Pink: The Discography Rate ∞ WINNER!

Since we're doing this every now and then, my lowest remaining scores are:
God is a DJ
Dear Mr. President
Glitter in the Air
Everything else has a score higher than 8 - amazing!
'I Got Money Now', like I said in my commentary tends to be a track that predicts when I will be having a bad spell. It's usually that or Natalie Imbruglia's 'Goodbye'. But it's still a great song so I gave it an 8.

I adore 'Ave Mary A', mainly for the fact P!nk blares her voice again in a very Try This! fashion - which you know I love!!!!

'90 Days' has grown on me more since I voted and I would've scored it a 9 now.
he / him

37. Stupid Girls
Average score: 7.98
Highest score: 10x6
@Maki, @happiestgirl, @Laurence, @kal, @Sprockrooster, @Lost Boy
Lowest score: 3x2 @The Hot Rock, @savilizabeths

What happened to the dream of a girl president?
She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent
They travel in packs of two or three
With their itsy-bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees

I never fully appreciated just how hard the production goes here until recently, it was only recently I tapped into the relentless guitar riff that buzzes beneath everything and honestly it's bumped the song up to master quality for me. Produced by Billy Mann, the song was released in 2006 as the first single from I'm Not Dead and, as that title suggests, it was clearly designed to draw all attention to it that it could.

Again I'm not sure I could put my love of this song into words, because it really is just a barnstorming three minutes of pure attitude. An outdated feminist concept, sure, but one that still has a place in the world and one that has influenced so much of our culture that it becomes unavoidable. P!nk has a murky history with supporting other women, though has mellowed out with time, and this would represent the peak of that by calling out the wannabe stars like Hilton and Kardashian, the song trashes them in place of 'smarter' and more 'mature' women with ambition. It's apparently more of an assault on them pretending to be dumb than outwardly calling them dumb.

She's never really been one to mince her words, but never having been a woman that's not something I can either relate to or speak on as it simply isn't my place to do so. The message is both complicated and far too simple and it seems to conflate the explosion of reality TV persona with women's place in the world, so there's probably a smarter way to write the same message. I just think the song is the perfect single to return with, it's produced absolutely immaculately and the video is an iconic moment. Probably my favourite lead single of hers?

Commentary corner:

@Maki: (10) This was my favorite song from “I’m Not Dead” until I got to the very end of the album. It’s so fun, catchy and just amazing in general. Not conventional for P!nk, but it’s brilliantly done. One of my favorite songs and videos by P!nk, so it’s a 10 without any doubt.

@Txetxu: (9.6) This single handlely revived P!nk's career doing the heavylifting of putting her face out there all over again.

@rick: (9.5) I know the commentary for this will be divisive but in 2006 nobody knew the Kardashian’s and being famous for having a sex tape was only just becoming a thing. Pink has, in this song, echoed the sentiment of so many people and it brought her back to mainstream success. It’s not hard to see why. Its a great pop song and tongue in cheek video.

@Sail On (9.5) The “will it fuck up my HAIR?!” sends me every time.

@tylerc904: (9) Messy lyrics aside, this still snaps.

@JMRGBY88: (9) I know in 2019 this song is questionable but we can’t all act like we didn’t absolutely love this. Also, ever noticed the extra lyrics in the Noize Trip remix?

@Music Is Life: (9) This is a bop, but still one of my least favorite lead singles from her, and probably singles in general.

@abael: (8) The chorus is so iconic, that the questionable content can be overlooked. People who release albums like M!ssundaztood should be careful with who they label stupid girls.

@sapnu puas: (7) problematic bop! I know It was made to try and recreate her commercial success but having one of the worst songs on the album as the lead...choices.

@R27: (6) I have so many mixed feelings about this song. There's so much inherently wrong with it: the "not like the other girls" complex, the dated references (looking at you 50), and the general hypocrisy of trying to empower a certain type of woman and the expense of another. However, on the other hand, the production is pretty ace and holds up surprisingly well, particularly during the chorus and P!nk sounds great. Basically, I want to hate this but kind of like and kind of hate myself because of it.

@Reboot: (6) I was 13 when this song was released, and I didn't really "get" what the song was trying to say at the time. I'm still not entirely sure what to think of it, to be honest. Trying to lift up one "type" of women by making fun of another does not really seem very productive. But the song is catchy.

@nikkysan: (6) I won’t deny this is a bop, but the message is just so embarrassingly outdated (not only the references, but shaming women for owning their sexuality) and outlines everything that was wrong with mainstream feminism in the 00s.

@The Hot Rock: (3) This was the song that originally got me into P!nk on a more serious level when I was 12 but it has aged really badly, wow.

@savilizabeths: (3) “Not only do I not like the message of this, but the production and song in general just sounds ugly. It’s not catchy to me at all, it just sounds bad. And obviously it’s a toxic outlook. The judgement is a bit gross. I love you, P!nk but please stop pitting women against each other. People can live whatever lives they want, there’s no need for this toxicity.”

And with that we are up to an 8 point average from now on!
I completely agree with miss Moore when it comes to people pretending to be dumb for attention. There's a few on PJ too ddddd.

But *seeps tea* some of the girls she portrayed never really had to pretend.


What an iconic song+video combo.

Just catching up and yikes. Poor @Music Is Life for losing his eleven. You (and the song) deserved better.

Also to @Maki because I Got Money Now is an excellent eleven choice and I lowkey regret not giving it a 10.

Ave Mary A doesn't work for me and was one of my least favourite songs on the album but it's enjoyable enough for sure.
Thank you. I miss you. Wish you had given it a 10 though.
Commentary corner:
@Maki: (9.75) I love this song. It's dramatic, the verses are gorgeous and Wrabel and her both sound so good, but I just wish the chorus was a bit stronger. The robotic backing vocals are a great addition. P!nk's backing vocals near the end are stunning. One of the highlights here, glad that we got a music video for it.
The chorus is perfect, what are you on about? I love the song, it honestly was so relatable for me when it came out cause of the chorus alone since my relationship was falling apart after only like a month and a half.
Since we're doing this every now and then, my lowest remaining scores are:
God is a DJ
Dear Mr. President
Glitter in the Air
Everything else has a score higher than 8 - amazing!
It's times like this when you don't have taste.
Happy being the last song from Hurts left is correct, but 90 Days should've made top 30.

And finally, an elimination I can get behind.
Also re: I Got Money Now...

Can someone post the interview in question?

I hyperlinked it in my commentary but it wss lost in the copy:

10 I Got Money Now // Due to @Maki and his comment for loving this song I have a newfound love for this song. Such a powerful message especially during that interview.


Also, not another iconic lead single falling before Blow Me. I seriously regret my score for that now as it should have been lower clearly.
I Got Money Now is a really personal track for me. She literally describes my life, from the moments where I never really felt like I fit in and wanted to be liked by people, to the moment where I started earning a lot more than my peers and gradually became a loner who, on the surface, doesn’t need anyone’s validation and company.

But the crippling loneliness that accompanies this is difficult to put into words. The internal struggle with the fact that you’re supposed to feel better off because you’ve got it all, you’ve worked hard, made sacrifices, yet it was all supposed to be worth it. I can feel all of this in a simple 4 minute track.

The juxtaposition of emotional, melancholic delivery and the confident lyrics just adds another layer of complexity. If you just read the words it’s one thing, but pay attention to Alecia’s delivery and you suddenly get the real meaning. It’s almost like she’s not singing to us, but to herself. And that’s why I gave it my 11.
Aww... this is is so sad, yet true.
Actually, I can relate to the song in the context of being lonely (but not about having money). It's how vulnerable she sounds in songs that never fails to make me emotional.

You and @Lost Boy described it perfectly, it's not all in the lyrics, but that emotional delivery is crucial for this song. She is convincing and comforting herself that everything is fine, yet you can hear in the delivery that it's not fine, after all. That is absolutely genius.
The feeling you get when hearing her voice just makes you believe she's singing from a dark and extremely lonely place. And when she sings in the final verse: "And that's fine with me, or so it seems..." that's the turning point which makes it quite obvious she is singing to herself.

Sonically, it's a one-off, too. That guitar riff is magnificent and immediatelly evokes sadness, it even sounds like a classic. And the looping beat is a little nod to her R&B days, which will make even more sense when you hear that part from the interview. Fun fact: P!nk actually plays the synths in "I Got Money Now".

Funny thing is that by reading its title, I was expecting a braggy anthem in the vein of "Cuz' I Can", so imagine my surprise when I first listened to the song!

And here's the interview:

She mentions that she loves "I Got Money Now" in the beginning, and around the 5:48 mark talks about it. I didn't even realize that she was talking about it when I first watched the interview, but you can hear the instrumental of "I Got Money Now" playing in the background.
It definitely made it sound like the song comes from the time before she was famous, and compares the value of money/friends (or anyone else who brings you comfort) depending on different points in her life. Brilliant.

Actually, I think "I Got Money Now" might be one of her personal favorite songs, because it ties her past and present in a way that any other song doesn't. She never performed it live, though... I would die if she did.
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Also, the order in which the songs from "I'm Not Dead" (standard version) are being eliminated so far exactly matches the order in the 'poprock ladies' rate. That means that the next track to fall from "I'm Not Dead" could be "Stupid Girls" (which is one of my 10's, so no!)

37. Stupid Girls


I've already said this a hundred times, but this rate is a mess.

"Stupid Girls" is among my absolute favorites, not only from "I'm Not Dead", but her career. It's such a tune and the production is brilliant indeed. That chorus is so infectious.
It's my favorite lead single by her, too, @Lost Boy. In fact, "Stupid Girls" and "What About Us" are the only lead singles by her that received a 10 from me.

I'm pretty sure I've already posted this video (just checked and, yes, I did), but since the message is often misinterpreted, here's an Oprah interview in which P!nk explains in detail what the song is about, and the theme is discussed further:

And now my entire top 3 from "I'm Not Dead" is eliminated: "I Got Money Now", "Conversations with My 13 Year Old Self" and "Stupid Girls".

Also, the only remaining album track that received a 10 from me is "I'm Not Dead", so that one should make top 20.
I completely agree with miss Moore when it comes to people pretending to be dumb for attention. There's a few on PJ too ddddd.

But *seeps tea* some of the girls she portrayed never really had to pretend.


What an iconic song+video combo.

This was clearly fake, though? Jessica's whole Newlyweds persona was either an act or massively heightened.

She ended up getting a billion dollar empire out of it though, so it was worth it!
The production is great but the message of Stupid Girls really is so toxic. I'm glad it didn't break the 8-point mark.
