Rihanna - 9th Album

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If there really is a tour I wonder how much they hate Bey right now? Some of us easily go to all shows we want to but most here and in general can't afford more than one big show per season or year or whatever.

Although I doubt she would have problems selling out arenas in the end if the Super Bowl is good.
Completely understand this question! I've seen a few people say it's bad timing for Beyonce so soon after Madonna dates as they've spent alot of money

But I don't think they'd be hating on Bey, I do wonder how much insight they all have to timings etc
Surely it can't be the ticket companies that determine Madonna will go on sale Wednesday for example and Beyonce a Tuesday? (General sale)
Why are the gossip sites saying she's going to surprise release an album?

Variety+ (whatever that is) said she will on Apple Music following halftime. They obviously didn't go through PrayForR8.

Variety ADMITTED the whole thing was speculation in the article but that didn't prevent every pop music twitter "news source" to pick up the story and run with it. It's so ridiculous
Not sure if it’s because my Apple Music has some weird iTunes Match issue but does Wait Your Turn mess up for anyone else right at the start and end?
Variety+ (whatever that is) said she will on Apple Music following halftime. They obviously didn't go through PrayForR8.
I’m not buying it because I physically and mentally cannot do this again.

I do believe the tour rumours. The S*n are also running it too and often seem to get some intel right with this?
Oh guys... I don't believe the album rumours at all. I just posted it here because people had been speculating for hours.

The tour stuff is probably true but I don't know anything!
Completely understand this question! I've seen a few people say it's bad timing for Beyonce so soon after Madonna dates as they've spent alot of money

But I don't think they'd be hating on Bey, I do wonder how much insight they all have to timings etc
Surely it can't be the ticket companies that determine Madonna will go on sale Wednesday for example and Beyonce a Tuesday? (General sale)

This is a strange thing to say because rhe core audience for these artists are a generation apart.
A tour with no new album is giving farewell tour, to be honest. I’m still not convinced we’re getting new music or a tour, I feel like we’ve been here way too often before.
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