Ugh, I really do not like Fear. It's the goat vocals, and the lack of a tune.
Get rid of all that Hormonally Yours filler!!!!
there are some tracks from Hormonally Yours stinking out the rate!
Oh, finally....haha....Let Me Entertain You is a classic example of why about half the Hormonally Yours album frustrates the hell out of me.
Some decent ideas floating around, but there's usually a hackneyed, lazy attitude to the rhythm track, the arrangements are way too safe and too many times they forgot to write a strong enough chorus.
Irony at a Hormonally Yours b-side that's actually better than half the album proper being the 2nd to leave.
more Hormonally Yours filler.
Yes, FINALLY some of the Hormonal Deadwood is cleared.
Now we just need about 3 more Hormonally Challenged duds to depart and then it's all good.
Horrible cut!!
My top 3 average is 9.33. I hope Kiss Them for Me wins but I wouldn't really mind if it's something else. You just know the Cocteau Twins are going to get tanked in the next Winners Rate if they win though
It's a highly divisive track! Personally, I would have lived for a shock exit at like 19.One of the reasons why I didn´t participate in this rate: I always hated Stay with a passion!