Rahim Redcar (fka Christine and the Queens)

That'll be the missing the Fever Ray London date...I pray

Trying to get in the mood for tonight, got this album on a loop
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The album is a nice soundtrack for when you're tipsy and walking around at night but I don't think I would have liked it in another context. I feel like these songs work better live with a theatrical treatment and not really as a proper studio album that you can listen to regularly... It's like an hour-long demo track.

Now give me the Mike Dean album.
Still not sure what I made of the show. There were certainly some great moments like Je te vois enfin, but it just felt confused, I quite liked the am-dram/prop-room aesthetic but it's a hard one to pull off. I'm hoping we get a more worked out show for Meltdown, with band and older songs too.
I don't get the demo feeling, or even worse, the La Roux - Supervision comparison. It doesn't sound undercooked like the latter but instead seems to be going for a very specific sound that isn't the most accessible. There's a lot of stuff in here that reminds me of coldwave or darkwave acts for example. I feel like the emphasis on a cold atmosphere, the looser song structures, or even the atonal vocals and dissonant melodies that pop up here and there are drawn from those genres. I like the album but I'd lie if I said the first listen wasn't jarring though, especially after being used to his poppier, more polished offerings. I'm still having a hard time with the vocals (delivery wise) at times but I don't have any issues with the production.
Has he even done any promotion in France? Apart from the presentation concerts, that is. Coming from a flop and no one paying attention... he needs it. But then again if the label is not interested it's not going to happen.

I personally don't enjoy the album. I can appreciate the intention, there's several good ideas sprinkled on it, but yeah, this sounds exactly like a rushed, stream of consciousness album. The relentless atonal harmonies are not it... But I don't lose faith in his talent and I actually quite liked the performance he has uploaded from the concert in Paris. I would love to see Redcar et les adorables étoiles live.
Has the "(prologue)" always been part of the album title or was it added recently? I definitely remember reading the title without it in multiple places. It's kinda giving damage control ff
Has the "(prologue)" always been part of the album title or was it added recently? I definitely remember reading the title without it in multiple places. It's kinda giving damage control ff
It was added a few months after the pre-order first went live. This was always intended as a teaser for the "proper" album that was due early next year along with a more extensive tour although it looks like the mixed reception to this is forcing them to rethink their plans dd.
