alright.

Your commentary was great @Music Is Life. It's easy to turn our noses up at these types of songs, but it's fantastic how they actually can have a positive impact on people's lives.
Thank you. I wasn't originally planning to get that personal but when I got to the song in my rating I ended up putting it on repeat and just writing down all my feelings and that's what came out.

It honestly is my favorite P!nk song ever and I don't know if she'll ever top it for me (though she has come close.) I don't have much to say that I haven't said already, but the criticism of the "rap" bridge bothers me a little because that's part of what makes it great. Instrumentally speaking, and with a couple lyrics, it's a moment of true lightness in the song, and brings it around to a true message of "I love you, I love me, I love us, but these people still fucking try to bring us down and I need you to know we shouldn't listen to them." It's so great. And it's also so very P!nk. It's one of the reasons why I love her in general. I actually picked the song as one to learn for my vocal lessons last year, and now can sing it almost perfectly. I hope to perform it on this semester's talent show (though probably the clean version.)
@Sprockrooster I love your mention of the ad-lib in the clean version, it's one of my favorite bits of the song.

I Got Money Now is also gone too soon y'all stop elimination my faves.
@Maki I'm sorry.

(Also my mom isn't happy with this rate as you eliminated her top 3 P!nk songs too soon (AKA before top 10))
he / him

39. Ave Mary A

Average score: 7.86
Highest score: 10x6
@Sanctuary, @Sprockrooster, @soratami, @Robsolete, @Music Is Life, @Lost Boy
Lowest score: 4x2 (@Daniel_O), @abael

Broken hearts all around the spot
I can't help thinking that we lost the plot
Suicide bomber and a student shot
Tokyo I think we got a problem
But for that they have got a pill
If that don't kill you then the side effects will
If we don't kill each other then the side effects will
Cape Town I think we got a problem

Random fact time: this song inspired my first tattoo, from when I was sixteen, on the back of my neck which says 'Child, be still'. At the time it was my favorite song and it felt right to get it stamped on my skin, at times I look at it and remember the boy who wanted to get it done and how far I've come since then. I have quite a few tattoos now, and a fair few inspired by songs, and that feeling of remembrance and nostalgia never goes away. You'd think you just close off to them, especially if it was a hard time in your life, but there's something powerful about looking back.

'Ave Mary A' is the overtly political anthem that people clamor for from P!nk nowadays, despite the times changing so rapidly in that short 10 years separating its release and now. In it she tackles how fucked up the world is, name-checking problems all around the globe like a checklist, inside of a pretty experimental production by favourite collaborator Billy Mann (with Al Clay).

Sometimes calling things out helps to take away their power. Whilst not necessarily taking away the hurt they cause nor making it any easier to deal with them directly, the first step to overcoming any anxiety is to call it out and try to take back the control it is wrestling with you for. In ways once you've given it a name, given it a label, it loses its mysterious essence and you can finally start talking about it. This song does exactly that. It's easy to get politically exhausted, and there's nothing wrong with sweeping generalization ala 'What About Us' as opposed to the directness here, but it's important that we always have people pointing and willing to talk about the shit.

There's also the stunning middle-8 and chorus which helps bring this back to anxiety over political events, and the saying that I chose to tattoo on me forever: child, be still. Not necessarily a religious statement, it's about someone holding you and telling you it will all be okay. Sometimes we need to be held, sometimes we need to believe in a higher power that makes some sense of the madness.

Commentary corner:
@Sprockrooster: (10) Those vocals. Phew. THE TALENT. I am screamchanting along and I do not care if anyone hears my cringe screeching.

@Music Is Life: (10) This song is insanely catchy, and completely rocks. The lyrics are a little cheesy, but that melody makes up for it to be honest.

@Maki: (9.5) Undercover gem that even I underestimated. I had the audacity to call it 'the most overrated track' of this album. It's pretty much amazing throughout. The guitar riff and drums are fantastic, as well as the powerful chorus and production. Perhaps the only thing i would amend is a bit stronger middle-8. Aside from that, a killer track!

@R27: (8.5) I love the urgency of this song. P!nk’s voice is so well suited for the visceral energy of the song’s chorus. An angsty banger.

@rick: (8) Irked she didn’t think Dublin had a problem. It does sweetie, it does.

@savilizabeths: (7) “This isn’t my favourite, especially on it’s album but it’s still pretty damn good. I definitely like the verses more than the chorus.”

@abael: (4) Who composed this? Messy.

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