


I think the whole Oral Fixation Vol. 2 project was mishandled by SonyBMG - they clearly had no idea what to do with it, after rushing her to complete it when she was still promoting Vol. 1. They even had a radio remix made for "Animal City," only to go with "Illegal," months and months after "Hips Don't Lie," and then not give it a proper push, leaving it to flop.

I think she works better in Spanish - I adore "¿Dónde Están Los Ladrones?" - it is a really diverse album, with no two songs sounding similar. Ideally, I'd like a 18track album, with 9 Spanish songs, and 9 English songs, the obvious 3 or so singles being on there in both Spanish and English.
hay amores and despedida are both lovely songs.

I actually quite like the 'ballads' that she does in spanish. I have no idea what she is singing about (as I can't speak spansih) but they always sound so emotive and lush.

As with the whole oral fixation fiascos... I'll never get over it. SHe recorded over 50 tracks and all we got on the english version was 9 new songs (intitially before hips don't lie was tacked on) . I was MAJORLY pissed off. I had bought the spanish album and loved it but again there were only 10 tracks and 2 remixes...

In the spanish speaking world she can record and release whatever she wants but I honestly think that the A&r and Sonys should have really sat her down and talked about what style she should have gone for the english record. To english speakers , this was her second record AND she was missing for 4 years! What made her a hit first time around was quirky lyrics, intresting instrumentation and off course , ethnic dancing. WHat did we get? An Avril/Kelly CLarkson/Alanis-esque first single and a pretty dull record.

Would in not have made sense to put some hip shaking tracks on the english record in the first place?? FUnny how both Beautiful Liar and Hips did so well . NOte that they are also ethnic tinged tracks! That's what people want from her in the english speaking world . This record was not different from what else was out there already.


I totally agree - I mean, "Don't Bother" would have been fine on Volume 1, in Spanish, because it actually fits with the sound she was doing 5 or so years earlier, but it just sounded generic on English language pop radio. "Animal City" or "Timor" would have been great lead singles, and the latter would have given her a fair amount of controversy publicity too, however they made a choice that they thought would be a 'safe' choice for a hit, knowing that "La Tortura" had done fairly well in the USA and that she was somewhat re-established, and it backfired.

I think SonyBMG rushed her with Volume 2; she said there would be no translations, as all the songs had come to her in one language and she'd kept it at that, and then we got a couple anyway, and it was their idea to send her to The Matrix to write some guaranteed hits, rather than give her time and space to do it how she wanted, anyway!
just a boring tidbit.. I was travelling around Indonesia last year and on the Oral Fix. 2 album tracklisting.. TIMOR was titled as It's Alright

Timor should have most def. been the first single. you are right! it would have gained alot of attention from the press and it would bring back into the public domain the plight of the timorese.


I think they retitled it for a lot of the Middle-East and surrounding areas, and some areas had "How Do You Do" removed, and the cover censored!!
I quite liked Don't Bother. I thought it would have been bigger than it was, but never really listen to it anymore.

Was Pure Intuition not going to be released in Europe? I have an English version of the song and was obsessed with it for ages!
Still, she's looking hot as always.
Stunning new tracks. 'Despidida' is particularly compelling and passionate, proves she's still got it after kettle-boilers like 'Hips don't lie' and 'Beautiful Liar'. She's an amazing little package is Shaks.
Steve said:
I think they retitled it for a lot of the Middle-East and surrounding areas, and some areas had "How Do You Do" removed, and the cover censored!!

That's right!!

the indonesian ed. had a cardboard slip which was the DOn't BOther Cd single cover..only with Oral Fixation vol. 2 on it!

I wish she didn't take so long between records!

Would be lovley to hear the tracks that didn't make the records.... hasnt she heard of B sides?
I really like "Hay Amores" - she looks great in the video. "La Despedida" is really good too. She did a live performance of it in the US which made me love it more.

I love Shakira in general. My favourite album of hers has to be "¿Dónde Están Los Ladrones?" each track is really good, opposed to her other albums where some tracks I don't like as much. "Ojos Así" is the icing on the cake.

It's a shame the Oral Fixation era didn't work out too well, especially the English speaking version. I hope the next album is more like "Whenever, Wherever" rather than "Hips Don't Lie" (which is poor). And I hope we won't have to wait years either!
What ever happened to that other track with wyclef she did? I heard a wasn't very good but would still like it! king of queens or something like that!

Found it!

it's ok....nothing fabulous!
I hope so. I love Shkaira. She is a fantastic lyricist and great songwriter. Oral Fixation and LAundry Service are two of my favourite albums of the decade.
I've just been listening to Animal City and wondering where she got the eviscerated cow mooing sound from! Also, 'The Day and The Time' is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. Come back Shakira!
I concur. Pop needs Shakira. No Hips Don't Lie Part 2 though!

I hope she finds a way of creating a balance between her Spanish and English stuff on the one album, like she did with Laundry Service, so that promotion can be more focused and videos a bit bigger budget.
Her lyrics are an absolute delight. Especially on Don't Bother, but on both English albums. Really quirky without actually trying. Love this girl!
There was a time when the spoken middle-8 could choke me up everytime, without fail.

For you I'd give up all I own
And move to a communist country
If you came with me of course
And I'd file my nails,
So they don't hurt you
Lose those pounds
Learn about football
If it made you stay
But you won't,
But you won't


For someone that had only been speaking English for a few years prior to writing this, I think she has a brilliantly poetic way with English lyrics. I think the fact that she doesn't have a pure and rigid grasp of English grammar means she's more likely to be experimental, that's when you get the weird curveball lyrics that, I dunno, just 'work'.

"You say you love me like no other, but you can't live on bread alone"

That is my fave spoken bit in a song ever. It totally turns around the sentiment of the song from 'fuck you - you dumped me for that privately educated, six foot tall, tai-chi practicing, fluent French speaking kitchen goddess and I hate you but I'll get over it' to 'I wish you hadn't done that cos I would have done anything for you'. Heartbreaking!
I was dissapointed in Oral Fixation Part.2. Only song I liked was Hips Don't Lie. Also her voice has become abit annoying to me. But I loved Laundry Service and hope she goes back to that style.
