PJ00s+ 56: Hit Me With Your Long Shots! ~ Medals Awarded!

I've got 10 voters, so as promised here's some...


- Most of us have points, save for the one poor unfortunate soul left on zero.
- The top 5 currently includes two foreign language songs.
- There's one song that emerged as a leader early and it's still holding on to the top.
- The rest of the slate is pretty close behind, so after 10 ballots this is still very much anyone's round.
- The top 10 are all from very different genres, but with this theme I'd be disappointed if they weren't!

More tea to come, when I have more ballots and (maybe?) a better read on the round!

So yeah a odd bunch of songs this round, but yeah they fit with the running theme this round.
Surprisingly there are a few really nice songs here that don't really try to push as a long shot
but they are a pleasant treat compared to other tracks that went all the way off the rails!

Some of these songs are indeed one of the users best entries!
I feel like the unofficial theme totally went over my head. I just sent the next eligible song on my list (and when that was booted, the one after it).

Consequently, this round has been a slog of wading-through-syrup severity. A record seven entries I couldn't make it all the way through.

I know I tend to be a pretentious binch when it comes to my own entries, but I must say that the song I sent to this round is eons better than anything else. With that, I will be taking it personally if anyone blanks it.
Looking forward to the #GreediestBottomAtTheGangBang Realness this implies come Reveals Time <333

I absolutely love my entry this round, but fully expect it to bomb.

