Reading through this just now was a trip...for a while I really did think I was going to win, which excited but also terrified me because I just got done hosting for PJ00s+ and didn't think I'd be doing it again so soon, and this time for PJSC which is even bigger! So second place isn't so bad, it's (almost) all the glory without the pressure.
Thanks to all who voted for Gia Woods, this was a discovery on Spotify that hooked me right away so I kept it in my pocket for the necessary couple of months after her last PJSC appearance. I really thought more than one of you would try it too and block me, I was so relieved it didn't get vetoed and put on cooldown.
My taste can generally be split into "dark, dramatic, and left-field" and "repetitive banger that hammers my pleasure center until I want to pass out," and this selection is from the latter. I threw points toward both categories in this very strong round, so it feels good to be a finalist since it was a tough competition!
These voters made me a very happy glowing silver cube in a starry black void:
@Maki (Thanks for calling this your favorite PJSC discovery of the year so far, you have great taste [even with some of those takes in the Basic Bops rate!] so it's high praise!)
@Connor Walsh for the 12!
@soratami (Congrats on the win!)
@Up N Down
@Inland Empire
Thanks to all who voted for Gia Woods, this was a discovery on Spotify that hooked me right away so I kept it in my pocket for the necessary couple of months after her last PJSC appearance. I really thought more than one of you would try it too and block me, I was so relieved it didn't get vetoed and put on cooldown.
My taste can generally be split into "dark, dramatic, and left-field" and "repetitive banger that hammers my pleasure center until I want to pass out," and this selection is from the latter. I threw points toward both categories in this very strong round, so it feels good to be a finalist since it was a tough competition!
These voters made me a very happy glowing silver cube in a starry black void:
@Maki (Thanks for calling this your favorite PJSC discovery of the year so far, you have great taste [even with some of those takes in the Basic Bops rate!] so it's high praise!)
@Connor Walsh for the 12!
@soratami (Congrats on the win!)
@Up N Down
@Inland Empire