
Pokemon BW/2 question - do you recommend playing one of the original BW games before playing BW/2 or is it fine just to jump straight into the sequels? Having just finished BD for the first time, I really found the limited Pokédex a snooze for the playthrough... although Unova does have some of my favourite Pokémon in it, so maybe it will be slightly more interesting with a smaller pool in the first version...
Pokemon BW/2 question - do you recommend playing one of the original BW games before playing BW/2 or is it fine just to jump straight into the sequels? Having just finished BD for the first time, I really found the limited Pokédex a snooze for the playthrough... although Unova does have some of my favourite Pokémon in it, so maybe it will be slightly more interesting with a smaller pool in the first version...
From a story perspective, it's definitely better to play them in order, especially since using the Memory Link function with a completed Black/White save file will unlock some fun little things in Black 2/White 2. From a gameplay perspective, though, Black 2/White 2 are much superior, so if you just want to play a gen 5 game and don't care about the story that much, then you might as well go directly to the sequels.
From a story perspective, it's definitely better to play them in order, especially since using the Memory Link function with a completed Black/White save file will unlock some fun little things in Black 2/White 2. From a gameplay perspective, though, Black 2/White 2 are much superior, so if you just want to play a gen 5 game and don't care about the story that much, then you might as well go directly to the sequels.
Helpful - thanks so much.
1000 free trade tokens today, nice!

Just posting an updated list of the cards I'm after if anyone is up for some trades. The ones with * I need to complete Genetic Apex, the rest are for decks.

Genetic Apex
Arcanine (3')*
Starmie ex (4')
Poliwrath (3')
Pikachu ex (4')*
Gengar ex (4')*
Machamp (3')*
Nidoking (3')*
Muk (3')
Aerodactyl (3')*
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1000 free trade tokens today, nice!

Just posting an updated list of the cards I'm after if anyone is up for some trades. The ones with * I need to complete Genetic Apex, the rest are for decks.

Genetic Apex
Arcanine (3')*
Starmie ex (4')
Poliwrath (3')
Pikachu ex (4')*
Gengar ex (4')*
Machamp (3')*
Nidoking (3')*
Muk (3')
Aerodactyl (3')*

I've got a Muk/Aerodactyl/Nidoking.

Do you have any of these: Flareon/Victreebell/Jolteon/Nidoqueen/Weezing.

Drop me a message :)
Reposting my wish list now that everyone has tokens ddd

Genetic Apex
Exeggutor 3'
Lapras 3'
Articuno 3'
Nidoking 3'
Ditto 3'
Snorlax 3'

Mythical Island
Gyarados ex 4'

@Dejan I have Flareon if you still need one
