@Untouchable Ace,
@Derek and
I voted for all three, so color me happy with the results! My own entry didn't fare as well, but I always knew it was a long shot because of the marmite vocals. I absolutely adore ACO's voice, but then again I have a high tolerance for "high/shrill/unusual" vocals, especially when the music behind them is so damned good.
I still remember the first time I heard "Hoshi No Kuzu," a friend of mine had posted the video on LJ and I sat transfixed by it from start to finish. I think I must now have one of the largest ACO collections outside of Japan?
Two people here compared her soundscape to late '90s Madonna, and while I've never thought about it myself (the rest of the album this song is from is more "Felt Mountain meets Sade by way of The Sensual World") but I can totally hear it now. I'm glad it hit the spot for a handful of voters. Thanks,
@Up N Down,
@Tiger Suit,
@klow and
Hosting was a better experience than I thought it would be! I expected it to be really stressful, but it wasn't bad at all once I got the hang of it. It was fun putting the ballots in and seeing the results change, even though it meant I could see my flopping in real time. I think I prefer blissful ignorance! Thanks for the help,
(But maybe I'm glad I didn't touch the top 5 so I won't have to worry about hosting again right away.)