my brain is brokenDd sis it's a Saturday
my brain is brokenDd sis it's a Saturday
FUQ a recency-bias, she's firmly in my Top 3 all-time winners now. Everything about her and her trajectory on the show just spoke to me.I think enough time has passed to officially put Jaida in the top tier of winners. A fountain of charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent.
Elliot is giving me "most annoying queen of the season" for some reason
Lovechild of Nina West and Sherry Pie.
Jan's sister, Rosé
FUQ a recency-bias, she's firmly in my Top 3 all-time winners now. Everything about her and her trajectory on the show just spoke to me.
We never got a forced "I'm not good enough" archetypical reality storyline that Drag Race likes to beat into some contestants' heads.
Ms Excellence Hall knew she was that bitch from the moment she stepped onto the set, and she was just waiting for the rest of the world to catch up. Even when she "stumbled" (which arguably wasn't her fault), she still remained faultless (See: Her Bottom 2 lipsync).
Tl;dr: Stan Jaida absolutely every night xo