I don't hate this but it should've gone before "Who Says".
#32. Selena Gomez - Round & Round - 7.663
Highest: 10 x 3 (
Lowest: 3 (
Sprocky's BF) 5 x 2 (
My Score: 8
Voter Bloc 1: #35
Voter Bloc 2: #17
Voter Bloc 3: #20
Voter Bloc 4: #16
Voter Bloc 5: #24
Final Voters: #32
Charts: #24 (U.S.) #47 (UK) #62 (Austria) #19 (Belgium) #44 (Brazil) #51 (Canada) #19 (Chile) #52 (Germany) #39 (Slovakia)
Certifications: Platinum (U.S.)
Release: Lead single from Selena's second album
A Year Without Rain in June 2010.
Songwriters: Kevin Rudolf (producer), Andrew Bolooki (producer), Fefe Dobson, Jeff Halavacs (Producer), Jacob Kasher
Fun Fact: Kevin Rudolf talks about how the song came about and who it was originally planned for:
"It's actually a song I was writing with Fefe Dobson. We played it for LA Reid (Def Jam CEO). He thought it was great but it was too dance-y for Fefe, so we gave it to Selena and she loved it. She cut the vocals in Budapest and sent them back. I like Fefe a lot! She's a good writer, and she's got a great voice. I also produced Fefe's single "Ghost". We had the song sitting around, and I thought it might work for Rihanna at one point because it was a lot dancier. It wasn't as rock 'n' roll as it is now. We played it for Fefe and she loved it though. We added some rock drums and guitars, and it worked for her."
Hazey's Focus: I've always had a love/hate relationship with this. It's simple that the
"Booooy, I need you here with me..." never fails to hook me but the repetitiveness of the chorus makes me feel like I've gone round-n-round and I'm dizzy in the wrong way. There was a time where I deleted the song from my library completely and at some point I made peace with it being something I'd listened to on a rare occasion. So my 8 might seem a bit high in retrospect because I've had better situations with some my others 8s in this rate, but that's the power of my Selena.
@Sprockrooster (5) is me if I had the strength to give queen a lower score:
"Great pre-chorus. Too bad the chorus is nothing special."
@WhenTheSunGoesDown (7.75) knows exactly where all the album's best songs can be found:
"Justice for Summer's Not Hot!" Summer's Not Hot = 10, Off the Chain = 10, Spotlight = 10, that one with the featured vocalist = far from 10
Get your freakin' lives people!
All I can say about this attempted connection from
@livefrommelbs (9) is nah-uh:
"Naturally's slighter-lesser-but-still-absolutely-amazing younger sister"
@Sally_Harper (9) needs to repent to Selegend for her sins, which these days probably involves the punishments of eating glass and getting back with Bieber a bunch of times:
"I really like this! If I sound surprised, it’s because I am, as I always remembered Selena and the Scene as being a bit shit. I may have made a mistake."
We get a preview that somehow Naturally didn't change
@iheartpoptarts's (10) life like this did:
"I think this is the first Selena song I played to death. The pre-chorus is IT."
@31entrance (10) puts Selena into a rare category:
"tied for best song with the word “Round Round” in the title with the Sugababes." Don't tell the rest of the forum you think this, ddd