Rihanna - 9th Album

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Isn't this funded by Apple Music? There has to be something music wise. Also rumblings about an arena tour?

But honestly I agree. No hype. And with so many big hitters coming I don't even care that much about a Rihanna tour. Especially if it would be Greatest Hits. I have seen her four times and while it was always fun, she was mostly the weakest link. Half assed choreography, barely singing along to her songs... definitely on the lower ends of efforts I saw popstars put into shows.

That said Anti Tour was great but she really isn't leading my list of people to see anymore.
The only thing that makes me think music is coming is the fact they used the audio of 2000-whatever days since the last album. Don’t know why they would mention that if nothing was coming but then it is Riri.

I think that the reason there’s no hype is because she isn’t showing any hype or excitement.
I think that the reason there’s no hype is because she isn’t showing any hype or excitement.
She's been dragging her heels for such a long time on the topic of new music, that at this point whenever she decides to drop a new album it's bound to just feel like "ugh, here's the new music, now shut the fuck up".

At least that's the energy I'm getting at the current moment.
Isn't this funded by Apple Music? There has to be something music wise. Also rumblings about an arena tour?

But honestly I agree. No hype. And with so many big hitters coming I don't even care that much about a Rihanna tour. Especially if it would be Greatest Hits. I have seen her four times and while it was always fun, she was mostly the weakest link. Half assed choreography, barely singing along to her songs... definitely on the lower ends of efforts I saw popstars put into shows.

That said Anti Tour was great but she really isn't leading my list of people to see anymore.
The Anti Tour was the opposite of what you describe - she put a ton of passion and energy into her own performance, and vocally she was as good as I've ever heard her. Everything else - ill-chosen setlist, drab stage design, complete lack of atmosphere, terrible scheduling (hey, let's plug the gap left when the big name support pulled out with...nothing!) - was the problem.
The Anti Tour was the opposite of what you describe - she put a ton of passion and energy into her own performance, and vocally she was as good as I've ever heard her. Everything else - ill-chosen setlist, drab stage design, complete lack of atmosphere, terrible scheduling (hey, let's plug the gap left when the big name support pulled out with...nothing!) - was the problem.
That's what I meant with "That said Anti Tour was great".
That's what I meant with "That said Anti Tour was great".
Yes I know, I was agreeing with you! Probably could have worded it better.

I wouldn't be averse to seeing her again someday, but in an arena. Seeing the Formation tour in the same venue the following week really brought home how shoddy the whole thing was (and this isn't me pitting her against Beyoncé, if the other show had been Muse or Coldplay I'd still draw the comparison). Stadium shows are a difficult thing to pull off and not everyone can do it.
Four-time musical director Adam Blackstone says the music superstar’s highly-anticipated performance will be “a moment in time that people will never have seen or heard before.”

Now I'm scared.
Part of me think she’s going to pull a Katy and give a couple minutes to someone else… maybe SZA to do Kill Bill.
If there really is a tour I wonder how much they hate Bey right now? Some of us easily go to all shows we want to but most here and in general can't afford more than one big show per season or year or whatever.

Although I doubt she would have problems selling out arenas in the end if the Super Bowl is good.
My fever dream Super Bowl setlist:

Hard / Don’t Stop The Music intro
Only Girl (In the World)
Rude Boy / Roc Me Out
Skin / Sex With Me
Kiss It Better

wanted to fit in Cold Case Love, Do Ya Thang, Shut Up and Drive also x
G4L would be the most Let’s be epic choice… I have to see it!
If there really is a tour I wonder how much they hate Bey right now? Some of us easily go to all shows we want to but most here and in general can't afford more than one big show per season or year or whatever.

Although I doubt she would have problems selling out arenas in the end if the Super Bowl is good.

There's room for everyone, especially after such a long stretch with no shows. If Rihanna's tour doesn't sell, it'll have nothing to do with Beyonce. SZAs shows are selling incredibly well. Madonna's tour is massive. Apparently both Cardi and Meg will be touring this summer, too. It's going to be crowded, but Rihanna is one of the biggest names in the industry and has a massive platform to sell herself as a performer... so it's on her and her team to move tickets.
There's room for everyone, especially after such a long stretch with no shows. If Rihanna's tour doesn't sell, it'll have nothing to do with Beyonce. SZAs shows are selling incredibly well. Madonna's tour is massive. Apparently both Cardi and Meg will be touring this summer, too. It's going to be crowded, but Rihanna is one of the biggest names in the industry and has a massive platform to sell herself as a performer... so it's on her and her team to move tickets.
I Know there’s place for everyone. That’s why I said she won’t have problems but if the show is good. They still trigger the same market. Just saying it may be a bit harder to shift tickets in this economy and therefore more things happening means less for everybody.
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