PopJustice Song Contest 53 - GAMESHOW - Revealing 22/4 at 8


Hello everyone!

Welcome to PJSC 53.

Everyone's third favorite pop music related song contest!

Les said:
Popjustice Song contest is a music contest focused on discovering new music, each participant picks a song by a lesser known artist or new discovery and pits this song against other unknown or new songs.

The song you have chosen should be submitted to the host of the contest during the submission period, during this time the veto panel will score your song out of 100 (0 being instant veto, 100 being no issues) if it averages 50+ then it will be accepted into the contest.

Things that will effect your veto score, but not necessary veto

- Previously submitted artist (3 being generally the upper limit unless significant time has passed)
- Doing well in a previous round
- Forum threads or discussions
- Double submission of song
- Multiple submission of artist
- Reality TV contestant
- Notable personalities (who aren't necessary singers)
- Mentions by PJ on social media (but not on the website)
- Features in PJSC song of the week or featured in spotify playlist
- Blog precence (non PJ)
- Large view counts on youtube (no exact science here, but upload time and international audience are taken into account)
- Big artist in another country
- Lesser hits / album tracks from well known K-Pop acts
- People with features on hits
- Covers of lesser known songs
- Samples of lesser known songs

Things that will be vetoed for

- Winners of the PJSC
- Songs that have already been entered
- 3 or more submissions of that song
- A song that is featured on the front page (in a solo article) in the last 3 months (another song by the artist or remix of the same song can be chosen and may clear veto)
- Songs involved in the current eurovision cycle up to and including the month of the contest
- Songs that have significant radio play (check this via http://comparemyradio.com/)
- Covers of well known songs
- Samples of well known songs
- Big hits / big singles from well known K-Pop acts
- Major K-Pop acts (2NE1, f(x), SHINee, Girl's Generation)

After the song list is revealed you have period of time where you are able to submit your votes, you should vote using the traditional Eurovision style points system (12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) with the top marks going to your favorite, and 1 going to your 10th favorite, and remember you cannot vote for your own entry.

This time we're going to have ourselves a little family fortune esque fun along the way, when you submit your votes you will answer 10 simple questions. And come results night we'll not only be pitting your songs against each other - but also, your game show acumen!

The real question is will I be capable of such high level processing come results night



Submit your entry here

When you submit your votes you will be asked 10 simple questions.

For every match you get with someone else's answer you will recieve 5 points.

You will recieve a bonus 3 points for getting a top answer.

The Questions said:
1 - Name a form of Social Media.

2 - Name somewhere you'd go to hook up.

3 - A drink that I (@imaduck) might enjoy.

4 - Name a popular drag artisé.

5 - Name something you'd never lend Lady Gaga.

6 - Name a gameshow.

7 - A music related celebrity whose dickpick you would find quite desirable.

8 - The worst artist currently in the UK charts.

9 - Name a colour.

10 - the best nation for producing popular music.

I will post a seperate form with just the questions and chuck that somewhere in offtopic and over at buzzjack to drum up some responses (probably about 2). Obviously there is nothing stopping you creating multiple accounts and making yourself win, but really what's the point, it's a fake gameshow, get your life together bitch.

OPTIONAL: there's a space for you to submit your contestant image (real, fake, celebrity, dickpick, porn, bank details etc) and a spiel to along with.


This list is brought to you by Random.org, that's Random.org.

Jackie Tech - You Can Have It All (Filatov & Karas Remix)
Michaela May - You & I
Amery - So Good
Shary-An - Read My Book
Todiefor ft. Helen - Beautiful
Hanna Turi - Ricochet
Snow Culture - No Sleep
Kwaye - Cool Kids
Brian Deady - Clap Both My Hands
Contessa - Running
Alexandra Savior - Mystery Girl
CAPPA - Hey Hi Hello
VÉRITÉ - When You're Gone
THRILLERS - Can't Get Enough
Mikala - We Got It
The Beach - Bite My Tounge
Emelie Hollow - Like I Love You
Brave Girls - Rollin'
Skylar Stecker - Only Want You
DIANA - Confession
Cailin Russo - September Rose
Lukas Rieger - Side By Side
Anteros - Drunk
Caitlyn Scarlett - Possession Of A Weapon
Moment - Indigo
Bow To Each Other - Crave Me
Molly Burch - Please Be Mine
Scarlet Pleasure - Deja Vu
Bendik – Kriger
LPX - Tightrope
Loop - As If
Sam Concepcion, Tippy Dos Santos & Quest - Dati
Exotica - Si je suis partie
Clover Sun - Wallflower
Dolly Style - Bye Bye Bby Boo
The Aces - Physical
CocoTia - Out Of Touch
Jocelyn Alice - Bound To You


(excluding MARLENE)

Submit your votes + responses via this form!


Good luck to everyone - especially me, because history says I don't do well at hosting simple contest reveals. Let alone very elaborate ones. OOPS.
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Here are the contestants, I will bold your name when your votes are recieved

Alexandra Savior - Mystery Girl // Laurence Nope =
Amery - So Good // CorgiCorgiCorgi =
Anteros - Drunk // One Stop Candy Shop =
Bendik – Kriger // thegingerone =
Bow To Each Other - Crave Me // AmbivalentToBritney =
Brave Girls - Rollin' // Alouder98 =
Brian Deady - Clap Both My Hands // Hudweiser =
Cailin Russo - September Rose // ericcccc =
Caitlyn Scarlett - Possession Of A Weapon // Llamadelrey =
CAPPA - Hey Hi Hello // GhettoPrincess =
Clover Sun - Wallflower // Animalia =
CocoTia - Out Of Touch // Carel =
Contessa - Running // NuhdeensPassport =
DIANA - Confession // HeartSwells =
Dolly Style - Bye Bye Bby Boo // Ufint =
Emelie Hollow - Like I Love You // haps =
Exotica - Si je suis partie // New Flame =
Hanna Turi - Ricochet // KamikazeHeart =
Jackie Tech - You Can Have It All (Filatov & Karas Remix) // Imaduck =
Jocelyn Alice - Bound To You // Strangekin =
Kwaye - Cool Kids // 2014 =
Loop - As If // eyeline =
LPX - Tightrope // fistcity =
Lukas Rieger - Side By Side // iheartpoptarts =
MARLENE - Sweet // TheChoirgirlHotel =
Michaela May - You & I // Lost Boy =
Mikala - We Got It // Beginner =
Molly Burch - Please Be Mine // Petty Mayonnaise =
Moment - Indigo // Derek =
Sam Concepcion, Tippy Dos Santos & Quest - Dati // Slice of Life =
Scarlet Pleasure - Deja Vu // seven. =
Shary-An - Read My Book // Sprockrooster =
Skylar Stecker - Only Want You // DJHazey =
Snow Culture - No Sleep // LPMA =
The Aces - Physical // constantino =
The Beach - Bite My Tounge // HarryEzra =
THRILLERS - Can't Get Enough // Rogue =
Todiefor ft. Helen - Beautiful // WowWowWowWow =
VÉRITÉ - When You're Gone // Kuhleezi =
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I was dead set on submitting a song that's been on my short list for... three years now, I think.

I think I'll end up submitting something I came across on my Release Radar today, nn.

Deleted member 3416

I've entered but not sure if the song will clear veto and if it will actually do any good if it does.
