PopJustice Song Contest 126 REVEaLiNG

Reading through this just now was a trip...for a while I really did think I was going to win, which excited but also terrified me because I just got done hosting for PJ00s+ and didn't think I'd be doing it again so soon, and this time for PJSC which is even bigger! So second place isn't so bad, it's (almost) all the glory without the pressure.

Thanks to all who voted for Gia Woods, this was a discovery on Spotify that hooked me right away so I kept it in my pocket for the necessary couple of months after her last PJSC appearance. I really thought more than one of you would try it too and block me, I was so relieved it didn't get vetoed and put on cooldown.

My taste can generally be split into "dark, dramatic, and left-field" and "repetitive banger that hammers my pleasure center until I want to pass out," and this selection is from the latter. I threw points toward both categories in this very strong round, so it feels good to be a finalist since it was a tough competition!

These voters made me a very happy glowing silver cube in a starry black void:

@Maki (Thanks for calling this your favorite PJSC discovery of the year so far, you have great taste [even with some of those takes in the Basic Bops rate!] so it's high praise!)
@Connor Walsh for the 12!
@soratami (Congrats on the win!)
@Up N Down
@Inland Empire
Congrats @soratami for sending Girls Aloud

Called it!

Thanks to all timezoners:
10 @iheartpoptarts
8: @livefrommelbs
7: @WoW73 @londonrain
6: @Connor Walsh
4: @saviodxl
3: @cdd216 @Maki
2: @If You Go
1: @soratami @DJHazey
HMs: @Untouchable Ace @Up N Down @citoig @swim @Derek @Disco Blister

Thought I'd do better with this bop, but despite a brief dalliance with 10th place, didn't even crack the top 20.

Thanks @imaiduck and congrats @soratami for a deserved win - it's rare that I like the winner this much
Omg thank you actually everyone!


I finally got song contest ballot bingo! Even including bonus HMs. Thanks especially for the 12s.

12 @WoW73, @Disco Blister
10 @cdd216, @londonrain, @Filler, @HarryEzra
8 @Attis
7 @saviodxl
6 @CaliDevotion
5 @berserkboi
4 @2014
3 @BubblegumBoy
2 @imaduck, @livefrommelbs, @citoig
1 @Up N Down, @A&E

HM @Dynamo, @DJHazey, @Carel

I obviously wouldn't have thought I could achieve this with a song I loved from a year ago. Otherwise I would have sent it sooner.
I have been tending to send longtime favourites this year, to mediocre results.
You'll all enjoy the EP.

Now everyone who voted for me please come and send a song to PJ00s+ where you can not only send a song from 2014 backwards but also a song from a top 10 album.
Especially @imaduck you have to return.
I also have to say that I seeing Tori Amos under those vegetables brought such joy. (She must have been laying in a hole in the ground for it to anatomically make sense.
We also seem to have the same taste @imaduck.

And my AI is pretty accurate. (Except for what part of me being fashionable translated to being dressed in a white T-shirt?)

Very well done @soratami! I loved it and voted for it. Let's hear it for our winning song.
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Winning the legends round and the main round, especially after not even making the top 30 last time?


Thank you to everyone who voted for my song! I definitely thought it sounded like a PJSC smash from the moment I first heard it, so happy to be proven right dd. Since they're ineligible now, let me just share another great LOWES song that had been sitting on my potentials list for a bit:

I might've turned down hosting the next round had this happened sooner, as I'm currently hosting a rate, but since I'll be done with that by the end of this week, I'll do like Michelle Williams (and Jesus) and say yes. I'm planning on doing the traditional PJSC thing and opening it on the first Friday of the month (ie this Friday), but I might end up doing it sooner if I feel like it, so stay tuned.
What a scream this round has been! Well, for the second time a song I had shortlisted to enter has won. I really need to learn my lesson! Congratulations @soratami, LOWES deserved it!

And thanks to @imaduck for hosting such a fun (if messy) round!

Also love @undisco_me for this commentary on my song:

Uh hu Ber. Anything that sounds like I would have been obsessed by it in 1998 after watching it on MTV2 is hunky dory by me. I really am not one for any action whatsoever in a car - I mean maybe if the weather's nice I could tastefully lean over the bonnet, but this is not that song. My guess would be that Ber drives a rather small Fiat.
@Maki, I'm dying to know what song you think it samples. I honestly was completely unaware and haven't been able to turn anything up on Google. Is there a way of checking official credits somewhere to avoid this in the future? Please pardon my ignorance!
I thought the riff sounded exactly like the melody from this:

Why apologise though? It might not be an actual sample and I made things up.

@Maki (Thanks for calling this your favorite PJSC discovery of the year so far, you have great taste [even with some of those takes in the Basic Bops rate!] so it's high praise!)
Me during the past few weeks:
Disco heart, you're spinning me, spinning me
'Round and 'round, it's killing me, killing me


Disco heart, you're spinning me, spinning me
'Round and 'round and 'round and 'round

So utterly pleased to finish top 5, If you like Replay I highly recommend their album with that song on it:

Thanks to @soratami @cdd216 @Dynamo @Tiger Suit (ty for the 12!!! Glad you loved it) @2014 @Untouchable Ace @livefrommelbs @CaliDevotion (ty for the 12!! Glad it was your faveee) @citoig @If You Go @Jeffo @swim @TéléDex @Inland Empire @undisco_me @Carel @BubblegumBoy

I Am so glad my 12 ended up winning, massive congrats @soratami Bloodstream was a fab song!! I think its rare the song I point as 12 wins lol.

Fab posting as per @imaduck loved the images, I even was curious about the NSFW one and was shaken lol. I am not gonna lie I was conufsed abour that question in the form so I just said 'do Zak Abel but make it AI' lmao


Staff member
Omg thank you actually everyone!


I finally got song contest ballot bingo! Even including bonus HMs. Thanks especially for the 12s.

12 @WoW73, @Disco Blister
10 @cdd216, @londonrain, @Filler, @HarryEzra
8 @Attis
7 @saviodxl
6 @CaliDevotion
5 @berserkboi
4 @2014
3 @BubblegumBoy
2 @imaduck, @livefrommelbs, @citoig
1 @Up N Down, @A&E

HM @Dynamo, @DJHazey, @Carel

I obviously wouldn't have thought I could achieve this with a song I loved from a year ago. Otherwise I would have sent it sooner.
I have been tending to send longtime favourites this year, to mediocre results.
You'll all enjoy the EP.

Now everyone who voted for me please come and send a song to PJ00s+ where you can not only send a song from 2014 backwards but also a song from a top 10 album.
Especially @imaduck you have to return.
I also have to say that I seeing Tori Amos under those vegetables brought such joy. (She must have been laying in a hole in the ground for it to anatomically make sense.
We also seem to have the same taste @imaduck.

And my AI is pretty accurate. (Except for what part of me being fashionable translated to being dressed in a white T-shirt?)

Very well done @soratami! I loved it and voted for it. Let's hear it for our winning song.

When I saw HAEVN in the song list I thought @Sprockrooster had returned to PJSC dddd. They’ve been one of my favourite acts to play at night since I discovered them when he submitted one of the songs from their debut.

Thanks to everyone who voted for Margaret! I should have submitted this song ages ago and was kind of shocked it had never been entered (although I’m not sure why @bubblegum thinks it should have been vetoed - did it somehow become more notorious than the other Margaret NF songs we’ve had in PJSC?)
Very happy with a top 15 placement for Elisabeth Elektra, considering she's totally new to the contest and has zero mentions on this forum. Thanks again to everyone who voted for her! Perhaps I should stick to sending these songs I love but not love, these tend to do well and I'm not bothered if they don't do extremely well (dare I say, flop).

LOWES is a very expected but a very good winner, as much as I was rooting for Gia Woods to win instead.

Underrated corner: Kvi Baba, Ritual Forms, MICHAELA (I thought this one would be top 10), Young Bombs, Manuel Riva (another one I expected to see in the top 10) and Olivia Lunny.
And I forgot to give an HM to Avalon Emerson, I really liked the production there.

The NMIXX sitch was... interesting. And I thought the song was widely hated but turns out it's just extremely polarizing - I see it even got an 11 in that rate nn

Thank you for excellent hosting and super amusing reveals, @imaduck! I feel like it will be a carnage next month but I do have a few damn good options that don't have any Eurovision connections. Or maybe I should send my Indonesian folk pop PJ Retro outtakes from late 60s/early 70s and win as a standout.
Called it!

Thanks to all timezoners:
10 @iheartpoptarts
8: @livefrommelbs
7: @WoW73 @londonrain
6: @Connor Walsh
4: @saviodxl
3: @cdd216 @Maki
2: @If You Go
1: @soratami @DJHazey
HMs: @Untouchable Ace @Up N Down @citoig @swim @Derek @Disco Blister

Thought I'd do better with this bop, but despite a brief dalliance with 10th place, didn't even crack the top 20.

Thanks @imaiduck and congrats @soratami for a deserved win - it's rare that I like the winner this much
Wow, that is a lot of honorable mentions!

rolling across the Vermilion carpet



they all look wiggly

View attachment 42178

I guess AI is not yet all-knowing enough to figure out what I look like just based on "an adult male of the species homo sapiens."
When I saw HAEVN in the song list I thought @Sprockrooster had returned to PJSC dddd. They’ve been one of my favourite acts to play at night since I discovered them when he submitted one of the songs from their debut.

Thanks to everyone who voted for Margaret! I should have submitted this song ages ago and was kind of shocked it had never been entered (although I’m not sure why @bubblegum thinks it should have been vetoed - did it somehow become more notorious than the other Margaret NF songs we’ve had in PJSC?)
I knew you had now completely come back to the contest so when I had nothing to send again, I sent a face and was baiting you along the way.
The winner is a nice song, so are the 2nd and 3rd placed top songs! Worthy tops!
(but don't let it go to your head)

Well thanks to the few and the proud that for some reason or another decided to
show RÓISIN some love!

7 for RÓISIN by @If You Go
10 for RÓISIN by @Attis
8 for RÓISIN by @Jeffo
10 for RÓISIN by @cleosnatchra

She released a new single in the middle of this round and I even got to chat with her a bit and thank her for the lovely music and I shared a another similar artist to her and she liked her music! Win win in my mind!

Her new single..Loop

So I wonder out of the four of you that voted a good amount of points for RÓISIN, did any of you ever suspect that RÓISIN was my song? I ask because I plan on keeping with this dreamy indie theme here. Unless some of you would prefer that I go a different approach? I'd like some feedback.
