Pixie Lott Discography Rate | We have a winner!

Can you tell us which song title the next one would have if it was written by a brit?


Without You
It's too rude.
Without You - 8.5. Takes 30 seconds to get going but once it does, it's great. The melodies in the chorus and middle eight are gorgeous. The vocals are strong.

(Your Love Keeps Lifting) Me Higher - 6.5. Another pointless cover that's not as good as the original.
Pixie's voice and the chorus just don't work together.
From now on, every song (with only 2 exceptions) will have at least one 10.




Average: 7.200
Max: 10.0 (@pop3blow2) 9.0 x 2 (@MilesAngel, @BubblegumBoy) 8.6 (@berserkboi)
Min: 5.0 x 2 (@TwistedInnocence, @WhenTheSunGoesDown) 5.3 (@Untouchable Ace)

Pixie impersonates Jill to sing about an incomplete love with Jack. I really think she's referring to the classic novel...
and not to this...

We're having one more M2M reference! Wait and see...
Marion Raven herself, one half of M2M, was co-writer of this song! Did you know that @pop3blow2 ?


Raise Up
Average: 7.207

Max: 10.0 (@MilesAngel) 9.0 (@pop3blow2) 8.0 (@Phonetics Girl)
Min: 5.1 (@Untouchable Ace) 6.0 x 2 (@Laurence, @TwistedInnocence)

I'm surprised this lasted that long.

This empowering ballad was rumoured to have been offered to Emeli Sandé but didn't make into her debut album (Our Version Of Events, from 2012).

Which totally makes sense because the writers (Harry Craze, Hugo Chegwin) were heavily involved in the creation of Sandé's debut LP, including the big hit Next To Me.

And Raise Up it's the only song by them in Pixie's self titled album!

Another 11 falls next...​
Jack - 9. Love the nursery rhyme references in the verses to talk about Jack the ex, and the lyrics as a whole are just great. The production is both retro and modern.

Raise Up. My first 10 to leave. This caught me at a moment when I was feeling a little down and immediately made me feel better. The melody is lovely and the last minute is brilliant.

I have no idea how my 11 is going to rate and I'm a little worried, but have no regrets.
Oh dear

I have no idea how my 11 is going to rate and I'm a little worried, but have no regrets.


Catching Snowflakes
Average: 7.257

Max: 11.0 (@MilesAngel) 10.0 (@Phonetics Girl) 9.5 (@berserkboi)
Min: 3.0 (Steve) 5.0 x 2(@Laurence, @WhenTheSunGoesDown) 5.5 (@saviodxl)

The closing track of Turn It Up Louder had a very nordic touch in its making: co-written with Finnish popstar Teemu Brunila and produced by Norwegian Fred Ball (JLS, Little Mix, Adam Lambert, etc).

Let's see what @MilesAngel had to say about their 11: "When I decided to vote in this rate I never thought I would give my 11 to a ballad. I adored this the first time I heard it. I find the metaphor of a love ending being like a melting snowflake captivating, and the lyrical narrative built around that is sublime. The way the production builds from a light snowfall at the beginning to a flurry of snow at the end is just beautiful. Pixie's vocal performance is so emotional and compelling. When the song brought me to tears I knew I had to give it my 11."

Well, after this I have nothing left to say!
At least I was prepared! Like much of Popjustice I'm not a fan of ballads as a rule, so as I said, giving my 11 to one was unexpected. But 'Catching Snowflakes' caught me by surprise and is just stunning. Finding out that Fred Ball produced it was exciting because I adore his work with a Norweigan singer called Bertine Zetlitz.
I have no regrets giving the song my 11 because it deserves one, 32 is one of my favourite numbers, and if I had given 'Catching Snowflakes' a 10 instead it would have left at 33! Now I can relax and root for my 10's.

Good taste @Phonetics Girl and @berserkboi

PS. I blame Steve.
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I'm slowing the pace a little because I didn't prepare all of the eliminations in advance (specially the graphics) and things are a bit chaotic at work! I'm not sure now I'll be able to finish this before xmas ddddd. I'll do my best to finish it in 2020 still though.

But anyway, besides covers, do you know what else Pixie Lott got in abundance in her discography?

Bonus tracks!

The Girl You Left Behind
Average: 7.486

Max: 10.0 x 3 (@MilesAngel, @pop3blow2, @Phonetics Girl) 9.0 (@Verandi)
Min: 3.0 (@Laurence) 6.0 (Steve)

Do you ever wonder about the girl?

Just like the girl, the track was left behind by the label that didn't even bother including it in any streaming service or even in the standard version of the album. It was only included as a bonus track in the Japanese version of the album and we fans had to go to dubious sources back in 2014 to get this track in decent quality.

Honestly I think this mid tempo delightful song would've been a better addition to the album than some of its peers that actually were proper album tracks. And it would definitely get some of my streams! Given the number of 10s it received, I guess some of you guys think the same!

Pixie Lott the album takes another hit before the top 30, but it remains as the session with the most songs so far (eight).

Up next: oooh, this one it's gonna upset some people!​
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This was supposed to be a single...

or was it?

Can't Make This Over
Average: 7.500

Max: 10.0 x 3 (@Phonetics Girl, @Verandi, @TwistedInnocence) 9.0 (@BubblegumBoy) 8.7 (@berserkboi)
Min: 3.0 (Steve) 4.0 (@Laurence) 6.5 (@bonnieetclyde)

Like I mentioned in a memory lane post, Can't Make This Over was supposed to be the second single of Turn It Up Louder and even had two music videos, but eventually it was cancelled. I mean, you had all the work of shooting a video, so why not just release the track as a single, darling?

The rumour is that the label was to choose between this song and the collaboration with Jason Derulo (our #44). Without the boost of a proper single and the radio audience that comes with it, the song never charted.

In the beginning of her career Pixie was exhaustively compared to Natasha Bedingfield and curiously, Can't Make This Over has another Bedingfield's touch on it: brother Daniel was the writer. I just hope this had nothing to do with the destiny the song had (or didn't have).


I thought I could do one more today instead of engaging in pointless LinkedIn discussions

The only thing I didn’t get was the backwards music video. Was strange!
Not stranger than this tho!

Bright Lights (Good Life) Part II (feat. Tinchy Stryder)
Average: 7.500
Max: 9.5 (@Phonetics Girl )9.1 (@pop3blow2) 9.0 x 2 (@TwistedInnocence, @Remorque)
Min: 3.0 (@WhenTheSunGoesDown) 5.0 (@bonnieetclyde)

So Pixie and Tinchy met at the 2010s Brit Awards (when Pixie had 3 nominations) and decided to collaborate.

Now the idea was kinda good, but the way it was executed... I_CANNOT_USE_REAL_WORDS_PROPERLY_. They'd have two versions of the same song: Pixie's with Tinchy featured on it, with a more female perspective and Tinchy's with Pixie featured on it with a more male perspective.

They decided that Tinchy Stryder's song would be part I and Pixie's would be part II. And then you think part I would be released before part II, right? Well, no! Pixie's album, Young Foolish Happy, was released in November of 2011 and Tinchy's album, was released two months later, in January of 2012.

And while Tinchy's version became a single, gained a music video and everything, Pixie's had to settle for album track. Maybe that's why you ousted it first? Or maybe you just don't like following the correct order of things, just like the labels, and wanted part II out before.

With that Young Foolish Happy's only album track still in is Till The Sun Comes Out. And all the singles are still here!​
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You won't let many album tracks get that far, will you?


My Love
Average: 7.564
Max: 10.0 (@MilesAngel) 9.0 (@Phonetics Girl) 8.4 (@pop3blow2)
Min: 5.0 (@WhenTheSunGoesDown) 6.8 (@Remorque)

Thinking about it now, I should have given this a higher score!

My Love was written with the trio Ruth-Anne Cunningham, Jonas Jeberg and Mich Hansen, with whom Pixie also worked in other two songs of her debut album. Hopefully we won't be talking about the other ones that soon!

It's a lovely R&B infused track, with interesting use of backing vocals in the chorus. Pixie had one tv performance of the song at Graham Norton, just a month after the release of single Gravity. It's weird that she chose an album track to be performed in such a popular show instead of giving the current single a boost, but I kinda stopped questioning her odd career choices and honestly it's quite a cute performance, so this one is forgivable.

Next: we say goodbye to a single.​
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