PJ00s+ 56: Hit Me With Your Long Shots! ~ Medals Awarded!

Omg it's a medal for Faye too??

Congrats @Untouchable Ace, @Derek and @Maki!

I voted for all three, so color me happy with the results! My own entry didn't fare as well, but I always knew it was a long shot because of the marmite vocals. I absolutely adore ACO's voice, but then again I have a high tolerance for "high/shrill/unusual" vocals, especially when the music behind them is so damned good.

I still remember the first time I heard "Hoshi No Kuzu," a friend of mine had posted the video on LJ and I sat transfixed by it from start to finish. I think I must now have one of the largest ACO collections outside of Japan?

Two people here compared her soundscape to late '90s Madonna, and while I've never thought about it myself (the rest of the album this song is from is more "Felt Mountain meets Sade by way of The Sensual World") but I can totally hear it now. I'm glad it hit the spot for a handful of voters. Thanks, @berserkboi, @Attis, @Up N Down, @Tiger Suit, @klow and @Maki!

Hosting was a better experience than I thought it would be! I expected it to be really stressful, but it wasn't bad at all once I got the hang of it. It was fun putting the ballots in and seeing the results change, even though it meant I could see my flopping in real time. I think I prefer blissful ignorance! Thanks for the help, @saviodxl!

(But maybe I'm glad I didn't touch the top 5 so I won't have to worry about hosting again right away.)
First of all congratulations @Untouchable Ace!

I can't believe I started this with a 12 peaking the leaderboard when I knew my spoken word/instrumental ambient song clocking in over 6 minutes would be the long shot most of you feared. You are an icon @berserkboi for putting Echoes Therein Gale in the winner spot at the start. Thank you also for further points @Up N Down and @Tiger Suit. I feel like I am forgetting someone and I am sorry...

Yes, I was hoping @Sprockrooster would be here for the cinematic drama of Faye's song - thank you!
Well how could this geographer resist. This song was already aiming for points by it's title alone. It being also good was amazing. I also adored that there was a song called Brontosaurus in the same round as The Cambrian Period (though I know there are million of years separating them).

Great hosting @Isobel
Almost top20 with Clark? That's more than I could have ever hoped for. A song from his 2009 album back when I was especially into a silly named genre called IDM. This was the first time he introduced vocals to his music and the chaotic Rainbow Voodoo in particular has been a classic for me ever since. Considering this did better than some of my "girly" bops I may have to start submitting more of these I fear.

Thanks for voting:

12 @Attis, @Untouchable Ace (I love an unexpected 12)
10 @Filler
6 @Jeffo
5 @A&E

HM @berserkboi, @Maki

Congrats on the win @Untouchable Ace and thanks for hosting @Isobel and @saviodxl!
Congratulations @Untouchable Ace! You got my 12 this round, so was very happy to see you end up with the win. I added it to my May playlist, so have been listening to it a lot and really enjoying!

Sarah flopped less hard than I was expecting! While she obviously genre-experiments a lot, the Metal influence in Fleurs Du Mal has always felt like a bit of an outlier in her discography. I can't say that I particularly enjoy Metal and I was taken aback by it when Symphony was first released, but I have come to wish that she'd leaned into the high drama of that sound palette a little bit more across the rest of the album. Anyways, big thanks for points goes to:

12: @pop3blow2 @Sprockrooster
10: @Derek @Tiger Suit
8 @Hudvar
7: @Up N Down
5: @If You Go @Island
4: @undisco_me (I think you maybe gave me points but typo'd the artist?)
3: @WowWowWowWow @Maki
2: @Dynamo @WoW73 @Filler @Disco Blister

And thank you to @Isobel and @saviodxl for a terrific hosting job -- the theme choice made this round very memorable!
I... really oughta stops sending dance pop to these competitions. Well, at least I can blame it on the theme, for which I had shared the following reasoning:
It's certainly an outlier among my potentials, partially due to my taste's evolving, but I still never have loved XXX fully. It does house one of Doda's catchiest choruses, though - reason alone it's worth sharing. Mid to late 00s, Doda was a huge fave of mine, I even owned her solo debut album (Diamond Bitch felt edgy as a preteen ddd), but by the early 10s she felt like a hasbeen and my interest was over. Despite that, XXX packs some nostalgia for the period and it's one of the handful of Doda's tracks I still come back to.
"catchy chorus" fff clearly this forum and I don't agree on the definition of.
Regardless, grateful for the 14 points~~

Congratulations @Untouchable Ace, I'm so looking forward to the next round if you're the one hosting and thanxxx @Isobel & @saviodxl duo for handling this one!
They bombed the last time @Jeffo entered them but I put that down to it being a dodgy remix.
10: Soluna - Bring It To Me: This group was so underrated and I’m still salty the original version of For All Time wasn’t entered way back when.


When I entered the remix I never expected you to have such a strong negative reaction. I was just throwing out something a little ~different~ to see how it'd do. But that's OK, I hate the ballad version and think it's too schmaltzy. The remix is at least an interesting curio of that era. But to each their own! It's not the only time we've disagreed on a preferred mix.

And for the record, the remix placed comfortably mid-tier at *checks notes* 24 out of 41 that round. A mild flop, but not a bomb.
Glad to see Faye Wong do so well in PJ00! That was unexpected! But she is a classic
for Cpop! Usually when I submit a special Taiwanese singer that does Chinese pop
in PJSC it bombs! The same would probably happen with PJXtra, so perhaps PJ00
is the place for Cpop and Mandopop? Bytheway, an artist that is inspired by Faye Wong's
music a lot and makes decent music herself is Tanya Chua from Singapore!

So like usual my entry has tanked pretty low. Well it wasn't really a long shot song, neither
was it a real standout for regular PJ00 to like, just a personal favorite. I'm happy to see
our host give me a 8, but not much else going on for appreciation of my song. Sphere are
so underrated here! They were sort of out of place though. I'll try to do better for next round!

This is incredible! Thanks everybody.
12 @chanex, @livefrommelbs, @cdd216, @Jeffo, @ohnoitisnathan
10 @A&E, @soratami, @Disco Blister
7 @WowWowWowWow, @Phonetics Girl, @WoW73, @If You Go
6 @Hudvar, @iheartpoptarts
5 @2014, @Derek
4 @DJHazey, @Isobel, @klow
3 @Dynamo, @undisco_me
2 @Up N Down
1 @Attis, @Tiger Suit

HM @berserkboi, @Maki

(I'll just assume that @ohnoitisnathan really wanted to 12 'Too Young To Know' giving me my highest points in any contest. Or 8 points and giving me a full 12-1 point score card.)

@A&E I was really trying to impress you with something you with something you didn't know, but you did. (Especially after non specifically dragging PJSC winners Peking Duk last round.) Maybe this round will give you more pause to keep you here for longer.

@Isobel and @saviodxl thanks so much for hosting. I just didn't know what to send for the side theme. I didn't get the chance to go through my library. And I can't think of a country song i like.
So I'll just share this.

Please let me know who is on the PJ00s+ panel.
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Thank you to my voters!

10 @cdd216
7 @Untouchable Ace @Island
6 @WowWowWowWow
5 @undisco_me @Disco Blister
3 @soratami @A&E @Zar-Unity
1 @Filler

This was actually the first time I sent French Male Vocals to PJ00s(+) unless I am remembering wrong. All the previous FL Male Vocals I have done were in Japanese it would appear!

The Music Video also plays on this theme of dual personas and was far too perfect not to submit this round. The lyrics by Zazie were also fully on theme! We stan alignments - don't we? *wink*

Congrats to @Untouchable Ace on a great win! How funny that it was one of the last songs I cut from my Top 10 - and it really didn't need my help! Also well done to @Derek @Maki and @soratami on your medals and finishes! We are gonna get that FL Winner soon - I can feel it <333

My instincts were also right with the 12 I picked as poor Sprocky was really underrated in the end too!
