Sabrina Carpenter - Short n’ Sweet (Deluxe)

Haven't had a chance to listen to the album but Taste is really good. The video is instantly iconic. Also I'm going to chose to believe the fence scene is a reference to the cinematic masterpiece The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.


Her mind!
Even though I love "Juno" and "Coincidence," I think she sells the more straightforward pop tracks like "Bed Chem," "Espresso," and "Taste" best. Or maybe her vocal suits them more? "Juno" would sound cathartic sung by a belter.
It’s lyrically Katy in a way that her spin on things is she throws in a crass/edgy/quirky line that throws you off. Her singing “I’m so fucking horny” on the bridge of Juno is kinda giving “You make me feel like I’m losing my virginity”.

She plays the “hot girl that knows she’s hot, but is tongue in cheek about it” archetype, like Katy!
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I’ve done the biggest 180 on Sharpest Tool since first listening. It was initially a throwaway but now it’s one of my favorites. I think the only one I still don’t care for is Lie to Girls.
Oh. I see what you're saying now. I just didn't hear "Fingerprints" all. I pretend "Ur So Gay" doesn't exist. Mozart and "I hope you hang yourself with an H&M scarf" are pretty funny though.

I never meant sonically. I was purely speaking to how both "One of the Boys" and "Fingerprints" function as statements in the same way "Taste" does. That intro alone sets up the entire record:

Oh, I leave quite an impression
Five feet to be exact
You're wonderin' why half his clothes went missin'
My body's where they're at
Now I'm gone, but you're still layin'
Next to me, one degree of separation


I saw a spider, I didn't scream
'Cause I can belch the alphabet
Just double dog dare me
And I chose guitar over ballet
And I tape these suckers down
'Cause they just get in my way


Voted most likely
To end up on the back of a milk box drink
Looks like I'm letting 'em down

Obviously they're singing about different things. It's really just the tone of them. Katy is setting up an album that separates herself from the other girls. Sabrina is setting up the story about a love triangle that she tells throughout the record. Also it's not that serious of a comparison, but other people have noted it as well so it's not coming from nowhere dd
