
Hunterpoop said:
Well i think I was kind of going out on a limb by bringing it up in the first place. I just think in the really superficial African American culture which covets straight hair and light skin Rihanna should perhaps be aware that she demonstrates an impossible ideal and perhaps give more of a self-love message... Or something.

WOAH - generalization much? Not all black people want to be lighter or have straighter hair, and there are plenty who look down on the whole weave-culture etc. Allegations of Beyoncé's skin lightning are taken note of for a reason - namely, that plenty of people would find it greatly upsetting and not something to be aspired to/coveted/envied.
I heard "Princess Of China" on Capital of all places earlier, so I would assume that is Coldplay's latest single. Insane.
It was originally announced by Billboard as the 3rd single, however Coldplay's record label has actually denied it's a single at this point. Don't know what kind of game they're trying to play, but if you have a Rihanna feature on your album you fucking release it. THAT'S JUST THE WAY THE GAME IS PLAYED.
SilverSurfer said:
I'd say In the Zone and Talk That Talk are about on the same level. Talk That Talk lacks the "holy shit" moment that was Toxic, but its more consistent.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks like that.


3Xs said:
It was originally announced by Billboard as the 3rd single, however Coldplay's record label has actually denied it's a single at this point. Don't know what kind of game they're trying to play, but if you have a Rihanna feature on your album you fucking release it. THAT'S JUST THE WAY THE GAME IS PLAYED.
But they better wait their turn, because our girl RiRi has got two songs out, a feature with Nicki on the radio and another with Drake.
And she's got We Found Love at the top if its game and You Da One about to make its impact.

Insane. She is actually everywhere.
Grrrl I love you but you need to get this tardiness in order. It's just not professional, even if everyone there puts up with it anyway...

Running on 'Bajan Time' indeed.
It is bad to be late, but some of the comments are quite funny.

Rihanna is a star in decline, and this is a sad symptom of not just her disregard for her fans, but her own reputation. I genuinely feel sorry, and worry about how this may end.

I don't even need to look at that article to know that the comments will have degenerated into, "Down with Rihanna! MOAR ARTICLES ABOUT PINK FLOYD PLEASE." in the usual self-entitled way readers of the Guardian do.
Looks like they love her all the same, even if she is late. From last night's show:

I found this funny "A 12-year-old nephew asked why on earth I went to see Rihanna anyway. On reflection, he had a point."

HAAA! Realllllllly?


michaelhird said:
I found this funny "A 12-year-old nephew asked why on earth I went to see Rihanna anyway. On reflection, he had a point."

HAAA! Realllllllly?

He's the cool goth of his class.
Spoke to someone I know at the weekend who worked on the We Found Love video.

They said she was 5 hours late on day 1 and day 2 and so it ended up being a 3 day video shoot.

They also said some a lot more about her in terms of what they witnessed during the shoot - which as a fan I found surprising and concerning.
Online articles tend to carry comments from uninformed nutjobs. Well done. Fire is hot too! Never mind commenting on the actual article, though.
