PJXTRA 21: FL 2000s (done, dusted, dead)


Welcome to Round 21 of PJXtra!
Excuse a slightly click-baity title, I'm not trying to make you send 2000s songs only! But more about it in the Side Theme section below.
First, as per usual - The Rules:

PJXtra is an online song contest in the vein of PJSC, PJRetro and PJ00s, but with a twist: you can submit a 21st century non-English song, which:
  • is sung in any language other than that of the winning song from the most recent PJXtra contest (i.e. no Spanish songs this round!) and features less than 20% approximately of English lyrics.​
  • hasn’t charted in the top 3 anywhere in the world and isn’t a Eurovision Song Contest entry (non-qualifying national final songs are eligible).​
  • is performed by an artist with 30 pages or less of dedicated discussion on the Popjustice forum & didn’t participate in the most recent two PJXtra competitions.​
  • hasn’t previously been entered into either PJSC, PJ00s or PJXtra.​
  • if it is a cover version, is subject to certain criteria including if the song being covered is already famous/successful.​
A winning artist in PJXtra is banned forever!
As stated above, a winning language is banned for the next round only.

Each round, once the list of successful songs is published, you listen to them all, choose your favourite ten and allocate points as follows:

12 points : your favourite song of the contest
10 points : 2nd place
8 points: 3rd place
7 points
6 points
5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point

Please keep your ballots secret, sharing them only with the host(/s) who will reveal the results once voting closes. You are unable to vote for your entry and any non-voters have their final total halved!

Please PM your submission to me with preferred YouTube and, if available, Spotify link. Please also state the language in which your submission is sung.

~★~Side Theme~★~

I'm gonna ask you to PM me at some point before the reveals day with a favourite non-English 2000s song that, whether eligible or not, HAS NOT BEEN SENT TO ANY PJ CONTEST BEFORE (the songs not fitting this criterion are welcome to be shared in the thread).
I'm going to post your choices with the ballot reveals.


Submission: May 10th 2023 End of Day
Reveals: June 1st 2023
Voting: before the reveals lol

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Ana Raquel
If You Go
Phonetics Girl
Tiger Suit
Untouchable Ace
Up N Down
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1. Benjamin - Hoida mut // saviodxl = 111
2. Paola & Chiara - Furore // Maki = 109
3. Anet Vaikmaa - Viimane tants // Up N Down = 97
4. Julia Viktoria - Allvar // livefrommelbs = 96
5. Klara & Jag - BAS, RÖK & DÅRAR // Derek = 87
6. Zaho de Sagazan - Tristesse // daninternational = 85
7. Sasha Lopez & Ester Peony - Tatoué // HarryEzra = 80
8. Sofi Tukker - Jacaré // soratami = 79
9. Key - Killer // Untouchable Ace = 74
10. Alessandra Amoroso - Notti Blu // imaduck = 63
11. EDGÄR - Réveille-moi // berserkboi = 61
12. Joanna Wang - 愛人 (日文版) // pop3blow2 = 60
13. Giallo - кристалл // Tiger Suit = 59
13. Ann Kovtun - паніка // klow = 59
15. Ruusut - <3 <3 // A&E = 54
17. Lúpína - ástarbréf // Dynamo = 51
18. Monique Smit - Wild // Sprockrooster = 47
19. Medina - Stikker du af // WowWowWowWow = 42
19. Cleo - Safari // undisco_me = 42
21. MIN - Cà Phê // If You Go = 41
22. Noa Kirel X Itay Galo - Paamon // BubblegumBoy = 39
23. Alina Pash - Тіні Забутих Предків // Phonetics Girl = 37
24. Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein - A Shone Htet Po Thaw (Remix) // Ana Raquel = 35
24. Brutalismus 3000 - Je N'existe Pas // swim = 35
26. Froukje - Als Ik God Was // WoW73 = 33
27. Johanna Amelie & Moritz Krämer - Bunt hier // DominoDancing = 27
28. Tao Jingying - Well // Zar-Unity = 22
29. Sara Bee, SAFIRA & Jotti Singh - Baby Boo // iheartpoptarts = 17
30. Yoana - Nyamat Lyubov // Attis = 11
31. Värttinä - Nahkaruoska // Isobel = 7


Indicatively, not on Spotify:
Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein - A Shone Htet Po Thaw (Remix)
Tao Jingying - Well

YouTube playlist
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I've sent several non-English tracks to PJ00s, to varying degrees of success.

The jazzy Lepszy Model by Kasia Klich is responsible for my only PJ00s medal, coming in second in Round 49.

By contrast, Ta Douleur by Camille earned me 41st place, or the tiny crown, in Round 30. More like ma douleur am I right?

Another flop was Sækken I Katten by Danish R&B upstart Karen. To my ears this was a gigantic bop, but it only managed 29th place in Round 48.

Generally speaking, I've had a little more luck with the Poles; Kayah's frothy turn-of-the-century disco Testosteron placed 16th in Round 37 and Agnieszka Chylińska's synthpop epic Nie mogę Cię zapomnieć finished in 15th in Round 42.

And I've run out of room for Youtube embeds, but Amadou & Mariam's beautiful and unique Sabali (produced with Blur's Damon Albarn) was 26th in Round 31.
@klow - I remember giving "Testosteron" only 5 points in its round but ended up coming back to the song very often and regretting that I didn't give it a 12. I still return to it actually.

At least "Lepszy Model" got my 12 right away, another fantastic discovery. The Polish ladies snapped!

And I could start listing my FL entries in PJ00s but it would just make me depressed seeing how badly majority of them flopped ff
