PJXTRA 21: FL 2000s (done, dusted, dead)

I was wondering why the name ATARASHI GAKKO sounded familiar, then I realized... These are the same girls that appeared in a video with Captain Disillusion a while back!

Probably one of the most unlikely collabs I've ever heard of but I'm glad it paid off.
Thank you to all below!


@Tiger Suit: 8
@Maki: 5 points - EDGÄR - Réveille-moi ~ Known this one already, obviously a standout with that unique production. Please give a listen to this great album!
@HarryEzra: 7
@Phonetics Girl: EDGÄR - Réveille-moi ( Hurts debut album in French - 7 )
@DominoDancing: 7
@imaduck: 4
@TéléDex: 3
@Up N Down: 8

And also of course to the impeccable @Untouchable Ace for the 12!!

I was a little worried Edgär would have flopped considering the mellower moment with Male Vocals as well, but very happy to see they did okay!

Réveille-Moi is my favourite song of 2022, and I am typically a little apprehensive about sending music I adore (though I did tell myself that if I flop and come last at least I’d have the best song to ever finish last to my name fff)

I’ve stanned Edgär for a little while now (even their English music is godly) and Reveille Moi just encompasses everything I adore about their approach to music. The lyrics deal with crippling self-doubt over a relationship and the build-up is just magical to me. Those vocals give me chills each time, and I cannot wait for the next release the boys have in them <333

See if you like this one by them @Inland Empire @Carel @Filler <333

Masterfully done @Phonetics Girl! I am tempted to change my avatar to your art of the cutest current French men in the business too *wink*

Well done to all medallists and especially @saviodxl - more Boy Bops next round confirmed!! <333​
Tiny crown! Not sure what else I expected for that, but I'm still glad I sent it. Thanks @Derek and @A&E for throwing some points my way.

Congrats @saviodxl! Great pick and love to see a Finnish winner even if it wasn't going to be mine, there was a lot of Suomi excellence this round. Also want to shout out @klow — I absolutely loved your entry! Not too many Ukrainian artists pass me by, but Ann Kovtun was a new discovery and Паніка a stone-cold jam.
I'm not going to lie, I struggled a bit finding a submission this time around, so I was not only happy when I rediscovered Bunt hier in my playlist, but I am also happy to see some of you liked it as well. Thank you
@Zar-Unity, @A&E, @Isobel, @pop3blow2, @imaduck, @livefrommelbs, @undisco_me!

Congrats to @saviodxl for a well deserved win, and thank you to @Phonetics Girl for the wonderful hosting. The reveals were a super fun spin on the usual process!
And with Male Vocals babe! You played on Hard Setting and won this thing! Extra pride for you! <333
Sending a popular national finals song that wouldn't sound out of place in Erika Vikman's discography is not exactly hard mode ff.
Anet should have won this
PREACH. But then when she ended up leading the first round we knew that wasn't gonna happen. In fact Benjamin was my guess for the win since the start.

Anyhow I was already absolutely ecstatic about all the 12s which is a win itself so adding the final missing PJXtra medal to my collection is no bad feat. In fact this has been a year of silver and bronze for me so far. Only need to get one of those in PJ00s+ now I guess.

Despite smashing PJSC already back in 2021 Anet is actually a very little known name in Estonia. Viimane tants is actually the first time she made a bigger splash here just last month when it competed in a brand new local song contest and came 2nd. Getting hints that she might try Eesti Laul this year so we'll see. And if I enter another song of hers next year you can only blame yourselves for not letting her retire with this round xoxo

Thanks for the votes everyone:

12 @Tiger Suit, @Zar-Unity, @Phonetics Girl, @iheartpoptarts
10 @pop3blow2
7 @WoW73
6 @Derek, @livefrommelbs
4 @Untouchable Ace, @BubblegumBoy, @Sprockrooster, @undisco_me
3 @saviodxl
1 @Maki

HM @swim

Please ignore the tiny pinch of salt above and accept my congrats @saviodxl. Also @Maki has been killing it this year. If I could be assed with the yearly leaderboard you'd most likely be at the top right now.

Loved the way the reveals were done this time and all the graphics @Phonetics Girl. Super well done!
So, after two bronze medals, this round brings me a silver one (and it was so close to the gold).
I honestly didn't foresee that happening, but looks like sending fun bops really works for me and I'm somehow dominating this contest all of a sudden. Really happy with Paola & Chiara bringing me my best PJXtra result so far.

A big thank you to:

12 @Dynamo @If You Go
10 @Derek
8 @Untouchable Ace @berserkboi
7 @Tiger Suit @TéléDex
6 @Phonetics Girl @iheartpoptarts
5 @saviodxl @WoW73 @pop3blow2 @undisco_me
4 @DominoDancing
2 @Zar-Unity @WowWowWowWow @BubblegumBoy @daninternational
1 @soratami

So close to a full set of scores too!

Underrated corner: Cleo and Monique Smit

Sending a popular national finals song that wouldn't sound out of place in Erika Vikman's discography is not exactly hard mode ff.
But now we said it. I think it's still a very worthy winner, even though "GAY" is my fave Benjamin song I've heard, and his latest single is a bop too.
Also, I went down the very similar route and it worked for me too dd

Thank you so much for an amazing hosting, @Phonetics Girl! It was a genius idea to do the reveals this way, so exciting to follow, along with those lovely graphics too. And I think the reveals lasted for 6 hours so I have no idea how you managed to do all of that in one go. Well done!
Congrats @saviodxl for a well-deserved win!

If Finnish wasn't banned for the last round I'd planned to enter Hoida Mut but after seeing the NF results in that round combined with male vocals and it now having been out for a while, I decided against trying it this round. And then the top 2 are both NF songs dd

6th is up there with my best results, so thanks everyone for the points especially my 2 douze-givers!
How I still only managed 1 pt from @berserkboi I'm not sure I may as well give up trying ddd

Thanks for hosting excellently @Phonetics Girl though I'd like to say I didn't enjoy this way of reveals ddd
Belated thanks to:

12: @Isobel @berserkboi
10: @WoW73
7: @daninternational @Up N Down
5: @A&E
4: @soratami
2: @iheartpoptarts

for voting for Ann Kovtun! Originally recorded in Russian but then recently re-recorded in Ukrainian (where I believe Ann is from), this song has had me blurting out "ПАНІКА ПАНІКА ПАНІКА!" at any given opportunity.

Thank you also to @Phonetics Girl for hosting generally but also for this reveal style, which makes it much easier when recapping to give gratitude to voters! And well done to @saviodxl and the other medallists. The Finns do seem to have something of a strangehold on Xtra!

See you all in a few months for #22!
Thanks kindly @Phonetics Girl for hosting and collating this for me.
Way to not win or get 12s.

Thanks for the top 10 and
Thanks so much for the points:


@Tiger Suit: 1
@Maki: 7 points - Key - Killer ~ Was already familiar with this one. An excellently produced and competitive tune. Could Key be winning another contest?
(where, where are they???????)

@Ana Raquel: 10
@Derek: 2
@HarryEzra: 10
@Phonetics Girl: Key - Killer ( Mrozu-ish - 3 )
@Dynamo: 10
@WowWowWowWow: 1
@BubblegumBoy: 1
@daninternational: 1
@imaduck: 7
@livefrommelbs: 1
@soratami: 8
@TéléDex: 10
@undisco_me: 2

Key - Killer // Untouchable Ace = 74

So proud of you @saviodxl for winning not only PJXtra officially or again, but especially with Benjamin. We were not happy when you finished bottom 2 undeservedly with male vocals when I hosted.
But now you can do anything.
12th place 60 points for Joanna Wang is pretty sold, so I'll take it. I do have to call out how hilarious it is that @Maki pretty much hated my song in the recent PJRetro & picked it to come last, but loved my entry here & gave it their 12. We have a pretty manic relationship in these contests...ddd.
Oh I forgot to address this. Your entry by Joanna Wang is my favourite PJXtra discovery of the year so far, I've played it countless of times so thank you for introducing me to that masterpiece.
And I did not hate your PJ Retro entry, just thought it sounded like a typical boring summery male vocal AC radio song (which it pretty much what it is), further making it perplexing for me to see it somehow got a medal.
Oh I forgot to address this. Your entry by Joanna Wang is my favourite PJXtra discovery of the year so far, I've played it countless of times so thank you for introducing me to that masterpiece.
And I did not hate your PJ Retro entry, just thought it sounded like a typical boring summery male vocal AC radio song (which it pretty much what it is), further making it perplexing for me to see it somehow got a medal.
Very pleased you loved Joanna so much! Also glad to know you didn't actually hate my Retro song. I must admit I do love boring, summery AC, radio songs... usually they are female vocals, though. Ha!
