Random Thoughts

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It rained today, and the humidity fucked my hair. And I had to wait nearly 20 minutes for a train. Said train was packed. And the air conditioner wasn't on high enough so everyone was sweaty. Did not appreciate it.

I did order a pair of JCrew skinny sweatpants for $17 though, that was nice, almost made up for the Mr. Porter sale being a bit shit for my size.
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I'm glad this has returned.

I hate everyone today and was an actual dickhead to everyone I've spoken to. Oop.
I can't really decide what to do today. Just moved into my new apartment and I'm in an exciting new city, yet the endless possibilities seem not worth the trouble of deciding.

I saw two dead deer this week.

I got to see a dead armadillo driving through the desert the other day. It seemed to be completely intact as well, not squished or bloodied heaps of limbs like most smaller animals.
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