The song at #2 was actually at or near the top the longest during voting, but everything changed on literally the last day when I entered the final ballots.
Both of these songs helped establish their singer as a popstar, so in a way it's fitting to have two groundbreaking moments represent the finale.
I think I always expected "Come Clean" to be here. Since it had won it's rate in dominating fashion and many of our voters were more deeply rooted in the 'classics' from our Disney stars. I honestly would've expected "Love Song" to take the crown for Selena, like it had before so I slowly became more and more excited to see one of my all-time favorites constantly in the Top 3. I was audibly rooting it on with each ballot.
They both battled throughout, switching places on multiple occasions. They both were #1 at different times and more than once. Every ballot seemed to shake things up dramatically. Then one of our final voters handed out the final blow and it was over.
@Blond sent their ballot I stared at a string of 2s and wondered if this was going to be another troll vote and that I'd have to refuse it. The problem is they gave out of as many high scores as they did low scores, so I really couldn't do anything about it.
The song in first place got a 6 from him and the eventual winner got a 9. This was literally the difference.
Not as much of a storybook ending as I would've hoped and some may say this is a bit anti-climatic, but I better be able to have a repeat winner join the next Winner's rate (or the #2 song). Otherwise I might start a riot.
#1. Hilary Duff - Come Clean - 9.525
Highest: 11 x 2 (@31entrance, @livefrommelbs) 10 x 12 (
@Hurricane Drunk,
Sprocky's BF,
Lowest: 7 (
@aniraz) 7.5 (
@Alouder98) 8 x 2 (
@iheartpoptarts) 9 x 2 (
Voter Bloc 1: #1
Voter Bloc 2: #6
Voter Bloc 3: #3
Voter Bloc 4: #2
Voter Bloc 5: #1
Final Voters: #1
Charts: #35 (U.S.) #18 (UK) #7 (Canada) #17 (Australia) #2 (Belgium) #29 (France) #16 (Ireland) #8 (Netherlands) #17 (New Zealand) #12 (Spain) #78 (Switzerland)
Certifications: Gold (U.S.)
Release: Second single from Hilary's debut
Metamorphosis, in January 2004.
Songwriters: Kara DioGuardi, John Shanks (also producer)
The Voting Panel:
@iheartpoptarts (8) -
"I do hope this doesn’t win the whole thing this time!"
@Sally_Harper (8) -
"Oh, the angst. I don’t think this has aged well but again, I loved it when I was younger so it still deserves a decent score. Also, the second Hilary lyric that makes me piss myself laughing features in this song, and it is “Going out is better than ALWAYS STAYING IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN.” HAHAHA. I always loved that the video is basically the whole “wandering around while it’s raining, looking melodramatically out of windows and pretending you’re in a music video” thing come to life…in a music video. How meta."
@Blond (9) -
"A fucking classic"
@Martyn (9) -
"I actually think the 2005 Remix is the best version of this song. The mix for Best Of is also good, but very of its time."
@DJHazey (10) -
"Always going to be a classic with reason. My favorites parts are how the verses and chorus are in high contrast, making the chorus really explode like it does and of course the "I'm cumming coming" but from queen."
@unnameable (10) -
"this is from her imperial phase."
@Remorque (10) -
"Probably the most instant (and best) song on her debut album for me. It's the one I listened to the most when I first bought the album and it's probably the only one from that album I genuinely come back to from time to time."
@Sprockrooster (10) -
"Instantly recognizable and demanding me to sing along passionately."
@Pecans (10) -
"Once again, Hilary delivers with a sad teenbop. Come Clean is pop perfection, but we already knew that."
@WhenTheSunGoesDown (10) -
"I’ll never get over the original demo featuring the lyric “Let the rain fall down and wet my dreams”."
@GhettoPrincess (10) -
"”Let’s go back, back to the beginning” Wow just wow, this song just seems timeless in a way. The production, vocals and lyrics. I can see Hilary singing it now. It’s just one of those songs that’s a joy to listen and is relatable. Definitely her best single."
@31entrance (11) -
"A. TIMELESS. BOP. and that kinda dramatic chorus near the end still gives me goosebumps."
@livefrommelbs (11) -
"MY 11 FOREVER. This is the one for me. I was the laminate to my stan card back then, and it's arguably the reason I'm still a ride-or-die in 2018. No flaws detected. The perfect blend of the guitar-pop that was Hilary's earlier calling card, and the class-act dance-pop that she made her own in the later years."
So close to providing us that upset victory we always crave!
#2. Selena Gomez - Naturally - 9.350
Highest: 10 x 15 (
@Hurricane Drunk,
Lowest: 6 x 2 (
Sprocky's BF,
@Blond) 7 (
@Sally_Harper) 9 x 2 (
Check this out..
Voter Bloc 1: #2
Voter Bloc 2: #2
Voter Bloc 3: #1
Voter Bloc 4: #1
Voter Bloc 5: #2
Final Voters: #2
That's right, Selegend never left the Top 2 once.
Charts: #29 (U.S.) #7 (UK) #46 (Australia) #37 (Austria) #7 (Belgium) #59 (Brazil) #13 (Bulgaria) #18 (Canada) #7 (Chile) #39 (Czech Republic) #19 (Europe) #14 (Germany) #4 (Hungary) #7 (Ireland) #20 (New Zealand) #5 (Scotland) #2 (Slovakia) #36 (Spain) #56 (Sweden) #54 (Switzerland) #2 (Taiwan)
Year-End Charts: #77 (U.S.) #160 (UK) #53 (Belgium) #89 (Canada) #129 (Germany)
Certifications: 4x Platinum (U.S.)
Platinum (Canada)
Release: Second single from Selena's debut album
Kiss & Tell, in December 2009.
Songwriters: Antonina Armato, Tim James, Devrim Karaoglu (all producers)
Voting Panel:
@Sally_Harper (7) -
"This is very chilled but also quite a bop."
@iheartpoptarts (9) -
"I feel like this is one of those songs that made the world go “Oh, wait, Disney pop, actually quite good.”
@DJHazey (10) -
"Whatever words you conjure up to explain this song and what it does to you, at your very core -- will never ever be enough. Her voice during the verses is that of an angel and "If you are the thunder and I am the lightning" is one of the most iconic lines in pop music this century. The whole chorus blows the damn doors off, climbs inside you, and alters you permanently. There isn't a single part of this song deserving demerits, and to give any would truly bring your hearing into question. Production, lyrics, vocals, instrumentals, verse, bridge, chorus, middle 8, beat, etc. 10, 10, 10, 10, …also bonus fun fact this is my Mom's absolute favorite Disney era song and when I told her about the result she said she couldn't even remember Come Clean. Oops."
@unnameable (10) -
"Whatever happened to “the scene”?"
@WhenTheSunGoesDown (10) -
"I miss The Scene."
@livefrommelbs (10) -
"Perfect in its original form, but the Dave Aude remix is one of my all-time faves. So good - the first time Selena served us POPSTAR."
@Sprockrooster (10) -
"That massive production is the main reason this gets elevated so high in the sky."
@Pecans (10) -
"Naturally quickly became one of my favourite songs after she got some Habbo Hotel promo. Truly iconic. Going down the purer pop root sooner than the other Disney girls gave Selena such a good advantage over the rest of them; this was genuinely a massive hit for her. A competitor for my 11."
I'd like to thank everyone for voting and sending amazing commentary. We had some surprise results, some questionable opinions, and everything else. Thanks to those of you who kept the thread alive. I hope everyone enjoying going through what is undoubtedly my favorite subgenre of pop, a style of music I'm quite passionate about. I'm so proud of this idea and how everything came together for it. It was so satisfying to have a complete collection of everything from the Disney/Nick eras together in one place and see how the dominos would fall. See everyone for my future ventures in the Popjustice rate universe.